Everything that can stop you will present itself to stop you when you try to reach for any kind of success. This planet we live on will not surrender success to you until you let it know that you’re serious. I’m getting what I’m getting today...
People have this negative connotation associated with the word discipline, but for me, it comes down to self-discipline. And self-discipline for me is waking up early and getting my blog done every Tuesday and Thursday, making a YouTube video every Wednesday and...
In this lesson from Vishen Lakhiani’s new book The Buddha and the Badass, Vishen Lakhiani is going to show you how to attract into your life the right people, to help you take whatever vision is in your head, and bring it forth to the world. Vishen Lakhiani is going...
A lot of people see a lack of resources as the main roadblock towards their success, you’ve probably heard these people before, they say things such as… “I don’t know the right people”. “If only I had…”. “I don’t have the right network”. “If only I had more money”. “I...
Can you remember how you felt when you opened the doors to your new business, did you feel excited, nervous, relieved, or neutral? You and many others were probably very excited to finally see your business come to life, from an idea in your head to it being right in...