How to succeed in life? (The ultimate secret for students, millennials, and young people)

If you’re under 30 years old then this blog is for you, today I’m going to share with you 3 pieces of advice, that you will desperately need when going through school and getting started in life.

I know a lot of you are going to school right now, about to graduate, or you’re still young and trying to figure out what path you should choose, and, what career you should have.

So, today I’m going to help you with that, starting with number one, and that is …

1 Figure Out Exactly Who You Are, And What Are Your Strengths Early On

Most people teach you to work on your weaknesses, I don’t believe in that, if you spend your life working on your weaknesses, at the end of the day you’re just going to have a bunch of strong weaknesses.

What you want to do is to figure out who you are? What are you good at? What are you naturally good at? Chances are they are the things that we enjoy doing and have a passion for.

Then pick one or 2 of those things that you want to focus on, and put all your energy into that, and you get exceptionally good at it, when you get exceptionally good at it, you will realize that the marketplace compensates you for it.

I see a lot of young people (Including me at times), struggle because they say “Well Adventago I really don’t know what I’m good at, or, I don’t know what career I should focus on.”

Chances are if you don’t know what you’re going to focus on, you haven’t tried enough things.

I want you to imagine you’re playing sports right now, and, you say to yourself ”What should I play?”

Maybe you should try basketball, tennis, ping pong, golf or football, well, if you haven’t tried different sports how do you know which ones you’re good at and which ones you aren’t so good at?

Instead of just thinking, guessing, and having other people tell you what you like, try different things, experiment and test, and once you try enough things, then you will discover what you’re definitely good at and love, and what you’re definitely bad at and hate.

And once you discover these skills, you start to put more time into them, and naturally, you see what comes easily to you, might not be so easy for others.

And that’s when you know you’ve found your thing, that right there is your strength, you’re naturally good at something, that other people are not so good at.

2. Work For Skills, Don’t Work For A Paycheck.

You see when a lot of graduates graduate from school they say, “Hey I want to make sure I pick a job that pays me the most!” Don’t do that! Because that kind of thinking is very short term.

When you work for money, you’re always making decisions based on getting paid a little extra, verses, what’s the overall vision you have for your life?

Just because your parents tell you that you should focus on this career, or your friends are doing a certain subject.

Doesn’t mean you should jump into what they’re saying or doing, that kind of pathway may not be a good fit, this is why you need to assess, what are you good at and what do you love.

But, at the same time work for skills, I’ll give you an example, in Dan Lok’s early twenties he was working for his mentor Alan Jacques, for next to nothing, for 1 whole year.

He was basically a volunteer, Dan Lok was working in Alan Jacques’s office learning from him, but here’s the thing, he didn’t get paid a lot, in fact, he was working less than minimum wage!

If you had the mindset of just looking for a paycheck this opportunity would make no sense, but Dan Lok learned so much, he even refers to it as the “$1,000,000 year” because he got $1,000,000 worth of education from his mentor.

Dan Lok wasn’t working for money if that was the case he would have said no, but he was working for skills, he was working to acquire skill sets, that he could use in the future.

You see most people who are struggling financially, want more income, without skills.

You do not have an income problem, you have a skill problem, because the marketplace is always willing to pay for people with talents and skills.

Work on your skills, work for skills, pick an industry, company, or someone, that you could learn from, don’t just work for a paycheck work for skills.

3. Look Long Term Not Short Term.

One of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of young people make is that they have a very short-term mentality, they try to make a quick buck, they’re trying to get rich quick.

A lot of the decisions they make are very naive, and it’s mostly to do with that, they don’t think long term, they’re just thinking about this, week, this month, this quarter, and maybe some of them are thinking about this year.

But they don’t think very long term, a lot of people look at wealthy people and start to get jealous, some people say things like.

“Oh, Elon Musk, he’s very successful at a young age”.

But Elon Musk’s probably thinking in the back of his head.

“Yeah, I’m more like a 10 year (Or more) overnight success”.

Elon Musk has had to work many, many, many, years to get to where he is today, but he chooses to pay the price for success early,

I’ll use myself as an example, for the first number of years while I was still in school and everyone else was going out all day drinking, partying, playing games, smoking, and chasing girls.

I didn’t take a single day off, I was working 12 to 14 hours a day, every single day, in my little bedroom with my mom, dad and sister.

You must understand that there is a price that you’ve got to pay, and you have to think long term.

Don’t get frustrated when you look at people on social media and you see their successful lifestyle, then you think to yourself.

“I want to get there too, so I’ll try for 6 months, or I want to get there in 1 year!”

Before you start running towards that goal, I need to stop you, from feeling defeated and depressed, by letting you know that you’re not going to reach that goal in 6 months, and you’re not going to reach it in 1 year.

You have to adjust your expectations, now it doesn’t mean you don’t have a sense of urgency.

What I’m saying is the definite way to getting frustrated and depressed, is to have a massive goal and unrealistic expectations in terms of the time frame.

Think about it, you’re still young, you have time, youth is your biggest advantage, you still have energy, health, and low amounts of responsibilities, cherish this and take your time.

Jack ma from Alibaba has a 102-year business!!! plan, that’s why he is Jack ma he thinks long term, he’s not being reactive or thinking short term.

You need to take a step back and ask yourself these questions…

What is my plan?

What do I need to do today?

What skill sets do I need to acquire today?

What do I need to do today?

What habits do I need to develop today, that will set me up for success in the future?

If you always look at the massive end goal you will always be frustrated, because you will look at where you are now and you will feel like you’re never good enough.

Don’t focus on that!

You don’t give birth to a baby and argue to the doctors why it isn’t an adult yet, do you?

A baby takes time and nourishment to develop into a strong, kind, and intelligent adult.

“Think of your long-term goal, then reverse engineer, and figure out, who do I need to be today to get that goal?”

Now, if you want an easy to implement and proven high paying skill that will sustain you and the people you deeply care about for generations to come.

No matter how the world is doing, and doesn’t even feel like work, but has the potential to positively change the world.

Then I highly urge you to click the button below, and join me and my friend Russell Brunson.

I don’t want to spoil anything, but I will simply say this…

This is the #1 skill that has made THIS COMPANY $360 million, and Russell Brunson is going to spill the beans on how you can get a nice slice of this massive money pie.


The only question is are you REALLY willing to stop procrastinating, (Or making excuses) and get started boosting your:





If you want to go back to the life and income you hate, then ignore this message!!!

But if you TRULY know that you’re tired of being…

Overworked, Underpaid, And Underappreciated

I hope you enjoyed this blog post, and it gave you some insight on what you need to do next to become successful at a young age, I just wanted to say that you should be extremely proud of yourself.

At such a young age you already have this entrepreneur fire inside of you.

Now that is a major accomplishment!

Keep on pushing for your dreams and let nothing stop you, I know 100% that one day you WILL BECOME SUCCESSFUL!


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