MUST-READ: How to deal with failure and disappointment in your life :( (Mindset)

You have an amazing business plan or idea, and you’ve put all your time, money, effort, and pleaded to every person you possibly know, to help you make your dreams for your business become a reality.

Or maybe you have mouths to feed, debts to pay, and desire a better life, so you desperately need this business to work for you.

You’ve had a lot of happy moments with your business, you’re hitting goal, after goal, and you can almost taste your dream life.

However, …

Something terrible happens in your business, and you don’t just trip up, you completely crash and burn.

The dreams you had shatter right in front of you, everyone you know looks at you with disappointment and is extremely skeptical about trusting you.

The voices of people telling you “Maybe you should just go back to the way you were” or “You had a good run let’s be realistic now”.

Over time you start to drown in your failure, you feel defeated, and you start to tell yourself, how you could have been so stupid to think that you could ever make this work.

This is the most feared event an entrepreneur could ever go through, a failure that is so catastrophic that it wipes out everything you’ve worked so hard for, I know how that pain feels I felt the same way too when I was making my blog.

I wasn’t going to share this but, the secret is, I had an earlier version of Adventago, I worked countless days and nights trying to do everything myself.

It was absolute misery, but I pushed through, there were even times I would fall asleep on the desk, but I remember the day I finally published my blog and I literally ran around my house due to how proud and happy I was.

That’s when things went to hell, it was only 4 weeks since I had my blog, unfortunately, people weren’t coming but, I was ok with that.

Suddenly something told me to check on my website, so I logged into WordPress with my account, and it was incorrect.

At first, I thought I was rushing the password, but something inside me sunk when I typed my password extremely slowly and realized that I was still not logged in.

I was in a little bit of a panic, so I typed in the URL of Adventago and what I saw shocked me.

There was nothing there.

I was so scared, I tried everything I could to get my account back, but nothing was working, that’s when I realized that whoever did this, didn’t just mess with my website.


I was so upset that I was crying, all my hard work and stress was flushed down the toilet, it didn’t make sense I wasn’t even well know.

Why would someone go out of their way to screw with me? It didn’t matter why, what mattered was that I was back at square one, I remember throwing my keyboard and shouting.


I felt like such a failure that I didn’t even know what to do, but that’s when something inside me clicked.

I realized if I had stronger security then this failure would have never happened, I began to put my anger and disappointment into my work instead of myself.

I also asked myself how could I stop doing the designs for my website? That’s when I learned to hire a website designer, while I focused on other matters.

After a while, I got things up and running but I was still scarred, with a valuable lesson, I will never let this happen again.

The message behind my story is that, even in your darkest times there are still valuable things you can learn from.

I know it can be a huge kill on your joy, but if you are one of the lucky ones who failed early in your career then you can take those lessons and avoid them when your business is a lot bigger.

Do you know what hurts even more? Knowing that the failure could have easily been avoided, the simple solution to this is to educate yourself and look at others who have failed and succeeded and monitor how they overcame the struggles, so you don’t have to.

Here is a video by Evan Carmichael about why you should Keep FAILING And You Will SUCCEED. It’s called Keep FAILING And You Will SUCCEED! | NEVER GIVE UP Motivation | #BelieveLife​

However, there is a different set of people that I feel even worse for, and they’re the ones who don’t want to try because they’re afraid of failure.

This is extremely sad to know that many gifted people will die with their great ideas inside of them.

I know it’s scary to fail, and no one wants to have those negative emotions, but you have to fail in order to get better.

A great thing to remember is if you’re failing then you’re taking yourself out of your comfort zone, which you will eventually become great at, I highly doubt you didn’t fall over when you were trying to walk as a baby.


An effective way to cope with failure would be to not see it as a failure, but as a lesson, what I mean by this is instead of beating yourself that you failed in something.

Ask yourself what you could learn from this, so you don’t have to go through this mistake again, this will make you feel better and keep that entrepreneur brain ticking.

Here’s an example, you get into a legal dispute and lose, you have to sell all your assets and are back to square one,

Instead of telling yourself how you’re a failure and not cut out to be in business, ask yourself what could you have done to prevent an event like this from happening again?

Maybe you could have hired a lawyer to look over your legal structure to make sure there aren’t any loopholes.


This is a hard answer to swallow, but here it is, we all have to go through obstacles, and even when you change tactics you still feel like you’ve hit a brick wall.

This is when I would advise you to pull the plug, I know as entrepreneurs we aren’t quitters, but if you’re honestly telling me that you’ve tried everything, then don’t continue burning resources into something that isn’t working.

However, if you know deep down that this can work out, then I would tell you to dust yourself off and keep on fighting.

Business is like a boxing match you have to keep your head in the game and no matter how many times you get knocked down you must get back up and K.O life.

Hang in there my friend, if you continue to have that fighting spirit, for what you want, you will eventually have the success you‘re dreaming of.

“Knock me down and I’ll keep getting back up.”

– Jack Morrison (Soldier 76)


I know failing or the fear of failure is an awful thing to have to go through, but as we all know life is not a walk in the park.

There’re going to be times when you completely lose, but, if you don’t give up, then you’ll always have a chance to make it back.

Also, don’t let others mock you for your failures, while they’re comfortable with their average life, you’re trying to make a much brighter future for you and your loved ones.

Here is one of my personal favorite books called 10X By Grant Cardone

Click on the image here to have a read.

I seriously recommend you get this book; it will change your view on failure and success, you can get the hardcover, audio, kindle, and even CD so you can listen to it in your car.

For those of you who were interested in getting the book for FREE, go to amazon kindle to download it NOW! Click Here Now For 10X.


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