What is the key difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? Think about it, we all have 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year, it’s the only thing in the world that is an equal playing field, so at the end of the day what...
1. Who Are You Going To Learn From? And Who Do You Hang Around With? I remember my friend Paul Democritou saying something very impactful a few weeks ago, he said if you hang around 5 drug addicts you will be the 6th, but, if you hang around 5 millionaires you will be...
Do you know what Vishen Lakhiani no longer believes in? He no longer believes in this idea of the glorious lone individuals; you know what I mean right? That American myth of rugged individuality, in fact, Vishen Lakhani believes that the world today is so much more...
Thanks to you The Buddha and the Badass just hit the New York Times, thank you so much for supporting the book and I hope you’re getting incredible amounts of ideas from this book. Now, what I want to talk about today is a really interesting idea, this idea is...
In this lesson from Vishen Lakhiani’s new book The Buddha and the Badass, Vishen Lakhiani is going to show you how to attract into your life the right people, to help you take whatever vision is in your head, and bring it forth to the world. Vishen Lakhiani is going...