How You Can Manipulate Time, With These 9 Powerful Time Management Tips…

When you were playing games, watching tv, or talking with someone you caught in the supermarket that you haven’t seen in ages, did you constantly moan and look at the time hoping your activity would finish?

I don’t think so, you were probably sucked in with enjoyment.

But let me ask you this, when you were in the classroom as a child, did you constantly look at the clock because you wanted to go home?

Why is it that in one scenario you wouldn’t even realize the time swept away but, in the other, you can feel every millisecond go by? The main reason is interest, you were interested in what you were doing.

Or as the saying goes…

“Time flies when you’re having fun”.

– Shakespeare

You’ve probably seen this in extremely successful business owners and entrepreneurs, they have a huge number of tasks, but they get done because they have a passion for what they do.

But how does this apply to you, and what if you have a passion for your business but still need to manage your time successfully?

Let’s start with the first tip on how to schedule your day for optimal productivity.

1. Delegate


Don’t worry I’m not telling you to sell your entire company.

What I’m trying to get across is if you want to have more time, money, and freedom, you’re going to have to focus on where your best skills and time are, and delegate the other things that you aren’t good at, and aren’t worth your time.

For example, when someone signs up to Amazon and receives a thank you email, do you think it was typed and sent by Jeff Bezos?

He would never leave his computer! What you can do is automate these types of tasks, so you don’t have to worry about the cost of time or employees.

But there are certain things you wouldn’t give a robot to do, this is when you find real people to delegate these tasks to.

The best option is to hire remote workers for certain projects, this can cut down costs, and you normally pay to countries that don’t have such expensive living conditions.

A great example is Fiverr or Upwork, these are two companies that I have used to get great freelance and remote workers, to do tasks that I can’t be bothered to do, or aren’t specialized in doing.



(If you click on the Fiverr link right now you will get 20% off your first purchase).

2. Be efficient

What I mean by this is can you think about anything in your business that annoys you, or adds friction as to why you want to do something?

Maybe the coffee dispenser is too far away, the desk looks untidy, or you don’t like sitting in that uncomfortable chair.

I know these are little annoyances but as an entrepreneur, we would like to be in our best state of mind.

And, if we can have a great environment, this allows us to focus on making an impact in our business, and less on why there is an ugly painting on the wall.

3. Reduce distractions

“Oh, sorry is this distracting you?”

“Oh no, it’s fine”.

Let’s be honest, you know fully well whatever that person was doing was distracting, you just didn’t want to look rude.

How about the time you had work to do, but your phone would keep on making that tempting notification noise, which made you think you just had to look at who it was.

Just to find out it was nothing urgent, or you have that one person at work that’s always distracting you.

I know how it is, having to fight against your own procrastination and time-wasting, then having to put your foot down to stop others from robbing your time.

Remember you only have so much time before it’s gone, so promise me you’re going to use all the courage you have, and tell the other person to please let you focus for a while.

However, if you’re the type of person who gets distracted easily by devices, put your phone on do not disturb mode, if you need to go a step further put your phone in another room, so you can’t reach it easily.

But what if I use the device, I get procrastinated on?

Don’t worry I’ve got you covered, there are many apps on desktop and mobile that you can install that will block certain apps and websites for a period of time.

For computers, you can get: Block site:

For mobile phones get: Zero willpower(IOS):

BlockerX (Andriod):

If you would like a further read on how to stop procrastination, you can view my blog post here.

👇 👇 👇

4. Write your goals the day before

I got this one from Graham Stephan, he plans what he’s doing tomorrow the day before, but why should you do this?

Because it will give you clarity on what needs to be done the next day, instead of asking yourself.

“What am I going to do today?”

5. Tell your prospects when they can and cannot contact you

I know some of you want to always be ready to receive a call from your prospect or business partner, just to show how quick and reliable you are.

Or you would rather leave your child’s school play so you can take a phone call outside? I know you’re trying your best, but you have to realize you can’t be available 24/7.

What you can do is tell your prospects when to contact you, so you can prepare and do other things with your time instead of being like a high school boyfriend waiting for your girlfriend to call you back.

This also puts you at a stand of authority since people have to wait for YOUR time, and they have to chase YOU, not the other way round.

6. Don’t multi-task

Sorry but you’re not an octopus, you can’t do everything all at once, I know we like the idea of being this superhuman entrepreneur that can handle thousands of things at once, but in reality, you’re only going to take your focus off, more and more.

Here’s an example, you have an email you need to send, and it should take 10 minutes, you’re also trying to watch this online course that should take you 30 mins.

If you were to do one at a time you would be finished in 40 minutes, however, your time and mental focus are split, so it takes you double the time to complete each task.

Another thing to consider is that it gives you a sense of accomplishment to keep on going, especially when you’ve fully completed one of your goals, instead of multi-tasking, and not feeling like you’ve accomplished anything.

In summary, trying to juggle a hundred things is only going to tire you out, just focus on one and keep on going from there.

7. Find your time

I hear a lot of YouTubers talking about how people must wake up at 4 am to be successful and as much as the idea sounds good, I would have to say for my body I don’t like it.

What you should do is find the time that you ‘re the most awake, and productive, and use that time hard, instead of trying to work for the whole day, and having your performance drop.

8. Reward yourself

I know as an entrepreneur it can feel difficult to switch off, you feel like there are a hundred things that need to be done, and if you’re not there your business is going to collapse.

But what I’ve discovered is that you need to be able to treat yourself, so you can keep your own happiness.

Maybe it’s going on holiday with others, taking a trip to the spa, resting in bed a little longer, or buying yourself something expensive.

Whatever it is, just remember to block a certain bit of time where you receive nothing business-related.

COME ON! you deserve it!

Here is a video from Dan Lok that talks about How To Relax And Still Get Work Done…

9. Get rid of the top do list

I know it sounds odd, but the to-do list is like the graveyard for things that need doing, if they were really that important you would have scheduled it in your calendar.

Here’s an example, do you put your doctor’s appointment on your to-do list or your calendar? Of course, you put it on the calendar, you even mark the exact time because you know you’re going to be in trouble if you miss it.

This should be the same for your businesses, if something needs doing block out the time in your calendar and dedicate your energy to it, LIVE BY YOUR CALENDAR!

Here’s a video from motivationhub that discusses 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management.


We all know successful people manage their time, now you should know the tips, tricks, and techniques, to master your time.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post however I have some gifts that you’re going to love…

The first one is the book called 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management by Kevin Kruse.

This book helps you Double Your Productivity Without Feeling Overworked and Overwhelmed.

What if a few new habits could dramatically increase your productivity, and even 5x or 10x it in key areas?

What if you could get an hour a day to read, exercise, or spend with your family?

New York Times bestselling author, Kevin Kruse, presents the remarkable findings of his study of ultra-productive people.

Based on survey research and interviews with billionaires, Olympic athletes, straight-A students, and over 200 entrepreneurs including Mark Cuban, Kevin Harrington, James Altucher, John Lee Dumas, Pat Flynn, Grant Cardone, and Lewis Howes -Kruse answers the question:

What are the secrets to extreme productivity?

If that sounds like you then click the image, or the link below, to get audible so you can listen to this book for free all day long.

But wait there’s more!

If you’re interested in listening, reading, and visual, I have just finished this online course called The procrastination fix by Steven Stanley it’s a full deep dive into how you can…

✅ Fix procrastination for good.

✅ Have a better mindset that is set for wealth and abundance.

✅ Fight mental health.

✅ Calm yourself in stressful situations.

✅ Have better motivation.

✅ Have better relationships with others.

✅ Self-encouragement when you feel defeated.

✅ Handling other people’s negativity.

And my favorite one is called the millionaire mindset, and a lot more…🥰.

The normal price is $97, but they have a special limited-time discount that has slashed it down to $47, it’s a great deal for any entrepreneur! Since a lot of what we do is mental.

And, if you aren’t in the right frame of mind, you’re going to get stressed out which will lead to you crashing and burning.

If you don’t like what you see, the procrastinating fix has a 60-day full money-back guarantee, and you get to keep the book they send you.

Another thing I loved about the procrastinating fix is that they have Zero shipping costs, forget waiting for weeks for the postal delivery.

You can get started right now! In the comfort, convenience, and peace of your own home, no risk of products lost in the mail or damaged, and you receive products at a lower price because they cost less to produce.

Think about it, how many online courses are charging you $197, $997, $2,497, or even $10,000.

Wouldn’t it be a lot riskier to buy something of that kind of cost?

But for the same price that you spend at a restaurant for 4, you could have information and knowledge that you can use to lift other people in your life to the next level, and grow your business to new heights.

All of that for only $47, take it from someone who has taken this program, if you can’t spend this kind of money for yourself, then how are you ever going to invest in your business?

You’re your greatest asset, so why not start to take more pride in it?

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