Internet Marketing Tips And Sales Training Methods

(LEAKED!) #1 Top Salespeople Reveal How To Get Out Of Sales Slumps (And Start Making Money Again…)

“Damn Man, what the heck is going on? I can’t make any sales; I just want to throw my phone across the room!” Whoa there, now hold your horse’s cowboy, it’s all right, you’re just in a sales slump.

I’m going to give you five tips to get out of your sales slump, everything’s going to be all right, let’s go over these five tips to get out of a sales slump and start making money great again.

Hey, everyone, it’s Adventago here, and I just want to say I feel your pain 100%, I’ve been there.

I do sales and marketing for a living, I’ve been there, where you just want to throw your computer out the window because you can’t make a sale, you can’t get a deal, you’re marketing over and over, you’re selling over and over.

And your numbers are still zero, or maybe they’re low and you just can’t make any more money, don’t worry about it because we all go through it, it’s a cycle.

Now, before we start, we must address the big elephant in the room and that is, what is a sales slump?

Well, a sales slump is the cycle where you don’t make money, and then your confidence goes down, and then you get worse, and worse, and worse, and worse, and you start doubting everything.

Are you in a sales slump right now? It probably feels like a downward spiral right?

Because confidence helps sales and marketing, and it just gets worse.

I’m going to be talking about five tips to get out of sales and marketing slumps in this blog post.

I don’t want to waste any of your valuable time so let’s dive right in with…

1. Keep Going.

Many people try to become successful in business/entrepreneurship, however, the biggest reason people completely fail, completely lose money, time, and opportunity cost, is because they stop.

You don’t want to stop, the only way you can fail is if you give up, you must keep going, and ultimately, you’re doing this because you love doing this.

You got into sales and marketing because you enjoy doing it, you enjoy connecting with people, you enjoy advertising, you enjoy social media, or doing whatever, you enjoy.

And if you stop, you’re letting your emotions destroy you, if you give up, you’re letting your fear take over, and betray your heart.

You already chose this direction and the most successful entrepreneurs, they’ve been doing the same thing over and over for years.

There was a piece of advice that I believe Muhammad Ali said to someone who asked him “Are you scared of failing?”

And Muhammad Ali said, “I never fail” and the reporter said, “But how can, you be sure?” And Muhammad Ali responded “Because I never quit, you only fail if you quit”


If you’re going through a slump, and there are some obstacles, maybe the markets changed, maybe there are new regulations, maybe you’ve just lost confidence in your tonality or your pitch, or your enthusiasm or your authority on a subject is not being conveyed correctly.

Or maybe you’re putting up marketing posts, but you’re not analyzing your numbers, you’re not looking at things, you’re not trying to figure out why something’s working or not because you’re frustrated, and you’re just sacrificing and creating activity, but not doing any analysis.

All those things are not good, all those things are bad ways of dealing with an obstacle.

If you address, figure out, and deal, with the obstacle and discover a way to get over it, you will be a much better salesperson, and a much better internet marketer.

The second tip I have for you is…

2. Measure yourself always.

There’s a famous quote from Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, which says, “You can only manage what you measure, and if you aren’t measuring yourself, you’re not managing yourself.”

Let’s go over this real quick, any time I go through a sales slump, and I sell other people’s products on the internet, through a process called affiliate marketing, I go through slumps as well, my income varies.

Sometimes my business will run in the negatives, I’ll be losing money, however the previous month, I could have made a massive amount of money, so it can really hurt, also it can seriously affect my entire mentality.

What I started doing when that happens, is I do something very easy, I start measuring myself, and what I do is I create a chart.

There’s a sheet on Google Drive that I use, and I measure what I do each day, I say time started.

I measure the time I start an activity, let’s say start an activity at 9:10, and then I do the time ended, and I measure everything I do throughout the day,

I’ll put up an activity, let’s say my activity is posting on social media, I will measure my time doing that, and if I lose focus for even a second.

Let’s say I go to get a cup of water, or let’s say I start reading through other people’s Facebook posts, or let’s say, I start going downstairs to eat, I stop, and I say, “Okay, I just ended that activity at 9:15.”

And then I’ll have to do another item where I’ll say I’m posting and I’ll start it again at 9:20, and I’ll measure how long I work on that activity till maybe 9:45, but I measure what I do throughout the entire day no matter what.

And what I found was that oftentimes, much of my day is spent doing non-revenue generating activities.

And how I’ve been able to account for that is, I’ll put an asterisk next to each item at the end of the day that was a useful time for creating sales.

And what I found is that when I’m going through slumps, when I begin the slump, I am spending a large amount of time mucking around.

Maybe I’m cooking food, or maybe I spend extra time at lunch, or maybe I spend time reading through social media, or reading the news.

Basically, anything besides actually selling, anything besides actually posting links, which is what marketing is, it’s posting links, or in sales, it’s picking up the phone, or knocking on doors.

The more you measure yourself!

My advice here would be, create more output, create more time where you’re selling or you’re marketing.

Get your days so that you get out of the non-revenue generating activities so you can spend more time with the people you deeply care about.

3. Actual education… Learn more.

If you’re a more knowledgeable person, and if you invest in yourself to become better, you’re going to give yourself a better chance at getting out of sales slumps.

As the great Tai Lopez said, “The more you learn, the more you earn.”I spend 1 to 4 hours every day learning something new.

I spend a lot of time learning from people who are much more successful than me, because ultimately, I’m looking for wealth, and to learn how to make more money, I need to spend time learning from people who are wealthier than me.

I’m an educator myself, for example, right now I’m teaching here, but I actually have, a 30-day training course.

Where my good friend and personal mentor Russell Brunson, will teach you exactly how you can quickly and easily make money online with a brand-new system that virtually no one else is talking about, yet has the potential to radically transform your life.

Or if you already have a bit of success in this industry, but you want more, we have you covered too!

I trust Russell Brunson 100%, and he can guide you to turning your struggle into a full-time income online.

There’s really no catch, it’s a business you can easily leverage which means you don’t always have to be working 24/7 to make this work.

And through the power of the internet gives you monster opportunities that no normal job could ever grant you.

If literally, any of that sounded interesting to you…

P.S: This Is a FREE On-Demand Training. There Are No Costs, But This Will Only Be Available For A Limited Time! So Get Going Now”

I spend a lot of time learning, and the more I learn, the more confident I get, and I’ve also found that confidence is highly correlated with being successful.

The fourth tip I have for getting out of sales slumps is…

4. Focusing on your health.

Now, I just mentioned to you that confidence is a very important factor in being successful.

And I found that getting your health in order, getting in good shape, getting that energy flowing is a great thing.

There are so many benefits of being healthy, not just looking at yourself in the mirror each day and saying…

“WOW! I look pretty good,” but the benefits beyond that include stuff like you breathe better, your lungs have more capacity, you get more oxygen to your brain.

And what you feed your body, the number of fats you put in your body, fats are good, if you eat healthy fats, they’re brain food.

If you focus on your health, you keep your machine oiled, you’re going to think better, you’re going to have more energy, you’re going to be able to attack problems better, and you’re not going to get brain fog.

Have you ever gotten brain fog before? This is where you’re trying to focus, you’re trying to think, you’re trying to overcome an obstacle, but your brain just doesn’t want to seem to work.

It just says, “There are too many things, there are too many variables, there’s too much stuff to hold in it at one time,” and you say to yourself, “I just want to watch monkey videos on YouTube or something else”.

I know this because it used to happen to me all the time, and it still happens to me, but fortunately, I’ve really focused on my health, I got on a thing called O.M.A.D which stands for one meal a day, and I feel a lot better.

I used to feel tired after eating certain foods at lunchtime, but now I feel a lot more energetic and I can get more done during the day, it’s really awesome.

Focusing on health is a great way to get your confidence up and get you back in the sales position.

Also doing sports is a great way of interaction, of bringing yourself energy, and getting those small wins, whether it’s football or basketball.

It’s a way to ignite yourself, and start going, and getting those deals, and conveying that you are an authority on whatever subject, you’re marketing or speaking about.

Tip number five for getting out of sales slumps is…

5. Make it easier.

A lot of people complicate things, there is every sort of way you can complicate things, you see this a lot with people that want to get into the online space they things like, “Oh, I have to do this before I do that, and then I’ll do C, then I got to trademark everything, and then I got to do this.”

Screw all of that, if you are having a hard time making sales, boil it down to the basics, you don’t have to buy inventory, set up a business license, find a technical partner, and all this stuff.

If you’re selling a product, just focus on the easiest thing, and if you’re in just regular sales instead of doing prospecting.

Generally, commission-only salespeople are doing prospecting, they’re setting up meetings, and then they are closing.

Generally doing sales, you’re doing three things, in marketing, we’re doing a number of other things, we’re doing targeting and messaging, and other stuff like that.

But you can make it easier on yourself, instead of focusing on prospecting, setting, and closing deals.

Maybe you just remove one part of the pie, and you say instead of closing deals, you’re just going to start setting up conversations for other closures.

Take a lower commission for yourself and let the closures get the rest of the commission, so you can back up and just start doing one part of the process, make it easier for yourself.

If you’re marketing a very expensive product online, market a cheaper product, if you’re trying to focus on a niche that is difficult to market, focus on a niche that is easier to market or easier to sell.

If you’re trying to sell a complex and expensive product over the phone, try to focus on selling a little less complex, and a little less expensive product.

Just to make the situation easier for yourself, so you can get those small wins and then ultimately focus on getting back into those big wins, those big deals, whatever that is.

I hope you learned something from this, but if you take away anything from this, just keep going! Stay focused, the more you learn, the more you earn.

Ultimately to get out of a sales slump, it all depends on you, you need to become a better person, you need to become a better version of yourself, and the more time you spend growing, the better off you’ll be.

Likely this sales slump is because you didn’t focus enough on personal growth.

Likely the sales slump is because you got lazy and allowed sales to come in and didn’t realize that the markets changed, the job situations change, industries change, your competitors change, everything changes around you.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying, and you must embrace that the new way of doing business is you can’t rest on your laurels anymore, you have to constantly be investing in your personal growth.

I have a very good friend and personal mentor called Russell Brunson, he will educate you on exactly how you can quickly and easily make money online with a brand-new system that virtually no one else is talking about, yet has the potential to radically transform your life.

Or if you already have a bit of success in this industry, but you want more, we have you covered too!

I trust Russell Brunson 100%, and he can guide you to turning your struggle into a full-time income online.

And through the power of the internet gives you monster opportunities that no normal job could ever grant you.

If literally, any of that sounded interesting to you…

P.S: This Is a FREE On-Demand Training. There Are No Costs, But This Will Only Be Available For A Limited Time! So Get Going Now”

I look forward to seeing you in future posts, talk soon, love from Adventago.


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