Growth Mindset And Entrepreneur Motivation

New study uncovers how the rich view the world entirely differently than the average person

Get a trade, that way you will never starve to death, have you heard some variation of that advice?

There’s nothing wrong with getting a trade you can become a wealthy plumber but listen to the second half of that sentence.

Did it say, so that you can become all God intends you to be, is it so that you can let your light shine, so that you can become wealthy, so that you can achieve your goals?

No, it’s so that you never starve to death, this thinking comes from a place of desperation and that’s the thinking that’s handed down from generation to generation.

The weird part is it’s completely invisible to us, I want you to look at this image right now…

What is that you ask? Well, it’s…

An industrial revolution era factory, Rapid industrialization first began in Britain, starting with mechanized spinning in the 1780s.

What other building that we have today looks very similar to that factory? Schools! Here’s an interesting one, schools are run according to the Industrial Revolution age of thinking.

Picture this for a second, you drop your kids off at school, or you as a child being dropped off at school, and you line up in neat lines, and the boss, A.K.A the teacher blows the whistle, rings the bell, or shouts, and in your neat lines, you go to your workstation, and you sit down.

You sit down at your little workstation, and you work for a number of hours, and then the boss, A.K.A the teacher, blows the whistle, rings the bell, or shouts, and you take out your little lunch box so you can have some food, then the whistle goes again, you go back into your workstation, you sit down, and the cycle continues.

It is run according to an Industrial Revolution-era factory, why? Because we are training human beings to be cogs in a system, and we’re still doing it.

Schools these days are badly run, they are nothing but brainwashing institutions that are run by the government and people with lots of money, who want to control the masses, and have them all programmed like robots.

We have thoughts that are invisible to us, we are told what to think not how to think, we are told to blindly obey whoever is the authority, we are told how to act, and we are told what is the so-called “Right way to think and the wrong way to think”, and if you don’t do that then you need to be so-called “Re-educated” or you need to “Seek help” Because something must be wrong with you.

We are molded to act in certain ways that no longer make sense in the modern economy.

The old-world thinking says, become a cog in a system, fit in, don’t make waves, and if you’re a perfect cog, you will get a little bit of money at the end of the day, then you can go home.

My friends that way of thinking will keep you poor, this is called the backpack way.

It goes like this, the parents get hold of their child, and they say, my child, you are young and strong, you must go out into the world and earn coins.

Here’s how you do it, pick up your backpack, load it full of items, and for every hour that you carry your items, you will get one coin.

If you want a second coin, you must carry your backpack for a second hour, now we think like that, we go, the only way to earn coins is to work for a set number of hours, so let me go and get a job and be dependent on a boss.

Now you work your set number of hours every day, you carry your backpack for your set number of hours and a horrible thing starts to happen.

You start to realize that you can’t quite afford the car, you’re not quite breaking even with the kids and their education and the debt you have.

So, what do you do? You go back to the thinking that was handed down to you and you say, If I’m not getting enough coins, what do I have to do?

I must carry another backpack in the evening to get more coins, that kind of thinking keeps families in generational cycles of poverty.

If you take nothing else away from today, this is the one principle that is the most important.

Do not tie your earnings to the number of hours you work, as long as we think a number of hours equal a number of coins, we are in financial trouble because as a human being, you only have so many hours in a day.

Here is the wealthy person’s epiphany, the way of breaking out of this idea is, to dump the useless items in your backpack, get rid of them, and put tiny gold coins instead.

In other words, for every hour that you carry that backpack, you need to raise the value of your work, earn more coins per hour, and not work more hours in order to get more coins.

Resenting the wealthy says more about us than it does about the wealthy, has your family ever used a phrase like, how the other half lives when they talk about rich people?

You know what it’s like? It’s like rich people are a different species, the way that I’d like you to look at the difference between where you are and wealth, is I want you to look at it as a curve.

Because if it’s a curve, you can move along that curve, you can go from where you are now to your goals, but if you buy into that thinking that says, rich people are just a different species, then instead of a curve, there’s a hole, between where you are and where you want to be.

If you don’t believe that it’s possible to move along that transition, you don’t act in ways that start to move you there.

The starting point in becoming a high-net-worth individual is the belief that it is possible, that a wealthy person is not a different species, they’re just further on their path.

They have more education about what brings in money and how to achieve goals than what you currently have, and that’s okay because that represents hope, which means you can learn these things, and do them too.

Resenting the wealthy says more about us than it does about the wealthy, we often think about wealthy people as.

They are all evil! Not a single 1 of them is good, from billionaires to your neighbor who simply has 1 million in the bank.

Forbes magazine paints a different picture, they take the highest-earning individuals on the planet, and they look at how much they give, the stats bear out that wealthy people give more per capita than anyone else.

We’re not just talking about more money because they have more, we’re talking about more per individual in percentage form.

The idea that wealthy people are only stingy, and evil is not made out by statistics.

Of course, some people are evil, you will meet the odd, horrible rich person, they are always out there, in their numbers, but by and large, it is not a valid rule, that’s number one.

There is a difference between people who fail and succeed in anything, and this applies to wealthy families too, they teach their children something very different from what is taught in middle-class and poorer families.

And it’s how to interact with authority, the middle classes and poorer people are taught to fear authority, which is the industrial revolution thinking, you’ve got to fear the guy who runs the factory because he owns your life.

Let’s take an example, if you’re taking your child to the doctor, the middle-class family will teach the child that the doctor is almighty, he has studied for eight years, and he knows everything there is to know.

You as the child must keep quiet, and even if it hurts, don’t cry, just wait for it to be over, and do whatever he tells you to do.

Now, wealthy families, approach the same situation completely differently, while going to the doctor’s office, they tell the child, the doctor is your friend, he has studied for eight years so that he can serve you properly.

How is that? The doctor is a resource that you can use, if you have any questions about your health or about anything you want to know then you must ask the doctor because it’s their job to help you.

Now, take that kind of thinking, that’s a simple example, going to the doctors, but now take that kind of thinking and amplify it over the next 20 years, which of those two kids is going to do well in life?

You’ve got one who’s taught to fear authority, shut up, keep your voice down, don’t make waves, and the other one who’s taught the world is there for you to utilize, it’s all resources, you can use it to your ends.

Imagine the difference that would make, represent yourself, we need to teach our children to represent themselves as well.

We have been conned into an industrial revolution myth that says the authority is in charge and knows best, you must shut up and do what you’re told, you must be a cog in a system.

If you are doing your job perfectly and not making waves, you’ll be fine, that thinking is 100 years outdated, we cannot teach it any longer.

I thought to myself, just a mental exercise if I was stripped of all the stuff that I use every day, the suit, the car, the equipment, the bits and pieces, the toys.

If I was stripped of all of that and just left with my knowledge, my wits, and my education and put into this scenario of living in abject poverty, could I get back out and back to my own life? And could you?

Most people around you might be able to say yes, now, that’s an interesting thought, let’s take that thought one step further.

If I had to take a high net worth individual, someone who does drive the Ferrari, someone with their own private helicopter, and with their own business.

And I transplanted them into your life, do you think they would be able to get back out? If we say yes to that, then what we’re saying is the gap between where you are and where that person is, is in your mind.

Isn’t that a crazy thought? But at the same time, it represents hope because it means it can be done.

It means that the thought is out there, the ideas are out there, the knowledge, and the education is available and can be done.

We’ve been taught for generations that to play it safe, you get a job and don’t make waves, that is the most dangerous thing that you can possibly do because you are taking all your eggs and putting them in one basket.

You are taking your life, your future, your career, your spouse, your children, your medical aid, your debit orders, your entire life, putting them into one basket and handing them to a person whose first concern is not your welfare.

That sounds pretty dangerous to me, also 60, 70 years ago, people did go and get a job and worked for 40, 50 years and retired safely.

Does that happen anymore? No. It’s just not the reality, most companies these days, if you got a job, you have a few days of safety where they are putting you through a trial phase and that’s it.

Now, let’s look at this differently, people say being an entrepreneur is risky, and being your own boss is risky.

Well, Forbes magazine says the only wealthy people are their own bosses, the next thing is, if you as an entrepreneur try 10 big crazy inspired ideas and eight of them fail, you got two of them working.

Now you go out there and you try another 10 big crazy inspired ideas, and again, eight of them fail, two of them work, now you’re up to four things that are bringing in income.

You go out there, 10 big things, eight fail, two more, you’re up to six different things that are bringing in income, multiple streams of income, now that sounds much, safer.

Risky is the new safe, safe is the new risky, and the more we buy into the old Industrial Revolution-era idea that having a boss take care of us is safe, the greater the danger we put our own lives in.

I believe that risk aversion is one of the things that paralyzes most people in the middle class.

Your average high net worth individual has been near or completely bankrupt more than once, how scary is the idea of going bankrupt to you?

To them, it’s a matter of course, they’ve tried big crazy things, they’ve tried building up businesses, and they’ve failed, but to them, it is only part of the process.

And they do something interesting, which you should too, they give themselves permission to fail.

People, today at this early stage in your career, make that commitment to yourself, do yourself a favor, and give yourself permission to fail, it’s okay.

It’s only a bit of embarrassment, it’s only a bit of skin off the knees, it’s only picking yourself up and trying again.

Here’s a revolutionary thought, give other people permission to laugh at you and mock you for trying, let that be okay.

Say, I know my family is not going to understand, I know my friends are going to laugh at me, they’re going to tell me this is crazy, you should play it safe and get a job, give them permission to think that way, give them permission to laugh at you,

Give yourself permission to try and fail, you need the space, you need the leeway, be kind to yourself.

In Conclusion

You are not separated from your goals by a number of years, you are separated from your goals by a number of actions, and that’s completely different.

Years are just numbers, that’s like saying 10, 20 years from now, I’ll be wealthy, it’s not up to years, it’s up to you and your actions, that puts the ball back in your hand, that gives you control, and power.


“How the rich think differently”,”how to think like the rich”,”differences between rich and poor”,”don’t think poor”,”becoming rich”,”becoming wealthy”,”how to become rich”,”how to become wealthy”,”prosperity”,”how to prosper”,”live like the rich”,”millionaire lifestyle”,”billionaire secrets”,”millionaire secrets”,”top speakers on wealth”,”wealth motivation”,”money matters”, bad characteristics of a rich person, why do the rich hate the poor, the difference between how the rich and poor are treated, arrogance of the wealthy, pretending to be rich psychology, why are rich people mean, how-rich-people-think-differently-from-the-poor-2012, rich thinking vs poor thinking pdf,


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