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You want to have a place, a community, a group that you could go to when you have problems, when you have challenges, and you feel misunderstood.

So, you can tell yourself “Hey, you know what, I’m not the only person with this problem, maybe you’ve been down this road, too,” With that kind of help you could do that.

But knowing, the chances are, the environment that you are in right now, if I have to take a wild guess, is not super supportive of your goals, it’s just not, chances are it’s probably a pretty toxic environment.

However, you can make a decision, you can make a choice to get out of there, if you don’t like the small town you’re living in, move, if don’t like the big city you’re living in move, it’s okay, you have the power to choose.

That’s the great thing about human beings, you have the power to choose, just remember, you are who you hang around with, so be very, very selective.

Your tribe, and your community are super critical…

When you are by yourself and you’re trying to solve the problem alone, it’s always very challenging, but if you could talk to other people, and say…

“Hey, tribe/group, this is what I’m going through, I’m having some adversity, I’m having some challenges, how would you deal with this?”

If you don’t have a community like that, you need to find yourself one, online, offline, it doesn’t matter.

I cannot emphasize how important this is on your journey as an entrepreneur, having that mentor, having that tribe, having that community that you can lean on is so, so critical.

And I believe the best way to accomplish mastery, is that you’re learning, and practicing with other people, always remember, that transformation doesn’t happen in isolation.

It happens when you work with other people and learning from someone who has been there and done that.

And a deeper question is this, “Why would other like-minded people want to hang around with you?”

Because I believe you are who you hang out with, I know that one relationship could change everything.

So, invest a little bit of money, go meet the people you want to meet with, go hang out in that environment.

This is very, very critical, because we’re so busy day-to-day, you’re busy, I’m busy, everyone is busy.

You are a product of your environment, you are a product of your circle, your environment is more powerful than your willpower.

Show me your friends, and I will show you your future, if you don’t alter your environment, who you hang around with, there’s no implementation, because those things will hold you back.

Remember: Environment always wins.


Before you leave, as a thank you for reading all the way to the end, I would love to share these 3 quotes with you.

You’re more than welcome to take a screenshot of these quotes, and save them to your phone, or share them on your social media.

(I’m not asking for much, however, I did put a lot of time and effort into these, so please do me a tiny favor and share them with others … Thank you.) 😊

👇 👇 👇

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