What’s up everyone it’s Adventago, I know there is a big portion of my kind of people that are in their twenties, and you want to make a lot of money one day, but don’t exactly know how to.

Or, what’s going to give you the best chances of making fat stacks one day, if that sounds like you then welcome to the club, you came to the right blog post, but, before we get started let’s set some expectations about these investments.

I’ll be honest, most likely this is not going to make you billionaire yacht rich one day, I don’t think any of this advice is going to help you one day afford a private jet, or be able to go shopping without ever checking the price tag on what you’re buying.

Everything I’m about to mention here is very realistic, anyone can work towards doing it, and it’s going to allow you to comfortably retire, and maybe even afford an exotic car or 2, sorry but that’s the brutal truth.

With that out of the way, here are the 8 best investments you can make in your twenties that ideally, you can buy once, keep for the rest of your life, and aren’t too complicated.

First, we got to set up the foundation of everything you’re about to do and that’s by setting up a…

1. High-Interest Savings Account

I know some of you are going to say that a savings account isn’t an investment and you’re right.

However, a free high-interest rate savings account is the building block you will need, if you want to begin growing your money and making investments.

The reason why is that, most bank accounts are completely rubbish, they will either cost you money if you don’t maintain a minimum balance, charge you monthly maintenance fees, and pay no interest.

In my opinion, you may as well get something that’s not only free but, also pays you a half-decent interest rate, this is also going to be a place where you can keep your money while you wait in between investments.


It could be a place that you keep your emergency funds, so you always have some spare cash to fall back on.

Anyway, getting a good savings account is where we begin, and, instead of taking forever going over millions of options, I’m going to save you the time and tell you what you need to know.

And then I’ll give you a few easy recommendations that I use myself.

1. Make sure the bank has no minimum balance requirements.

2. Make sure they don’t charge any monthly maintenance fees.


3. Make sure you get paid more than 1% in interest with no minimums.

From my experience the best banks that meet this requirement are:

  • Ally bank
  • Discover bank
  • Capital 1360 account

All 3 of those are going to be solid options, obviously, there are going to be a lot of other banks out there that meet this requirement, so, as long as it follows this criterion you should be good to go.

The second-best investment you can make in your twenties is investing within a…

2. Roth IRA

I know you guys are probably rolling your eyes, since you’ve heard this one millions of times from millions of other personal finance experts.

But as they say in sales and marketing it takes several interactions with a customer to get them to trust you and buy.

This is the same thing, maybe this blog post will be the big domino to push you to stop procrastinating, and, get you to take action and get a Roth IRA, here’s a bit of a background about the Roth IRA.

In simple terms, it’s a retirement account that lets you contribute up to $6,000 a year in after-tax money, and, then all the profit you make within that account is completely tax-free after the age of 59 and a half.

I want to make it very clear that a Roth IRA is only the account that you’re going to be setting up, it’s no different than opening up a checking account or savings account, but then, of course, it’s up to you to make investments within the account that is going to grow over time.

And that’s where you begin making the real money completely tax-free, and, completely legally.

For example, let’s assume you’re able to max out your Roth IRA with $6,000 a year and you average a 7% return on your money.

By the age of 60 you would have $1,371,000 completely tax-free, and here’s the real kicker, you’ve invested $6,000 a year over 40 years so, your total investment in this is $240,000 that leaves you with $1,131,000 worth of total profits.

Which in any other account you would be subject to a 20% long-term capital gains tax rate, which will be costing you $226,000 in taxes but, by investing in a Roth IRA and never selling your investments and holding for the long term.

That saves you over $200,000, that’s 2 Ferrari 458’s right there, now that’s a justification for using a Roth IRA!

Now is the best time to start opening a Roth IRA and saving as much money in taxes as you possibly can, and then staying the course until you’re older, and yes this will take you some time to begin accumulating a lot of money.

NO! This is not getting rich quick, but this is something that nearly anyone can open and work towards, also this is something that will work overtime, as far as where you could go to open one of these, you could use a company like.

Vanguard has a great track record.

Or you can use Fidelity.

Or a company like Charles Schwab.

There’s a lot of companies out there that you could use but, whoever you want to use just make sure they’re reputable, they’ve been around for a long time and they have a good customer service team that you could reach out to.

The next best investment you can make in your twenties is a…

3. Index fund

This is another one of those investments I live by, and I’ve been constantly chucking money back into an index fund on the side and letting it grow.

An index fund is basically a big shopping cart that holds a whole bunch of stocks inside of it.

Let’s say you want to own each of the top 500 publicly traded companies in the United States.

That would be insanely expensive, and, you would have to buy 500 different stocks of different companies, also managing all those stocks would be a nightmare.

Instead of that, the solution would be an index fund that already owns each of the top 500 companies that you could buy into for a small price, now you get the diversification of owning 500 different companies for 1 small cost.

The main reason I love index funds so much is that most investors are really terrible at buying individual stocks.

Going and buying an index fund removes that from the equation, and, because of that, you end up making more money.

For example, it was found that the average stock market investor earns a 5.19% return over a 20-year period, when the overall market earned an average of 9.85% during that same time frame.

That means that the average investor only earned half of what an index fund would make over a 20-year period, not to mention all the hassle from buying and selling a stock to try to beat the market.

When instead you could simply buy an index fund and be done with it, that’s why all of the wealthiest investors tell people don’t try to beat the market, don’t try to time your investments, just buy an index fund, hold for the long term, and then profit.

In terms of which one I like the most, I would say just pick one, with something called “A low expense ratio” That’s basically how much you have to pay every single year for a company to go and manage that fund for you.

If you’re going to do this, make sure that number is less than 0.04% meaning you’re going to spend $4 for every $10,000 you invest, Vanguard typically has some of the best options out there.

As does Fidelity and Charles Schwab, and, generally if you want a 1 size fits all approach you could invest in do VTSAX with vanguard, you could do FZROX with Fidelity or S. W. T. S. X. with Charles Schwab and that’s it.

By investing in 1 of these funds you’re investing in the entire world, and over time businesses are going to continue growing and expanding.

This also diversifies you enough so that, if a company goes down you can be totally fine and have plenty of other companies take their place.

The next best investment you can make in your twenties is…

I know what you’re about to say, maybe you’ve read a tonne of these types of blog posts or watched a load of these types of videos wishing and feeling motivated to make a difference.

But having to crash down to earth knowing that you don’t know-how, (Maybe you’re even reading this blog post when you should be doing your homework, or you’re reading this in your lunch break at your job).

Did you know that most people think it’s impossible to become rich and happy at a young age, and have the dream life they’ve always wanted?

In fact, that’s probably what you’re thinking right now, isn’t it?

I know it sounds crazy because we’re all used to hearing about how you need to get the “Right qualifications” get a “Safe and secure job”, then retire at 65 to finally live life comfortably. (Not even rich)

However, I ‘m going to reveal to you the REAL secret to finally having the formula, to getting out of your dreaded life, and stepping into a life that you’ve always dreamed of.

Let’s be honest for a moment, you probably work hard, don’t you?

So why are you still hating your life?

It’s not your fault you deserve more, and I’m going to help you get there…

Now before you leave, I’m not going to charge you a stupid $997 course.

Yeah, you heard me right!

Imagine what your life would feel like if you were able to take your belongings and step out of that building that you’ve always hated?

And look at the jerks that made your life hell, and give them the cheekiest and happiest smile. 😊 Also, have your other work colleagues turn around from their desk and give you the secret look of…


And you give a cheeky smirk that says 1000 words of “Yes, I am, and I’m never coming back!”

Or how would it feel being the person that can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, just like in those movies, come on! How cool would it be to look at a crazy high price and say…


How would it feel if you had no more alarm clock harassing you in the morning? And, no more being away from your family and coming in when everyone is going to bed?

And no more having to take on side jobs because your current job doesn’t even support you enough.

Be honest with yourself, you would give anything for the life you have always dreamed of, right?

The key is here, and the choice is yours, I’m not going to shove this down your throat.

I only want action-takers who are willing to invest a bit of money to make their dream life a reality.

If you aren’t that kind of person then GO AWAY!

However, if you really are one of those rare types of people that are willing to grab your life by the horns, so you can be the provider for yourself and your loved ones.

And finally do what you want, when you want, and as much as you want,

Then click the link HERE, and let’s start building a system that will wake you up from this nightmare…

Anyway, back to the rest of the blog…

The next best investment you could have in your 20s (And Over) is…

4. Investing In Individual Stocks

Here’s the thing, overall, most people are probably best off not investing in individual stocks.

But for those who don’t mind putting in more work and taking on more risk, you can make a lot more money investing in individual stocks, if you pick the right companies.

If you’re going to do this, I generally recommend you do this within a Roth IRA to avoid getting taxed on your profits.

Although it’s not required, buying individual stocks gives you a lot more control over where your money’s going if you have a good pulse on the market.

You could end up making a lot more money, for example, just this year alone, Amazon is up 50% Tesla is 135% Apple’s up 25% Facebook is up 30%. (At the time of this post)

If you pick the right stocks, you could do substantially better than investing in an index fund, however, just keep in mind, doing this is going to be a lot riskier, and you also have the potential of losing just as much money.

But either way, with the selection of good companies investing in the stock market in your twenties could easily be one of the best investments you can make.

Whether it be buying individual stocks or buying an index fund, just get yourself in the market and long term you’re going to be glad you did.

5. Real Estate

I really believe your twenties are such a pivotal point in your life for buying real estate.

It could really become one of the best things you’ll ever do, the reason for that is really simple, throughout our entire life one of the biggest monthly recurring expenses we’re all going to have is housing.

It’s reported that 30% to 50% of a person’s income goes to housing (Which is way too much), but there is a better option, we could cut that cost out entirely, you can invest in real estate and save a whole bunch of money at the same time.

And that’s by doing what’s called house hacking, if you’re unaware of what house hacking is, this is where you go and buy a multi-family property like a duplex or a triplex or 4 plex.

You move into one of the units and you rent out the others to cover your cost of ownership, and then all of a sudden you get a free place to live.

In order to do this, it does require you to save up between 10% and 20% of the cost of the building as your down payment on the property.

But, if you could do that, you could leverage it for your entire life, and, have a pretty much free place to live.

This could free up your entire housing payment and would allow you to save up to 30% to 50% on housing that you can now save and invest towards other things.

Even though I’m simplifying things, and there are plenty of other factors to take into consideration.

Like you got to have a good credit score, you must have sufficient income, you must have the down payment, and you must find the property that generates enough cash flow for you to be able to live there in the first place for free.

The principles behind it are simple, although, it’s going to take some work.

I’ve got some great blog posts that you can go over and discover the insider tips, tricks, and techniques, that you need to become a real estate investing wizard.

Click Here To Become A Real Estate Investing Wizard, And Become Wealthy In Your 20s.

Once you do this you can have a property that you own, and, you could live entirely free, then eventually when you move out, you can move on to another property, do the same thing with that, and, now you’re going to have a property that spits out cash flow for you every single month.

Yes, it is a lot of work but it’s worth it, and now is the best time to make this happen.

6. Side Business

I seriously believe this is one of the most underutilized options that people don’t take advantage of in their twenties, and, I have to say that stops today!

A good side business in your twenties has the potential to grow completely independently from your main source of income.

This is the best time to pursue that, since we still have all the energy to work long hours without feeling burnt out.

I want you to think of this, and ask yourself this question, what do you do between the hours of 6:00 PM and 1:00 AM every single morning?

I think I’ve heard something like this from Gary Vaynerchuk, but it never really clicked with me until he said it.

And then when the penny dropped, I was like wait a second that’s so true! That works out to be 6 hours a day or basically another full workday every single day that most people don’t utilize.

If you want to get ahead and make more money then make that time count, and, use that time to work on your side projects or your passions, that you’ve never had time for.

Every single successful person that I’ve talked about uses the hours between 6:00 PM and midnight very wisely.

This is where most of their gains happen, think of it like working out at the gym, (And I have no idea if this is true or not) but, I heard that most of your gains happen after you already feel exhausted, but you push yourself to do that extra bit.

I believe that exercising and making more money work the same way, you can work all day, but sometimes it’s little last bits that you do to push yourself forward even further that make the greatest benefit long term.

I highly encourage you to work the same way, use some of your off-hours towards a side hustle in your twenties, believe in yourself, and give this a try right NOW, you’re going to deeply regret it if you ignore this message.

(I even have a blueprint that you can swipe from me, that will get you up and running in no time! Since I know you may be confused about what side business to start.

7. Hire A Good CPA (Tax Professional).

Make sure your taxes are done correctly, one of the very big awakenings you’ll get is that the more you work, and the more money you make, the less of it you’ll keep.

And depending on where you live your income could add up to a lot of money being stolen from you.

For example, if you’re self-employed earning about $80,000 a year in California, you could end up losing about 34% of your income to taxes, that’s about one-third of your income or 4 months!

Do you REALLY want to work all those long back-breaking days, just to have most of it robbed from you?

It’s a lot of money and that’s no fun! This is why it’s so important that you hire a good CPA as soon as possible.

They can help you get the best structure for your business so, you can take advantage of everything you’re able to.

For example, maybe they’ll tell you to start an S. Corp, or maybe they’ll tell you about certain deductions you didn’t know existed, or maybe they’ll tell you to file your taxes in a certain way, or maybe they will tell you to…

But seriously, I should’ve hired someone from the very beginning to point me in the right direction because, looking back on it now, I’ve probably missed out on a tonne of money that has been robbed, by the evil and greedy taxman.

I know this isn’t a money-making tip however, sometimes the best investments you can make don’t necessarily make you more money but instead, they save you more money, for example, if you’re a W. 2 employee making under $100,000 a year.

Then maybe this is something you could do yourself, and a good CPA isn’t necessarily required.

But once you start getting investment income, rental property income, and income from a side business, then all of a sudden, a good CPA starts making more and more sense.

In my experience, it’s extremely important to have a good CPA, especially in your twenties.

8. Paying Down Any High-Interest Rate Debt

Doing this can make you money, obviously, if you’re in debt, whether it be credit card debt, student loan, debt, or you have an auto loan, anything like that is costing you money, of course, some debt is good.

Like if you have a low-interest rate, then maybe it doesn’t make sense to pay it off, or if it’s a mortgage on a rental property that’s probably good debt, it probably better you keep that, don’t pay it off early.

But, if you have any high-interest rate debt that ends up costing you more money than it makes, then that debt should be paid off as soon as possible, here’s my reasoning with this, when you go and invest your money.

You should be able to expect anywhere between a 6% to 12% return depending on where you’re investing over the long term.

On the other hand, when you have high-interest rate debt, paying down that debt is like getting a guaranteed return, at whatever interest rate the debt is at.

For example, if you have a 20% interest rate and you’re paying down that debt, it’s like you’re making a 20% return.

Because you’re paying down what you would otherwise owe, if the debt is costing you more than 4.5% then it’s probably a good idea to try to pay it off as soon as possible, and, that is because you’re getting a similar return to what your investment could make you, expect with paying off debt there’s no risk whatsoever it’s guaranteed.

And anytime your debt is under 4.5%, then most of the time it just makes sense, not to pay it off early, and instead invest your money where you can make more than 4.5 %.

And those are the rare instances where keeping the debt can actually make you more money than paying it off early.

This applies if you have debt that’s costing you more than 4.5% in interest, take this as an opportunity to pay it off as soon as possible, after completing this you’re going to have more money left over, to save and invest elsewhere, which would end up making you more money.


Those are my top 8 investments that you can make in your twenties, and, exactly how to do them. (With exception of the real estate one). That’s a bit more complicated, but I’ll reveal another blog post down below here that goes over everything you need to know…

Click Here To Become A Real Estate Investing Wizard And Become Wealthy In Your 20s.

But besides that, everything you need to know should be right here, none of this is get rich quick.

This is not going to make you billions of dollars in your twenties, (Unless your side business takes off, or you make some crazy investments.)

But this is a safe, tried, and true, method of building wealth that anyone could work towards, and history has shown time and time again, that over the long run this is going to work, and of course the sooner you start, the better you will be.

With that said thank you so much for reading I really appreciated it, make sure to click the link below…

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