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I was having a cold shower and I had this thought pop into my head, how would you define freedom?

This made me think back to when black people were slaves, and how they wanted nothing but freedom, however, the answer has changed over the years.

For most people, their idea of freedom is to do whatever they want, with no rules or regulations, whenever they want, which is still a correct answer, but it’s not as important as what I’m about to share with you.

You see most people hate their job, or don’t have a huge passion for what they do, a survey was done by Gallup, revealed worldwide 85% of people have a lack of drive and hated their job.

This is very shocking, especially as a business owner, you don’t want to have employees who don’t try their best.

A person sitting at a table bored

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I saw a clear example of this when my dad would dread the Monday mornings, and the late evenings.

He would always come back complaining about something in his workplace, one day it was the employees, the next day it was that tasks weren’t getting done.

So, I asked him “Why do you still work there, why don’t you just quit” And he replied with “I need to put a roof over your head and food on the table”.

But I replied with “But you can do that for us, and go somewhere that gives you more freedom to live life the way you want, instead of hating your job.”

And as every parent says when they lose an argument, “You’ll learn when you get older” which was a silly statement, but it taught me a lesson.

I don’t want to do something because I have to, but because I want to…

This is exactly the answer for me, as much as it would be nice to do whatever I want all the time I would rather have the ability NOT to have to do something that I don’t want to do, that to me is what the true definition of freedom is.

If you’re in a position in life where you can say no with zero consequences, then my friend you have a superpower.

Can you imagine being able to say NO and walk away from an abusive relationship, a project with a certain prospect, being peer pressured into things you don’t want to do, or traveling to locations away from the people you love.

For some of you who have read the book F.U Money by Dan Lok, you would know this is what he talks about in his book…

For you to be able to have the freedom to say no and have zero backfires, means you have reached a stage in your life that you’re untouchable.

Or as Dan Lok says, you can say FUCK YOU! To anyone or anything, you don’t want in your life with zero consequences.

In summary

There is no right or wrong answer, freedom is completely up to you.

But, I would say from having the luxury of partying every day and driving in a Lamborghini, I have definitely changed my mindset of what true freedom is.

And as entrepreneurs, one of the biggest reliefs is when you can get rid of someone you hate working with.

This is why you want to get to a point in your life, where you don’t have to take on low-quality people, since you have enough power and backing to call your own shots in life, and say FU! To anyone you hate.

If you’re interested in the book FU Money by Dan Lok, then click the image here to go straight to Amazon.

F.U Money by Dan Lok

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