Growth Mindset And Entrepreneur Motivation

Top 9 Limiting Beliefs That LOWER Your Vibration & Are BLOCKING Your Success…

You probably know that most of your thoughts come from your subconscious, according to humans have more than 6,000 thoughts per day.

90% of them or 80% of them, depending on which study you look at, are not conscious, they are subconscious.

So, if you’re finding yourself in a lower vibration, or you’re having some thoughts about “Why can’t I do this”, or judgmental stuff going on.

By definition, they are not conscious, they are subconscious, and so you probably don’t even recognize them.

It used to be up until the ’40s or ’60s, psychology was all about Freudian Psychology, where it’s pretty much whatever happened to you in your childhood is how you are for the rest of your life.

Didn’t get enough love from your mom, so you’re screwed for the rest of your life.

I know it’s popular to bash Freud, but he did set the pathway for a lot of modern stuff we use today.

Then CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) came along in the ’60s, and it basically said, okay, instead of just talking about your past nonstop.

Why don’t we give you tools to work through, and catch those beliefs, so you can re-program them and rewire them, and it was super successful.

So, you should probably grab your journal, you should probably grab something to write with.

Because not knowing these top 9 limiting beliefs are definitely going to lower your vibration and block you from having success…

I’ll walk you through each of the nine, and give you some examples of how they show up.

Again, this could go much deeper, but just taking the first step of recognizing these, can reframe them for yourself.

The very first one is…

1. Emotional Reasoning

Now, what this is, is letting your emotions guide your big life decisions, this one is number one, because it is so common.

Do you ever hear people say…?

“Well, I just don’t feel like it anymore.”

“I just don’t feel like we’re supposed to be in this relationship anymore.”

“I woke up today and I just don’t feel right.”

“I feel like I should quit today, so I’m going to quit.”

Emotions are not bad, but you can change your emotion so many times throughout the day.

If you’re basing whether you should stay in a relationship or go based on how you feel day-to-day, that’s not the healthiest way to do it.

If you’re basing on, should you quit your job tomorrow and go travel the world, like some guru in your YouTube advert backflipping off of waterfalls… 😂

However, right now, you should go deeper and use some more logic because emotions, again, they change, moment to moment.

Now, there’s a sub-point here where I would reframe this, good emotional reasoning would be gut instinct, and intuition, listening to that would be better.

A great question here, if you have a decision and you don’t feel like doing it, you feel like quitting your job, or you feel like doing something different than what you’re doing now.

Is to ask yourself, how long have you been feeling this way?

This is why it’s very important to keep a journal, because you can get an accurate representation of where you’re at, or if it’s just day-to-day.

So, if you’ve been feeling that for a month, and not just a minute, that’s a much truer feeling.

2. Catastrophizing

You may or may not have heard of this, but what this belief, is seeing the worst possible scenario as likely to happen.

You’ve probably had that right? Maybe you’ve thought about starting a business and you’re like.

“Yeah, I would start that business or post that video, but I’d get a ton of hate and it would probably kill my self-esteem and I’d quit.”

Or “You know what, I would go up and talk to that person, but they’re definitely going to slap me, and call me a loser, and throw a drink in my face”

Another example, I think is super relevant in this climate where everyone is so concerned about health, every little thing, and not dying.

It’s like, you get a cough, you go to Facebook and you find that you’re about to die in 16 hours.

That is literally how the brain works if you don’t control it, it just catastrophizes, it goes to the worst possible scenario and sees it as likely.

It falls in line with number three…

3.  Overgeneralizing

Now, this is perceiving a global pattern based on a single interaction, it goes like this, “I tend to fail on a lot of things,” or, “This always happens to me.”

I remember watching this relationship video and the guy said, the two most toxic words to say in a fight, that spark an emotional charge, are always and never.

You say that in a relationship fight, for example, “You always do this” or “You never listen to me.”

How is that going to work out? Are you going to respond in a good way? No. So if you have this self-talk that says.

“Why does this always happen to me?”, “I can never find love,” “I can never succeed.”

Right there, it takes all your power away, and so that would fall under overgeneralizing, I think another one that’s very relevant to talk about here is…

4. Labeling

This one, sounds simple, but this is what we do, the mind is almost incapable of not labeling everything.

I remember a private seminar with Tony Robbins back in the day, and this lady asked Tony Robbins this question…

“My mind can’t stop labeling things what do I do?” And that’s a condition of it.

For example, I want you to think about this, next time you go for a walk, how many times do you label things?

Flower, tree, path, cold, and how, we have all these labels throughout the day no matter what.

This is totally natural, now, where it becomes toxic is where you assign global negative traits, labels to yourself or others, that you can’t get rid of.

“I’m ugly, I’m incapable, I’m dumb, I’m poor” for example, a lot of people who came rich and famous were from modest backgrounds, or even worse were extremely poor.

But they didn’t accept that label of themselves, they spoke in the future terms and their words become flesh.

Look, I’m not saying you’re weak if you do, I’m not saying if you like your label, that you should get rid of it.

But what I know is that any time we have a label on ourselves about a trait, and this is just the brutal truth, our whole world view, our whole beliefs fall in order to defend it.

And it’s almost like we don’t want to change, we don’t want to shift if we have a label about ourselves.

Any improvement is next to impossible, because human beings need to remain consistent with the identity that they assign to themselves.

That’s literally the most powerful layer you have, is at the identity level, so, guess what? You put a label on yourself, I’m too fat, I’m too old, I’m ugly, I have ADHD, I’m a man, I’m a woman, I’m a black person.

Of course, you’re going to find evidence to support why you can’t, and I know that might be over-simplifying it.

And there are already some people in the comments getting ready to argue that, but just take a back seat for a moment.

What if you could create a new identity for yourself? This 2.0 version of yourself, almost like you would update your computer, when a new update comes out, and you just click it and update it so everything can run better.

That’s like the identity level right here, and a lot of people I find, get caught up in the age of 22, 23, 25, or whatever.

We stop updating the hardware, the software, all of it, and so our life doesn’t run the same way, because you’re not the same person, but you’re running on the same labels you had from back in the day.

What if you could create a new identity for yourself, that’s what I want to invite you to do.

Write down the traits that you want to be, and start trying to assign those labels to yourself, instead of what the world has assigned to you.

Instead of what you in the past have assigned to you, maybe it’s time to create that new identity for yourself.

Five is very important, now, notice how these can all be applied to relationships, these can all be applied to business, these can all be applied to yourself, and your happiness, and raising your vibe up, this one is fantastic, and it’s called…

5.  Mind Reading

Thinking that you know what’s going on in someone else’s head, and what they’re thinking about you without asking them, or enough evidence.

Now, I don’t care who you are, how many books you read, how psychic you think you are, no one is capable of doing this 100% of the time, and being accurate.

Examples of this, my boss hates me, every time he looks at me, I know he hates me, I feel like they’re cheating on me.

Or, I feel like they don’t love me anymore, any time we’re in bed together he always turns his back when he’s sleeping, I bet he’s thinking about another woman right now.

Those are all examples of mind-reading, and again, what happens with what we spoke about earlier, if you think that thought, you’re going to collect evidence to support it.

People who get caught in the mind-reading trap, my boss hates me, oh, I saw him when I walked in at lunch or on that Zoom call, and he called me out, that’s evidence that he hates me.

And then we create a label, we overgeneralize, we catastrophize, and then we start saying, “Oh my God, I’m going to lose my job.” You see how all of this starts flowing together.

6. Negative Filtering

Now you have a part in your brain, remember earlier I told you the 6,000 thoughts, a lot of those are subconscious, reality is, there’s a part in your brain called the reticular activating system.

You have millions and billions of stimuli throughout 24 hours of the day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

How the heck are you supposed to manage all of that, right now?

 You have your eyes.

I want you to feel and count how many times you blink right now, do you feel it? How many times have you blinked just from reading this sentence?

Only once I told you to focus on that, you started to feel it, but it was always there, it was only until I told you to place your focus and energy there, you did it.

The reticular activating system is filtering out that 24/7 because who cares about how many times you blinked or how it felt, and so that’s what it does, so now, this reticular activating system is a filter.

It is more prone to look for negatives because negatives, evolutionarily speaking, could kill you, and so it keeps you alive and makes you survive.

Is it going to focus on the 99.9% chance that you could succeed at something, or could go right?

Or if there’s one thing that could possibly go wrong, that’s a danger, of course, it’s going to focus on that.

In line with that is…

7. Discounting Positives

What this is, is seeing the times that you do succeed, the times that you are killing it, as just trivial or just basic or.

“Yeah, you know, that’s good, but everyone else is capable as I am”, not giving yourself enough credit.

Do you feel like you can allow yourself to win, when was the last time you really appreciated what you did and felt good about it?

This is totally not normal because again, the negative filtering right here, will block this, and some people say they have a hard time accepting compliments, this goes in line with discounting positives.

One thing you could do to resolve this is to create custom affirmations and say them multiple times throughout the day.

Those have helped people realize that it’s okay to accept compliments, honoring them and accepting them.

8. Blaming

Very self-explanatory here, so we’re going to move through on this one quickly, but it’s pretty much putting your power outside of yourself and on to others.

“My parents are the reason I am this way today.”

“It’s my niche, that’s why I can’t get successful, if I just sold out and went with that niche, it’d be much easier.”

“It’s the government.”

“It’s the customers.”

It’s this guy or that girl”

“It’s because I’m a person of color”

But here’s the thing, any time you put your power outside of yourself, of course, it’s going to take your power away.

Any time you criticize, complain, or blame, your power is no longer internal, it’s external, and it’s other people’s responsibility to make you happy, successful, fit, loving, and feel all your other emotions.

And so, no matter what, no one’s going to be able to serve you the way that you can, and so that’s why you need to take your power back by not doing that.

And the last and final thought of the top 9 limiting beliefs that lower your vibration and will block your success is called…

9. Dichotomous Thinking

What this is, is thinking black or white, success, failure, A, B, hot, cold, male, female, east, west, my way or the highway, or you’re either on the train or you’re on the tracks.

Like all these polarities that show up in our life, we do with ourselves when we’re thinking about the new opportunities we want to go for, new relationships, or whatever.

People view, in the case of relationships, because we’ve been talking about that for a couple of weeks, and I know a lot of you resonate with that area, is it’s either a success or a failure.

The ones that didn’t work out are failures, The ones that I’m in right now, maybe they’re a success, but if it doesn’t work out forever, that is a failure.

That’s dichotomous thinking right there, let me ask you this, is it ever a failure if you grow and you learn something about yourself?

Are your jobs in the past that didn’t work out, that you’re not doing now, are they all failures? No.

Because you learned skills, whether that’s people skills, hard skills, soft skills, that you take with you into the next experiences.

That’s all life is, it’s just going after experiences, trying and learning, and taking all of your experience that you gained into the next level, that is literally leveling up.

Now, where people go wrong is they think if something doesn’t work out, they say to themselves ”All those lessons, all those skills I learned, forget them, I’m starting over everywhere I go.

And that’s not the case at all, it’s not black or white, most of life, is a shade of gray in the middle.

If you have dichotomous thinking, of course, every single opportunity to you is either a success or a failure.

And since the majority of the stuff we did, we’re not doing anymore, we’re still going to view our whole life as a majority of a failure, just to be blunt, which is not the case.

Whoo! Covered a lot of ground there, so those are the top 9 limiting beliefs that lower your vibration and are blocking your success…

If you liked this, I would appreciate you sharing this blog, or posting about it on your social media.

And again, you want to take some notes on these, and recognize these in your life, so you can take a lot of your power back, reframe them, move forward, and not get stuck in your life.

I hope this blog has been very helpful for you, if it has do me quick and tiny favor, by clicking here to discover how you can transform your well-being right NOW!

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Thank you again for taking the time to read this, and I will see you next time with another awesome blog post made just for YOU! 


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