This Is How You Can 7X Your Income And Master Financial Literacy Even If You’re BROKE!

If you’re looking for a way to make more money whether you’re broke, don’t have a degree, don’t know where to start, or don’t feel qualified, here are the best things you need to do, are you ready? Then let’s dive in 👙🩲.

If you’re broke and you want to keep more money, or you want to make more money there is 1 large thing you need to do, and there is 1 large thing you need to address.

First look at the financial side of things, and then second look at the mental side of things.

The financial is how you attract the money and what you do with the money you get, and the mental part is what’s keeping you in the place you are now.

The last thing you want to do is start to make more money, but still, be in the same place.

Let’s start by understanding the financial side, here are the 10 best ways you can start making more money right now, even if you’re broke, don’t have a degree, or feel like you don’t have any qualifications.


1. Deliver Things.

You can deliver things to people through apps like Amazon, Just Eat, Grub Hub, Instacart, Shipt, or Uber.

What you do is go on to one of these apps and apply to be one of their delivery drivers.

And now anytime you get an order you’re going to go to the store, pick up the order and drop it off at the owner’s house.

If you do this grocery delivery service on the side you can make an additional $19.97 per hour, depending on where you live, and how much work you’re willing to put in.

2. Rent Out A Living Space.

You can rent out an extra room, bedroom, basement, or entire house on VRBO, Domio, Home Exchange, TripAdvisor Rentals,, or Airbnb to somebody else.

If you’re not going to be home for a weekend, a week, or a month, you can rent out a certain area and give it to somebody else and let them pay you rent for living in your property.

Depending on where you live and how big your space is, this could earn you an extra $924 a month, and the best thing is you don’t have to do much work.

3. Become A Driver.

What you’re going to do is apply to become a driver, and when people want a ride, you’re going to get a notification.

You pick them up, drop them off, and then you get paid, according to Ziprecruiter a Personal Driver in your area makes on average $20 per hour.

4. Walk Dogs.

According to TD Ameritrade millennials spend $1,285 a year on dogs, so if somebody has a dog and they’re busy at work all day.

And they don’t have time to walk their dog, they will pay you to walk their dog for them.

According to a study done by Payscale, a professional dog walker can make in the range of $9.78 to $27.28 hourly.

This could vary on how many dogs you take care of, the areas you are in, and how much time you want to dedicate to this, also you can get some good exercise!

5. Delivering Food.

This is pretty similar to delivering things, however instead of delivering anything, you’re only delivering food.

If you get a notification that somebody wants a pizza you go to the pizza store, pick up the order, drop it off, and then you get paid.

According to USA Today, the average food delivery person can make $19.97 per hour, depending on how much time you put in.

6. Mow People’s Lawns Or Shovel Their Snow.

Walk around your neighborhood and knock on people’s doors, if you don’t live in a neighborhood go to somebody’s neighborhood and knock on people’s doors.

Then ask them if you can mow the lawn, or shovel their snow, this is an easy way to make $35 per house.

7. Move People’s Stuff.

If you’re young, got some muscle, and have a vehicle with a good amount of space, you can move people’s stuff.

You can make a lot of money helping people move things from one house to another.

All you have to do is go to Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, eBay Classifieds, Mercari, Poshmark, or OfferUp.

And put up an ad for your services, according to for labor only you could expect to make anywhere from $60 to $80 per hour.

8. Do Freelance Work.

The way this works is that you’re going to market your skills on Fiverr, Upwork, 99Designs, Guru, Freelancer, and Toptal.

Whether that’s social media marketing, writing, coding, graphics design, blogging, or if you don’t feel like you have any skills you can market yourself as a virtual assistant.

When you put your ad up on these freelance websites businesses that need your help can hire you as a freelancer.

According to CNBC freelancers make $28 an hour, depending on how experienced you are, what the project is about, and the duration.

If you find a good client that likes what you do, they might choose to only work with you.

Even better they might refer other people to you, which would give you the luxury of having a constant stream of income.

9. Affiliate Marketing.

The way affiliate marketing works is now you’re selling somebody else’s product on the internet.

And anytime somebody buys that product from you, you get paid, for example, let’s say you’re into making money online, and you become an affiliate for an online course you like.

Now you’re going to market this make money online course in whatever way you like.

You could market this make money online course through social media, writing a blog, word of mouth, or running paid ads.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is your marketing somebody else’s product, this means you don’t have to worry about manufacturing a product, customer service, or anything like that, all you have to do is drive traffic.

In the beginning, as an affiliate marketer, you’re probably not going to make any money but, if you stick with it and you put in the work, in 6 to 8 months you can very comfortably be making $1000 a month on the side as an affiliate marketer.

Here’s a snippet from Taboola. com revealing how much money do affiliate marketers make.

If you looked at this snippet and thought to yourself “Damn I want to be a super affiliate like those gurus I see on YouTube!”

Then I suggest you join the 30-day summit with me and Russell Brunson.

Together we will guide you through the entire process on how to transition from being an average affiliate marketer to becoming a super affiliate.

What’s even better is that you’re going to get advice from people who have made at least 1 Million Dollars in affiliate marketing.

And they are going to guide you step by step on what they would do if they lost EVERYTHING!

This means if you have:








Then this summit is pre-engineered for YOU to succeed in affiliate marketing starting from SCRATCH! 


I’ll see you there! 😊

10. Put Out Content.

I can tell you from personal experience and observation, that you can make a ton of money creating content.

But it is very difficult, in the first 3 months of me making blog posts I made less than $1500.

It took me about 6 months before my blog started to make decent money, so if you plan on creating content, this is not something you can rely on to make money right away.

This is something that could take you years to seriously pick up, but if you like the idea of creating content.

And you like the idea of putting out information then this could be something you do for the long term.

The vast majority of people on YouTube make less than $100 a month, however, you can make a whole lot more money than $100 a month.

But it’s not going to happen overnight, and there’s no way to accurately predict how long it’s going to take.

PSSST HEY OVER HERE!: If you need help on how to grow your YouTube channel and become a YouTube star, I made a blog post about this.

It’s called: How to Promote Your YouTube Video and Channel Even If You Have ZERO Subscribers.

This is the financial side of things, if you have no money right now, start doing one of these things.

That way you can make money, then as you start making money, make sure you use the money the right way.

But you also must ask yourself, how do you master the mental part of being financially successful? How do you master the mental part of becoming wealthy?

It’s not going to happen by simply making more money, if that was the case then you wouldn’t see the vast majority of lottery winners becoming bankrupt or broke in 5 years after they win.

Also, you wouldn’t see the vast majority of NFL players becoming broke, or bankrupt just 5 years after retiring from the NFL.

Obviously, some of this has to do with the way you spend your money, but you also must understand the mindset part of things, now that’s out of the way let’s dive in.


1. Stop Setting Boundaries For Yourself.

You’ve probably heard the saying “You are who you hang out with”.

And the reason why this is true is that all of us live in a bubble, we are surrounded by our family, and close friends.

And these are the people that influence us the most, so what we see, is what we do.

If everybody you know is broke, how are you going to learn how to become financially independent?

How are you going to learn how to use your money the right way? And how are you going to learn money management?

If all you see is broke people, how are you going to break out of the system? Unless you break out of the bubble.

I grew up in a traditional house, and everybody around me had the same beliefs and the same mindset.

Everybody said that if you want to become successful all you must do is get good grades, get a job, scrimp and save, then wait until you are old and grey to retire.

And anytime I would talk to somebody about anything else like, investing, money or management.

I was always shut down, because nobody would talk about it, nobody in my circle knew what investing was, nobody had heard of real estate investing, nobody had heard of how you can build wealth online, and nobody had heard of becoming your own boss and retiring extremely early.

I wasn’t exposed to anything else because I lived in this bubble, that’s when I came across Dan Lok.

Because he was the only way that I could start accessing people who are good at what they do outside of my bubble.

Think about it, if you’re broke, and you don’t have a wealthy family, you don’t know investors, and you don’t know any rich people.

How are you going to get in touch with a random investor and have them teach you all their secrets?

The easy answer is to go on YouTube and read books about personal development and money.

PSSST HEY OVER HERE!: If you’re curious about the 9 ultimate personal development and money mindset books for aspiring millionaires.

Then you need to check this blog post I made, it’s an absolute game-changer!

Click Here To Discover The 9 Ultimate Personal Development And Money Mindset Books For Aspiring Millionaires! ➤➤➤

P.S This isn’t your average list that you see every financial literacy guru talk about, some of these books are very old and unknown.

However, they harness a ton of priceless information that you will never find anywhere else.

Once you start doing that, you are now absorbing information about money, and you’re also learning about personal development.

So, you can learn how how to stop giving yourself these ceilings on how you can live your life.

The first step to getting out of that bubble is to start absorbing information, once you start reading these books, you’re probably going to get into this binge of just reading book after book and watching video after video.

Because it’s a whole new world, and a whole new bubble, that you’ve probably never been exposed to, and you need to start absorbing.

After a while, you’re going to graduate from these books, and you’re not going to get much value out of reading these books because now it’s time for you to start taking action.

But this when your mindset is super important, because your mindset is what determines your beliefs, and your beliefs are going to determine your actions.

For example, if you don’t believe you can become successful, then you’re not going to take any action to become successful.

If you don’t believe you can start a business, then you’re not going to start a business.

If you don’t believe that somebody like you can invest in the stock market, then I can guarantee you are never going to invest in the stock market.

Here’s a real-life example, in college we had a day where we would write down our future goals and say what we wanted in life.

After we finished that task, some people would share their goals, unfortunately, what happened is that, there would be some people that would go around and make fun of other people’s goals, or say they would never get there.

That’s why I lied about my goals and made them super average so no one would think much of them, the last thing I need is someone else telling me what I’m capable of.

The first thing you must do is stop telling yourself you can’t do something, since when you do that, you give yourself this ceiling.


You’ve got to break out of that because, I believe you could do a whole lot more in your life, but your mind is limiting you.

Maybe you can’t get that goal right now, but you’ve got to ask yourself how can you get this goal in the future?

Now you’re not giving yourself a limit but you’re thinking bigger, instead of shutting your brain down, you’re getting your brain to start strategizing.

The reason why this is so hard is not simply because we weren’t taught this in school, or because you have to change the way you think.

But because, now you must go against what the majority of people think, and as soon as you start to think differently the whole world is going to look at you like you’re crazy.

People might start to question, judge, or mock you, till this very day my money goes to 2 main places, doing fun things with my money, and doing smart things with my money.

Once you start to change the way you think, you’re going to change the way you spend, and when you change the way you spend, people are going to start asking questions, and they’ll start to think that you’ve lost your mind.

That’s when you’ve got to remember your purpose, and your financial literacy, as Jim Rohn once said:

If You Really Want To Do Something, You Will Find A Way. If You Don’t, You’ll Find An Excuse”

– Jim Rohn

If you’re broke, and you’re trying to figure out how to not be broke, you need to work on the financial independence side.

Start earning more money and start understanding how you can save more money and invest your money.

But you also have to work on the financial literacy side of things, to make sure you don’t relapse into being broke again, because now you have the right mindset.

Holy Moly!


That was a long blog post, wasn’t it? Come on, I’m begging you, if you found at least 1 of these tips useful do me a tiny favor and share this with 3 people, or post it on your social media.

It would seriously help this community grow and impact the lives of many more people that desperately need this advice.

And you will look like a hero by contributing to someone you care about 😊.

Thank you for reading, I wish you the best, and I will see you next time.


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