How To Be Self-Disciplined And Master Self Control For Business Owners, Entrepreneurs And Marketers (Mindset)

People have this negative connotation associated with the word discipline, but for me, it comes down to self-discipline.

And self-discipline for me is waking up early and getting my blog done every Tuesday and Thursday, making a YouTube video every Wednesday and Thursday, and sending an email every day, until the day I die.

That right there is self-discipline, because it’s going to be good for me, and, that’s what this blog is going to be about, so, make sure to add me on your favorite social medias by clicking the links below

WHY? Because I publish on LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and this blog, with content that will transform you into a stronger and smarter entrepreneur, and investor.

I also give discount and referral links that you can get access to, so you can have juicy discounts and deals on equipment that you may already be thinking of getting.

(You wouldn’t want great discounts and bonuses, would you?)

Also, I hand you motivational quotes that keep you inspired and uplifted.

👇 And lastly, it’s so you NEVER miss another blog post. 👇





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Click here now to grab a copy of my brand-new book Skills. Scale. Sustainability. “The invisible key to recession proofing your business and how you can massively thrive even during a terrible economy”

And with that done let’s go! When I was a child, I used to come back from school and rush to the kitchen and snack on a few things, however, I wasn’t even hungry I was just eating for the sake of it being there, for some weird reason.


However, one day my dad dropped me home and I did the same thing, however, he walked behind me and said, “Why are you eating?” And I said, “I don’t know”.

And he said “Starting from today you need to go upstairs, wash your hands, change from your school clothes, have a glass of water, and wait until dinner is ready.

I don’t want you snacking around, and, when dinner comes you don’t want any of it, because you’re too full, now, I want you to put the food down and repeat to me what I just said”.

I had to stand there and repeat everything my dad just said again and again for ages, it was a very boring experience and, it took me forever, but because I was afraid that my dad was going to make me do it again, or, get angry at me.

I never once ran to the kitchen and snacked, and that is how my dad taught me self-discipline.

But you have to remember that no one is born with self-discipline, we all learn it in some way shape or form.

And like I said I was taught self-discipline because, I had a reward, which was not being grounded and I had a risk which was, “Damm if I don’t repeat what my dad said over and over again, I’m going to be in trouble.”

I want you to ask yourself this question.

What are my weaknesses?

What are the things I care about changing?


Is your weakness your weight? Then I want you to right now! STOP reading this blog, go into your kitchen, throw out all the crap that you eat and that is putting on weight.

Delete the app on your phone that delivers things, drive the other way home that doesn’t take you by your favorite fast-food restaurant.

If you’re wasting time, all the time, and you’re not doing enough, then I want you to go into your phone, delete all the apps that are taking up too much of your time.

And the stupid fear-mongering news apps that you read in the morning, and, the silly games that you play for way too long.

If you want to know more people, or you think your network is too small and you want to grow your business, start right NOW! Reach out to people, DM people, email, people, or any form of contract right now!

And tell them why they should know you, and why you should work with them, and then follow up with them every single week until they respond.

Do you want to make more money? Take the money you do have and put it away, lock it up, and, by the end of the month how much money do you now have? Must be more than what you had last month right?

Next month save an extra $10 a day, and the next month save an extra $20 a day if you can.

Also, get an accountability buddy for everything, remove every temptation, find an accountability buddy and tell them do not let me eat this, do not let me spend this money, promise me you’ll help me do that.

And they’ll appreciate it, and, then say you’ll do the same thing for them, maybe they have some temptation that they have no discipline for.

And then you’re going to help them do the same thing that they’re helping you with, and you’re both going to be accountable for the same reason.

Once you figure out what your weaknesses are, and you remove those temptations, and you get it out of sight and out of mind, then, you set goals, and you set rewards.

And you set goals that can be quick, make them hourly goals, make them, daily goals, make them weekly goals, make them monthly goals, or whatever you need to do.

Figure out what rewards can be for you, maybe an award for you is a holiday, so what I want you to do is set up a holiday to your dream location, and set up the things that you have always dreamed of doing, but, could never afford.

Then I want you to book it RIGHT NOW! Have it terrify you, put it 1 year in the future and know that you’re only going to be able to afford it, if you do the work that you need to do.

And figure out how to get around those weaknesses that you have, and, put those temptations off to the side.

If you do that, then that holiday is going to push you to make more money, to get yourself in better shape, so you can take that photo, or, whatever else makes you happy, when you’re on the holiday by the time you finally get there.

Don’t be one of those people who try to rip off the band-aid, or jump right into the cold water, don’t go to extremes, because, you’re not going to keep it up.

You’re going to then be that person who at the end of every year says I want to make more money, you then buy all the equipment and software to start an online business, you run it for a month and then you quit.

Because you go back to old habits, that’s not how you build self-discipline, you don’t just jump in head first, you take baby steps, start by working on your business for 30 minutes then raise it bit by bit.

Start with little baby steps, and if you mess up on one day, don’t beat yourself up about it, forgive yourself and move on, because the next day is a brand new day, and, everything is going to be okay, also, no one cares just remember that.

You’re the only one who cares, so you’re the only one you need to forgive, no one else is going to forgive you for making mistakes with how you want to better improve yourself, you’re the one who has to forgive yourself.

And no one else is going to reward you either, because, they’re all busy working on their own stuff, so you have to be the one who rewards yourself.

If you’re thinking about the fact that you have poor self-discipline and you want to do something about it, then, don’t wait until tomorrow.

Don’t read this blog again tomorrow morning, and, then start to change, don’t wait until Monday, when you get back from your business trip, or, because you’ve got this test on Friday and you want to wait until the weekend.

Start TODAY start right NOW! Stop reading this blog right now! and start something that you’ve been wanting to start for the past, week, month, year, or, or even a few years, it doesn’t matter what it is!

Because, no one’s going to care that you didn’t do what you told yourself you were going to do, because if you wait till tomorrow or later, then that turns into never, that’s exactly how it works.

And then 5 years go by, and, then 10 years go by, and then before you know it, you’re that person sitting on the street looking back at the time and wondering…

What happened?

Where did everything go?

How come that person went past me?

Instead of somebody who says this is how it happened, you’re going to be a how come it didn’t happen? And that’s what happens when you wait for the next day.

And last but not least, never give up on yourself! You are the one person who can turn it around, no one else is going to help you, no one else is going to tell you what to do.

You’re the only person who has all of the power to turn everything around for yourself and the people you deeply love, and that’s all I have to say THE END. 🔚

NOOOO!!! This blog is over! But don’t worry you can follow me on.





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Click here now to grab a copy of my brand-new book Skills. Scale. Sustainability. “The invisible key to recession proofing your business and how you can massively thrive even during a terrible economy”

WHY? So, I can hand you content that will transform you into a stronger and smarter entrepreneur, and investor.

I also give discount and referral links that you can get access to, so you can have juicy discounts and deals on equipment that you may already be thinking of getting.

(You wouldn’t want great discounts and bonuses, would you?)

Also, I hand you motivational quotes that keep you inspired and uplifted.

And lastly, it’s so you NEVER miss a blog post.

Thank you for reading, and I will see you in another blog post.

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