You can either make money or you can make excuses, but you can’t do both, I guarantee you, every single poor person that I know, who doesn’t have a lot of money, doesn’t have a full pocket of cash, has got a full pocket of what? Excuses. What is an excuse? An...
My first question to you is this, what’s the difference between a strategy and a tactic? You see, most entrepreneurs are tactical, when they seek information, they’re looking for tactics, and usually, that doesn’t work because they’re not strategic. They...
Everything that can stop you will present itself to stop you when you try to reach for any kind of success. This planet we live on will not surrender success to you until you let it know that you’re serious. I’m getting what I’m getting today...
Why wait it makes no sense? 2020 was not what we expected, it wasn’t the start of the decade that any of us wanted, it was not the turning point that we anticipated. It was the reminder, that life is short, and anything can happen, now there are 2...