Step by step on how to get rid of YOUR negative thoughts (Mindset)

Now you’re either in business or you’re going to start a business, and you’re having those grey clouds in your head, that’s right the dreaded negative thoughts, that make you feel like you’re not good enough.

When I was first starting with the thought of Adventago, I had a few of these limiting thoughts, I was sometimes positive and sometimes negative you know how it feels?

One day you’re killing it in your business and have all the ambition in the world, but another day you think to yourself am I even doing the right thing?

So why do I have these negative thoughts?

Even though all our lives and situations are different everything boils down to this one word.


We all have a little bit of fear that is lingering in us, for whatever reason, but mostly in business, it’s fear of losing, I mean who would want their business to fail?

The crazy thing is that everything might be ok, but we still have those negative thoughts, so how do we solve this?

You’ve tried just calming down, or ignoring it, but we all know that doesn’t work, and it can actually make you feel even more agitated, so the real solution can be done by using the five-second rule and the anchor thought.

So, how does this work? Let’s say you’re going into a meeting with a few investors and you’re getting the fear of public speaking start to crawl in, what you do is count to five in your head, this gives your brain a little time to relax.

Then think of something that is going to keep your head steady and focused, for example, think of how amazing it would be to walk right into that meeting and nail it, then walk right out with every single investor saying yes to your business proposal, you would feel like a badass wouldn’t you?

I hope this helps you, I know what it’s like to have limiting thoughts of negativity and fear, they can be serious killers on your spirit, and can reduce your potential, so I truly hope you let me know how this tip went for you.

Just remember when you’re in a situation, close your eyes and have that visualization of yourself being successful in that situation, and think about the emotions you will feel when it goes successful.



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