In your soul understand there’s so much money out there, there’s not a lack of money out there, there’s so much abundance. However, I want you to ask yourself this question “What are some of the things that I’m doing right now to bring in multiple...
Welcome my fellow investors, business owners, digital marketers, and personal development lovers. You might want to proceed with caution, today the world is filled with people who don’t amount to much. But are more than willing to share with you their recipe for...
Now you see when your identity is defined by society you can’t resist it, you don’t have the knowledge, wisdom, or resources, to understand that something’s being put over you. You can’t help but believe, the definition of you as a free...
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy, and hard day to read this blog post, it really means a lot. I respect you so I won’t beat around the bush, here are the 7 things poor people do that the rich don’t. 1. Poor People Watch TV, And Rich People Read...
People have this negative connotation associated with the word discipline, but for me, it comes down to self-discipline. And self-discipline for me is waking up early and getting my blog done every Tuesday and Thursday, making a YouTube video every Wednesday and...