Why you feel LOST in your LIFE and BUSINESS, and you’re not GROWING as FAST as YOU would LIKE.

🍪 Do you feel LOST in your life and business right now? Or you’re not growing as fast as YOU would like?

🌱 Here’s the ANSER why?

Does this sound like you?

You’re doing a ton of work, but you don’t see any drastic change, yet you see people online doing the most amazing things and you’re asking yourself…

What am I doing wrong, am I on the right path? 🤔

Well here’s the real secret it’s called…

Bamboo growth.

Now I know what you’re thinking, Adventago what is bamboo growth?

I believe a lot of us may be feeling like there’s not a lot of growth in our life right now, we may be procrastinating, or we may have stagnant energy.

This leads us to start questioning if we are even growing, because we don’t see any major shifts in our life.

Yet, we go on social media and we see people having the times of their lives. (So, it may seem).

And then we sit there questioning our growth, and asking ourselves, are we on the right path?

This is normal my friend, we all go through this, let me tell you, every millisecond of the day, and every incremental step.





But sometimes our growth will go unseen, and sometimes our growth will be seen but very slowly.

And this is called bamboo growth, according to lewisbamboo. Com, bamboo takes 3 years to get established and build its strength but, in the last 60 days, it shoots right up.

Can you believe that? For 3 whole years, it’s underground, nobody can see it, and nobody even knows what’s happening, and then in the last 60 days, it whooshes straight up.

It’s building its strength and resilience unseen and unnoticed, and by the time it comes to the service, it’s ready.

Bamboo growth is necessary for our life, and a lot of us are going through that right now, my blog went through bamboo growth too.

For a while I didn’t even have a single viewer, however as I progressed, I got a few hundred, then as I progressed more, I got a few thousand, and now I’m securely getting 10,000 visitors coming to my blog, that right there is bamboo growth.

What was I doing all this time? Creating and putting out content, I used to get 200 visitors tops, but I was building the strength and resilience, and then one day my website whooshed!

A lot of us are working towards our dreams, building relationships, trying to do our best, and doing the best we can, while we can.

But we’re not seeing results, or we think we’re not seeing the results, but there’s something special about your growth going unnoticed.

Because you have to believe in what you’re doing, even if there aren’t any results, even if nobody else is giving you the affirmations.

I believe God pulls us into spaces of scarcity, now they’re not really places of scarcity, but they feel scarce to us. (We are always abundant).

But God pulls us into a place of scarcity for us to generate more faith within ourselves, with the highest, and with what we are doing.

If you have a dream and there is something you’re trying to do in this life, it’s going to take faith, belief, strength, and resilience.

And how does that happen? That happens when you’re going unnoticed, if you had an idea and it just popped off the bat, and you became famous for it, and it made you millions of dollars.

Congratulations to you! 😊 That would be great, but how much strength is behind that? How much resilience is behind that? Where’s the story behind that?

The fact that you go through these struggles is doing something for you, you going unnoticed is doing something for you, it’s generating and strengthening the faith within you.

Because you have 2 options, you can quit, or you can continue to go forward, and what do you do? You continue to go forward.

And every time you pick yourself back up, since let’s be honest, we all fall off, then we doubt ourselves, then we have to get back up.

What does that do? It strengthens our willpower and resilience, I remember doing a project back in school about the rain forest, and I had to do some research on trees.

What I found was the tallest tree is called the Sequoia Sempervirens, however, something came into my mind, I said to myself “Has anyone seen this tree grow this tall?”

So, I decided to ask my teacher…

“Miss (I can’t remember her name), I never see a tree grow, if you stare at it long enough can you see it growing?”

And my teacher replied by saying.

“Well, the growth is unnoticed, we only notice a tree growing when it goes through a season shift, or a drastic change, like the leaves falling off, the leaves blossoming, the leaves changing color, or a seed sprouting, but we don’t see the tree actually growing every single day, because the growth is micro”.

And that is exactly what’s happening in your life, and in all of our lives, we are growing every millisecond, and every incremental step, throughout the day.

Even if we can’t see it, but I believe if we become present, we can feel it, some days we will feel like we are growing because maybe we make a lot of money, maybe we have a revelation, or maybe we are learning so much.

However, some days we’ll feel stagnant, remember, it’s a process, it’s a cycle, but every single day we are progressing, and the seasons will shift, those massive changes will happen as long as we keep on…

🚪 Knocking On Our Dream’s Door. 🚪

Being resilient, being strong, and taking these times of uncertainty, being unseen unnoticed not seeing the results, and using these times to strengthen our faith to strengthen our belief because guess what?

You will win no matter what, if you believe, if you have faith in what you’re doing, it may evolve, you may take a left turn or a right turn, and what you’re doing may completely evolve into something else, but that’s a part of the process.

But if you have strength and resilience in you because you got yourself up, even in the times where it looked like it was all going to fall you will rise.

It’s on us to identify what season we are in, sometimes we are in a season of clearing our field and planting the seeds, getting the ideas out there.

Then we are in a season of nourishing, then we are in a season where we blossom, and then, we are in a season where we bear our fruits.

But they all go through seasons, and when things are going unnoticed, when we are experiencing bamboo growth, working on something for so long but seeing no results.

It’s doing something for us, it’s building the stronger, resilient, courageous, undeniable, and faithful individual within you.

Because I always say, greatness is within, but the experiences we go through, the emotions we go through activate these characteristics, and activate these abilities.

When you’re in a place of uncertainty and you still choose to believe, and you choose to get up and do your best while you still can, what does that do for you?

It activities resilience and strength, when nobody else is believing in your dreams, but you hold on to them, what does that do? It generates faith.

There’s a saying I love that goes like this…

“You can’t expect everybody to believe in your dream, when it is still inside your heart”.

– Unknown

Can anybody see inside your heart? No, they can feel your heart, but they can’t see what is inside your heart, until you bring it into reality.

When I first started my blog and was creating content, because I create content everywhere, I have: My blog. Twitter. YouTube. LinkedIn. Pinterest. Email. And Browser Notifications.

And I feel that it’s doing well for me, but when I started to do all these things, nobody knew what I was doing, or understood me.

People thought it was weird, people started to make fun of me, and people around me thought I was crazy because I was expressing myself and sharing my knowledge with you.

But I didn’t expect people to believe in what I was doing, because I said, how can I explain something that’s never been done before?

The ideas you feel within yourself are your gifts, and if the people around you can’t give you the affirmations you need.

That’s not a negative thing, that’s a call to action on you to generate more faith and belief in what you’re doing.

Because you’re going to need that faith, strength, and resilience, when your bamboo shoots.

And that’s what’s happening in our life, when we are knocking on the door of our dreams, but not seeing any results.

These spaces serve us, they serve us to build a more resilient us, and a stronger us, so we can show up in the world and be the best version of ourselves.

Belief is an amazing tool, faith is an amazing energy that we can apply to everything we are doing.

It’s like food, food feeds ideas and nurses our energy, also it’s what allows us to continue to push forward.

You may be in a season of bamboo growth, unseen and unnoticed, but it doesn’t mean you’re not growing.

You are growing, and it’s time you celebrate that, celebrate yourself, celebrate the hurdles you have overcome, you’ve gone through a lot of things this year and last year, haven’t you?

It’s been tough, celebrate yourself, knowing you’re growing, remind yourself I am growing every single day, even if it doesn’t feel like it.





Even when you have those days where you don’t do much, you are learning in those spaces, and what do we do? We get back up, we do the best we can while we can, because that’s what we’re here for. To…

Learn 👩🏫



Live 🌠

Don’t worry my entrepreneur friend, shout out to all of us for continuing on our path and growing, even when it goes unnoticed.

But, guaranteed there is a big seasonal shift that is about to happen in your life, and you will bear the fruits of your efforts.

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