Is it possible to write better copy faster?

It’s not only possible, but it’s extremely critical that you write copy faster.

I have a few friends who are copywriters, and they fight with me on the fact that they don’t believe you can write copy better and faster.

They think in order to write great copy it takes, a lot of time. but this simply isn’t true, and I’m going to prove to you, why it’s not true.

Because one of the mistakes that I see a lot of copywriters make, is they spend a lot of time getting good, and once they’re good, it takes them a long time to craft anything.

What they don’t realize is how prolific you are as a copywriter, or any kind of writer, has a direct impact, on how much money you make.

For example, let’s say you charge a hundred bucks per email, and you write thirty emails, and your clients pays you three thousand dollars.

And this is how much time it takes.

What if you could produce the same number of emails, in half the time?

You just doubled your income! And that also means you have more free time to take on more gigs.

Writing fast is not just the key to good writing, writing fast is the key to good earnings, the very concept I’m about to teach you is the foundation of all speed writing.

So, think about it, the faster you write the more straightforward and simpler your writing will be.

Now we’re talking about writing to sell, this type of writing is aimed to persuade and influence.

One of the main keys is to write the way you talk.

This means you want to be conversational, you don’t want to be academic, and too formal, because that’s not, the way that we talk.

And that’s not what gets people to buy, the faster you write, and the better you write means you’re more prolific as a writer.

Think about when you’re writing (Or typing on your keyboard), and if you’re stopping every single sentence, and you’re trying to edit, and you’re always changing your words.

The problem is you’re not flowing, you’re not writing the way you talk, but how do you know when you’re well? Ideally, you want your writing speed to be the same as if you were talking.

That way you’re not filtering, you’re not editing, and you’re simply writing the way you talk, and that’s the best writing of all.

This is the most powerful speed writing concept you’ll ever learn; the human brain only needs 3 meaningful words.

To the average person, they’re simply nouns and verbs, but to a copywriter, this is the very engine of speed writing.

Let’s do this little game together, for now, I want you to blank out your mind as much as possible, don’t think about anything, in a moment I’m going to give you three simple words.

And when I give you those words, I want you to come up with a scene, and imagine a story, comment below and type that in, so let’s go through this together.

Are you ready? okay here are 3 words I’m going to give you.




Go ahead and write in the comments below now.

What did you come up with? Maybe it was an idea of a man sitting on the beach looking at the ocean, and enjoying a bottle of beer.

Or maybe you’re thinking about a person writing a letter and putting it into an empty beer bottle and throwing it into the ocean.

Or maybe you’re thinking about a husband, waiting for his wife to get a beer near the beach.

Whatever you came up with, if I were to share these 3 words with, 200 different people.

They would all come out with 200 different stories, isn’t this powerful?

What it means is, as long as you give your brain 3 meaningful words to work with, your mind could automatically create a story just like that.

This applies to your landing pages, sales pages, your ads, and your emails, it applies to everything that you do.

Wherever you want to tell a story, remember that facts tell but stories sell.

And the next thing you want to do is time yourself, it is the only way that you know you’re writing faster.

As a copywriter the last thing you want to do and say is “I’m going to write this project, and I’m not going to stop, working on it until I’m done!” You don’t want to do that.

What you want to do is say “Ok I’m going to give this project 1 hour of my time, also I’m going to give this email 20 minutes of my time,

Now in the beginning when you’re getting started you may not be able to finish within that time.

But that’s okay, when you time yourself you will notice you get faster, and that boosts your confidence, and before you know it what you thought was going to take you this much time to write the copy.

Only takes you this much time, now your productivity has improved, and your speed has improved.

When you’re writing, you have to put aside your critical mind. Don’t add it!

I don’t care if there are misspellings, I don’t care if you have to change a word, I don’t care if there is any kind of errors. Do not add it, just let it flow, you can go back and change it later.

But when you’re writing you want it to flow, just like Bruce Lee said, “You want to be like water”.

If you want one of the most powerful tools to help you to write better copy faster, easier, and save you hours of writing time, make sure to go to Click Bank Live Marketing HQ

Once you get started with Click Bank Live Marketing HQ you will get the bonus opportunity to have an easy-to-implement software that will unleash your writing ability like never before.

Thank you for reading I wish I could help you more, but this is only a short, and simple blog post.

If you seriously want to change your copywriting career for the better, and work for yourself.

Then CLICK HERE NOW!  To make a splash in your writing career and overall life.

When are things going to change if you’re always on the fence? Come on I beg of you! Make the leap of faith in the right direction and click below right now. ↓

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