You Will Never Look At Life The Same, 5 MOST Eye-Opening Tips For Success In Life

After reading this you will never look at life the same.

Anyone who has ever taken an economics class has heard the phrase “There is no such thing as a free lunch.”

This means that everything has a cost, even if that cost is not always immediately seen, to achieve anything, you must give up something else.

However, in today’s happiness-obsessed culture, most people pursue the opposite, they want, happiness with no costs, we want the rewards without the risks, the game without pain.

But ironically it is this unwillingness to sacrifice anything, that makes us more miserable.

As with anything else, happiness has costs, it’s not free, and despite what your favorite motivational speaker, or entrepreneur YouTuber told you, it’s not always easy.

So, what are the 5 MOST Eye-Opening Tips For Success In Life? I’m glad you asked, let’s get started…

1. You Must Accept Imperfection And Flaws.

Many people believe that if they just collect a house, spouse, car, and kids that everything will be perfect, unfortunately, life has a checklist, and problems don’t just go away, they change and evolve.

And the quicker we accept, that the point of life is progress, and not perfection, the sooner we can be happy, and proud of who we are, where we came from, what we’re doing, and, where we want to go.

Perfection is made-up, it’s something that is approached, but never reached, whatever your idea of perfect is in your head, that, itself is an imperfect concept, we don’t get to decide what perfection is, since we don’t really know.

All we can do is what is better or worse than what is now, and even then, we’re often wrong, when we let go of our concept of what is perfect, and what should be.

We relieve ourselves of the stress and frustration of living up to some fake and unwanted standard, and usually, this standard isn’t even ours, it’s a standard we adopted from other people.

Accepting imperfection is hard, because it forces us to accept that we must live with things we don’t like.

2. You Must Take Responsibility For Your Problems

Blaming the world for our problems is the easy way out, it’s tempting, and it can even be satisfying, we’re the victims and we get to be all dark and depressed, at all the terrible unfair events that have happened to us. 

We swim in our imagined victimhood, to make ourselves feel unique and special in ways we never get to feel unique and special anywhere else, but our problems are not unique, and in ourselves, we are not all that special. 

The beauty of accepting the imperfection of your own knowledge is that you can no longer be certain that you’re not to blame for your own problems.

Are you really late because of traffic or could you have left earlier? Is it really because your manager is an idiot, can’t see talent, and prejudice towards you, that lost you your job, or was there something more you could have done?

The truth is usually somewhere around both, although it varies from situation to situation, the point is that you can only fix your own imperfections and not the imperfections of others.

You may as well get to work with them, blaming others for the problems in your life may give you short term relief. 

But ultimately it implies something even scarier, and that is you are incapable of controlling your own life, and that’s the most depressing assumption to live with. 

3. You Must Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Bravery is not the absence of fear, bravery is feeling of fear, the doubt, the insecurity, but, deciding that something else is more important.

If we identify with our moment-to-moment emotional states and sensitivities, our happiness will surge and crash.

We want a sturdy and constant stream of happiness, not sudden shots of happiness, true long-lasting happiness is not created from our immediate emotional states, being constantly greedy is not only impossible, but it would be extremely annoying.

But, this is rather derived from the deeper values we define for ourselves, our ultimate life satisfaction is not defined by what we do, and what happens to us, but why we do what we do, and why it happens to us. 

4. You Must Find A Deeper Purpose To Your Actions

Is it something superficial or external? Or something deeper and more meaningful? Being motivated by money for the sake of money leads to, unstable emotional stress, and a lot of obnoxious and superficial behavior.

Being motivated by money so you can provide a good life for you and your family, is a much stronger foundation to work with.

That deeper purpose will motivate you through the stress, fear, and failures that superficial motivation would not, being motivated by the approval of others leads to needy and unattractive behavior.

However, being motivated by the approval of others, because, you’re a business owner or marketer, that wants to attract and gather a mass movement of loving fans who buy your products, and, are eternally grateful for you changing their lives, is far more sustainable.

By the way, if you’re looking for ways to…

Geometrically Grow Your Company

Get tons of Traffic (Also known as customers) to your business


Tell Your Story, Build A Tribe, and Change The World

Then without a doubt, you need to get your hands-on Expert Secrets this is the underground playbook, that will reveal to you, how you can build a constant flowing pipeline of your dream customers 😊.

You’ll be able to work through disapproval, embarrassment, and the occasional disaster, now you’re probably thinking how does one find their deeper purpose? Well, it’s not easy, but then again robust and resilient lifelong happiness isn’t easy either. 

But here’s a hint, it has something to do with growth and contribution, growth means finding a way to make yourself a better person, contribution means finding a way to make other people better.

Look for ways that can integrate these into your motivation and you will have a fire in your heat that will never burn out.

There’s nothing wrong with sex, money, and rock and roll, but the sex, needs to be motivated by something deeper than sex, the money needs to be motivated by something more than money, and the rock and roll needs to just rock.

Find a way to mix growth, and contribution into your goals, and wollah! You get the best of both worlds!

5. You Must Be Willing To Fail And Be Embarrassed

The beautiful thing about humanity is the diversity of life values, when you live out your values and let them motivate your actions and behaviors, you will clash with other people whose values contradict yours.

These people will not like you, they will leave nasty comments on the internet, and they will make social media accounts solely dedicated to bringing you down, anything you do that is important will be accompanied by those who wish for you to fail.

This doesn’t necessarily mean they are bad people, but, most likely because their values differ from yours, “Haters gonna hate.” In any journey, failure is required to make progress.

And progress by definition is what drives happiness, the progress of ourselves, the progress of others, the progress of our values, and what we care about, without failure there is no progress, and without progress, there is no happiness, the most important life skill is not how you avoid getting knocked down, but how to stand back up!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post, 😊 If you did make sure share this beautiful message with others.

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And, if you’re looking for ways to…

Geometrically Grow Your Company

Get tons of Traffic (Also known as customers) to your business


Tell Your Story, Build A Tribe, and Change The World

Then without a doubt, you need to get your hands-on Expert Secrets this is the underground playbook, that will reveal to you, how you can build a constant flowing pipeline of your dream customers 😊.

Once again, thank you for reading, and I will see you in another blog post. 😊

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