Must Watch: If You Hate Your Job Or Life This Is How Terribly Short Your Life Is…

Based on the CIA’s data the country with the highest life expectancy is Monaco with an average of 89.5 years old.

In the United States, it drops to about 80 in Canada about 82, and in the United Kingdom around 81, across the world, this number can fluctuate dramatically, and drop down to the low fifties in certain less developed countries.

But, for the sake of this blog let’s assume your life expectancy is on the higher side of the world’s average, and that you have no incidents of health complications or tragedies, and that you will live to 82 years old.

82 years on this planet as yourself not too bad, but that’s from birth in terms of the remaining time in life we have to subtract however old you are right now from 82.


For the sake of this blog let’s say you are 22 years old, since that’s generally the age when a lot of people fully begin their careers, after subtracting that at this point you now have 60 more potential years of life.

This equates to 21,900 days or 525,600 hours still not too bad, but if you get an average of 8 hours of sleep per night 175,200 of those hours disappear, and you now have just less than what is equal to 40 years of waking life left.

That brings your life expectancy down 20 years, that’s kind of scary, but it gets a lot scarier if the following is true for you.

A 2017 survey indicated that about 50% of US workers describe themselves as unsatisfied or unhappy in their job.

In another 2017 study conducted worldwide when asked anonymously 85% of workers admitted to disliking or hating their job, at such a large percentage it is rather likely that one of these people might be you.

Or perhaps you don’t necessarily hate your job, but you find yourself rarely ever enjoying it or feeling inspired by it, and you’re always wishing for the weekend.

Always wanting the week to be over, and, for it to be Friday night, if this is the case and your life enjoyment is based almost entirely on the weekend let’s see what happens when we subtract all the weekdays from your remaining 40 years of life.

(Remaining life) – (all weekdays)

There is an average of 260 workdays in a year not including holidays, after subtracting those across your remaining 40 years your number of days goes from 14,600 down to 4,200 leaving you with only about 11 years.

But if you figure you retire at an average age of around 65 you might say that you should get some of those days, back right?

But if you also figure that in the U. S. the chance of having a disability or mental impairment is 68% for people over the age of 65 then this age isn’t exactly a time of your life to hold out for and claim as years filled with happiness and enjoyment.

I would argue that in terms of desirable life we should take at least a portion of those days away.

First, let’s give them all back, but then let’s consider that after the age of 65 as you grow older and older, the likelihood of developing health conditions or having existing health conditions worsen only increases.

As a rough generalized average across all the years after retirement up until death, let’s say a person has somewhere around 2 good healthy enjoyable days out of every 7, now you are exactly right back where you are, with 11 years of remaining life.

In living for the weekend, you went from what first sounded like a decent 60 years of remaining life, all the way down to only 11, and as an extra kicker.

What if you have weekends that aren’t that good?

Weekends where you must do things that you don’t want to do?

Like house chores.

Yard work.

Dealing with annoying personal stuff.

Or even going back to work to catch up on things.

That’s at least another year or more off of your remaining life, if you are 22 years old, your waking life expectancy for the life you want to live is now equivalent to around the age of 32, regardless of your age, who you are, what you do, or the exact accuracy of these numbers to your life.

If you live for the weekends the point holds true, the idea that anyone would live a life, where this much of it is wished away, we’re such a huge quantity of time is spent not wanting it to happen.

We’re such a small percentage of it is spent enjoying it and living in the moment, for anyone that has any sliver of hope, and not living like this.

It is borderline insanity to accept.

Sure, there are responsibilities you must attend to in life, sure there are things we are going to have to do that we don’t always want to do, sure every day of our job and career can’t always be fun, or how we wanted it to be.

But to work a job, career, or be at a company, that you don’t enjoy or find fulfillment in at least a majority of the time, you’re essentially signing away most of your life.

Life is extremely short, if you do all the math and consider every little trivial or self-maintenance-oriented thing we spent time doing, even if you love what you do for work and don’t subtract all the weekdays from your remaining life.

The time we have is still frighteningly short, so it truly is so important that we do not give it away, that we are careful and conscious of what we exchange it for, that we do not let outside pressures from family, friends, or society convince us to just give it away blindly.

And choose jobs, careers, companies, or lifestyles that we don’t personally enjoy, and resonate with, that we don’t become easily distracted or persuaded by short-term glitz and glamour, that we know we don’t need.

And that we try our best to avoid accepting anything less, or making big mistakes that force us to have to.

If you feel like you’re constantly wishing for the weekend only for it to come and then in a blink of an eye it ends, and you’re back at the same starting point on Monday.

Waiting for the weekend all over again, if you feel like you’re anywhere close to living a life where you dislike almost every day of what you do, throwing each day into the trash of wasted time.

Perhaps you should spend some of your time trying to figure out how to make sure you don’t waste any more of it.

Now, I know what you’re about to say, maybe you have read a tonne of these types of blog posts or watched a load of these types of videos, wishing and feeling motivated to make a difference.

But having to crash down to earth knowing that you don’t know-how, (Maybe you’re even looking at this post at your hated job).

But, did you know that most people think they can’t quit their hated job, and, have the dream life they’ve always dreamed of?

In fact, that’s probably what you’re thinking right now, isn’t it?

I know it sounds crazy because we’re all used to hearing about how you need to get a “Safe and secure job”, then retire at 65 to finally live life comfortably. (Not even rich!)

However, I’m going to reveal to you the REAL secret to finally getting out of your dreaded life and stepping into the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Let’s be honest for a moment, you probably work hard, don’t you?

So, why are you still hating your life?

It’s not your fault you deserve more, and I’m going to help you get there…

Now before you leave, I’m not going to charge you a stupid $997 course.

Yeah, you heard me right!

Imagine what your life would feel like if you were able to take your belongings and step out of that building that you’ve always hated?

And look at the jerks that made your life hell and give them the happiest smile. 😊 Also, have your other work colleagues turn around from their desk and give you the secret look of…


And you give a sneaky smirk that says 1000 words of, “Yes I am, and I’m never coming back!”

You then turn around and look at your hated workplace for the very last time as you sigh in relief, maybe you even cry a little, it’s ok to let the emotions out you deserve it!

What would your life finally look like if you could put nothing on the to-do list? Or hang out with the people you care about?

Or maybe be like me and finally accomplish the dream of being one of those people who are out on the street at working hours, doing whatever you want to do.

Or how would it feel being the person that can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, just like in those movies? Come on! How cool would it be to look at a crazy high price and say…


How would it feel if you had no more alarm clocks, harassing you in the morning? And no more being away from your family and coming in when everyone is going to bed?

And no more having to take on side jobs because, your current job doesn’t even support you enough.

Be honest with yourself, you would give anything for the life you’ve always dreamed of, right?

BUT you must get something through you heard first, and that is this thing takes work.

You can’t think that your dream life will fall into your lap with no effort, this is not some push-button get rich quick scheme, and I know you’ve been hit with a load of them on YouTube and Facebook.

However, the key is here, and the choice is yours, I’m not going to shove this down your throat.

I only want action-takers who are willing to invest a tiny bit of money, to make their dream life a reality.

If you aren’t that kind of person then GO AWAY!

However, if you are one of those rare types of people who are willing to grab their life by the horns, so they can be the provider for themselves and their loved ones.

And finally do what you want, when you want, and as much as you want.

Then click the link here, and, let’s get started building a system that will wake you up from this nightmare…

Thank you for reading this blog post, if you found any value in this, please share it with someone that needs to see this message, or share it on your social media.

Who knows, you might change someone’s life.


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