I know that doing a blog post against Gary Vaynerchuk can be quite dangerous, so I’m prepared for the war that may happen, but what I have realized, is that he has one of the most loyal fan bases that I have ever seen.

But, before you shot me, at least read through this blog post fully, and understand, that I have done a lot of research about him and I have put in a lot of thought to make this blog post sound educated and fair.

Also, I would like to get this out of the way, by saying I don’t hate Gary Vaynerchuk at all, I think he’s a very cool guy, that helps a lot of people overcome themselves and become successful, I even subscribe to him on YouTube.

But just like everyone on YouTube I watch, I come in with an open mind, pick out some golden nuggets that the person may say, then I disregard the rest, so this blog is more about the “Rest part” of Gary Vaynerchuk’s advice.

Let’s get started, Gary Vaynerchuk is well known for his hustle, the work harder than everyone else mentality.

“Imagine not doing anything fun, or going anywhere for the next eight years, including Saturday and Sunday, that’s what I did from 22 to 30, every day I would spend 15 hours a day in a liquor store”.

Gary Vaynerchuk

But is this necessary for success, or is this just a way to get burnt out, and eventually hate the work you once loved?

I don’t believe that I need to give Gary Vaynerchuk an introduction since a lot of you probably know of him.

But I’ll keep it brief, Gary Vaynerchuk began working at his family’s retail line when he was 14 years old, he spent all his time working in the business from weekends to weekdays.

The hard work and dedication paid off, and by 2005 he grew the wine business from 3 million dollars a year to 60 million dollars a year, then in 2011 he went off to create a digital ad agency called Vayner media.

He also made a few good investments in Facebook, Twitter, Uber, and Venmo, I think that Gary Vaynerchuk is a great example of what it’s like to be a “True entrepreneur” he gives the message that anyone in this world can achieve success if they put in the work.

But the one thing that annoys me is when he always talks about putting your head down and working.

“If you put you head down and just work for the next 10 years, no glamour, no new car, no new jet, no new phone, no trip or event, no new sneakers, then you will have it, and every time you care about one of those things I just mentioned, it will slow down your process”.

– Gary Vaynerchuk

My take on this advice is that it isn’t for everyone, and it’s certainly not the only way to becoming successful.

Also, I know that my advice isn’t for everyone either, you have to find what works best for you, but my experience is that I became very miserable when I did nothing but work 24/7.

This is what I would do from the age of 17 to 22 I didn’t do anything but work on my online business, I had ZERO friends I would wake up at 9:00 am and go to bed at 11:00 pm EVERY SINGLE DAY, and then I would do the same thing the next day, I repeated this schedule for 5 years straight.

The only time I would take a break was to talk to my parents once a year to wish them a happy birthday, and even then I would have at the back of my mind all the tasks that had to be done, my only bit of socializing was talking for 1 hour to a friend I used to go to school with.


But here’s the thing, as much as I loved what I did, and it never felt like work, because I enjoyed it so much, after a while I simply became miserable and lost my personality, I felt like I wasn’t myself anymore.

I was the type of person to know exactly what to say on a sales call, or the type of person to know exactly what long-tail keywords to target in order to rank higher for SEO, but once you took me out of my work, I felt clueless.

All because I was doing what Gary Vaynerchuk says, which is work non-stop, put your head down and just hustle.

“Have 4 jobs Wendy’s, Walmart, your side hustle, Starbucks work, train, learn”.

– Gary Vaynerchuk

The issue came around after doing this for years, I started to think to myself, I’m miserable, what is the point of all of this?

Over time I slowly wasn’t becoming myself anymore and I realized that I had been sacrificing these early years just to have a stack of money at the expense of being an emotionally drained, unhappy, and uninteresting person.

I wanted to be more than just the person who put work above everything else, and it took me 5 years to realize that this isn’t for me.

At first it was really difficult to start “Having fun”, but over time I got more and more used to the idea, that I could enjoy myself and work.

I wanted to become more than just this robotic worker that could only sit on this computer with his headphones on and work, and in the process of doing that, I started to feel better.

I believe the reason for this was, if you have less time to do something, you start to pinpoint and focus on the tasks that will give you the biggest results.

I realized that when I wasn’t doing all-nighters, took breaks, and hanged out with others, that were like-minded, my income went up.

The silly and small tasks I once focused on were now swept under the carpet, because I was now nose-diving into the tasks that yield the best results.

But another thing I stopped and thought about was that, those younger years, were extremely important to gaining the progress that I’m currently on today.

But those hours and workload could not stay with me forever, what used to be extremely fun working all the time, eventually turned into a dreaded chore.

It started to lose its interest, and I slowly wished I could be one of those people who were out there blowing their money at clubs with others, and having fun buying dumb things, because these were the exact opposite of the things I was doing.

Here’s what I think, most of the time you’re not as productive as you think you are, if you looked at what you do every single hour of the day, I guarantee that half of the time you’re spending in “The grind” is leading to nothing productive or worthwhile.

You could have, cut those things off, had some free time, been able to mess around with friends, and achieved the same results.

And be honest with yourself, if you’re strictly counting the “Work hours” track them, I think you’re going to realize that you have a lot of small busy tasks, that don’t get you any closer to your goal.

However, it’s easy to hide behind those, as a way of saying I’m working 12 hours a day, or 14 hours, or 16 hours a day, because we are all told that’s the solution to success.

“Just put in the work and enjoy that, enjoy eating shit and dirt and bleeding and the grind.”

– Gary Vaynerchuk

I used work as an excuse not to deal with other things in my life, but one thing I have learned about increasing my income, is that if you work smarter you can work less and devote more time to your wellbeing, and you could earn more money by making the hours you do work count.

And, for most people, they don’t want to be defined by their work, they don’t want their work to make up their entire being, and there is nothing wrong with that.

And some people don’t want to put in 12 to 18 hours every single day for 10 years, and the truth is I don’t blame them.

I want to have friends, I want to get a Starbucks, I want to have days that I stay in bed, watching cat videos, because I know that these are the times that refresh me, so when I do work, I am much more productive and better.

And I’m not just making this stuff up either, it was noted in 1920 that an executive began studying the productivity of his employees and noticed that their efficiency heavily dropped when they worked too many hours in a day, or a week, so to combat this, he made a new rule that gives the employees 8 hours a day 5 days a week.

He found that switching back and forth between 10-hour day and 6 days a week, and 8 hours a day and 5 days a week, that he could accomplish just as much in 5 days with fewer hours as he could in 6 days with more hours, also his employees felt happier.

By the way, the person who thought of this idea, was the one and only, Henry Ford.

There is also the Parkinson’s law, which says your work expands the time available for its completion, this is why you can burn off an assignment in a day, when you had a week to do it.

If you’re given 20 hours to do a certain task, you will probably spend the full 20 hours to do it, compared to if you were given 12 hours, the reason why is that you will find smart ways to finish your work.


Please don’t feel guilty about enjoying yourself once in a while, this will help you become a more well-rounded person and enjoy life more.

I know some people love the grind, but I believe that’s a very small percentage of entrepreneurs, most of us are better off having a bit of a cool down then coming back to work.

With all of that said, thank you so much for reading this post, I really appreciate it.

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