How To Be An Affiliate Marketer In India Or Nigeria For Beginners (Answer Revealed)

Do you live in India or Nigeria, and you want to make money online, through affiliate marketing? But you feel like no affiliate networks will accept you, or pay you?

Well, there’s good news for YOU!

I’m going to go over several affiliate networks, that will work with you, whether you’re in India or Nigeria, so keep on reading, because I’m going to layout the networks right now.

What’s great about affiliate marketing? Is that it’s such a worldwide thing, and when you’re selling products on the internet, you can be located anywhere in the world and sell products.

But, for some reason certain countries have a bad reputation associated with them, now I’m not saying you’re a bad person if you’re from India or Nigeria, but a lot of affiliate networks don’t want to work with you.

I don’t know why, I’m chill with Indians and Nigerians, but not all affiliate networks are, so I’m going to go over which affiliate networks will work with people from Nigeria and India.

I’ve laid out several of them right here.

The first I’m going to start with is perhaps the biggest affiliate program in the world and that’s Amazon Associates, the great thing about them is you can sell almost anything.

Another advantage of Amazon is that it will work with people from India.

Unfortunately, they will not work with people from Nigeria, which sucks, but if you’re in India you can use Amazon associates.

Now A4D. is a CPA affiliate network, meaning you don’t even need to create a sale to make money, you can simply have somebody download and install an app or submit a lead form.

But A4D is a CPA network, the thing about CPA networks is that they work a little bit differently, because you’re not necessarily getting a sale, they check the affiliates very strongly.

For example, they’ll have interview questions for you, if you want to become an affiliate of A4D, they only want to work with experienced affiliates who have a track record.

Or know exactly what they need to do and won’t message their affiliate managers, now one thing I want to caution you about is before you consider joining A4D or AAO.

Only use my name as a referral if you’re not going to bug your affiliate manager, with questions until you start making money with them.

First off, you won’t get in if you don’t have a referral to these networks, and second off, if you ask your affiliate manager a bunch of questions before you start generating income with them.

They’re going to kick you out, because they don’t have the time, they only make money if you make money.

They don’t have the patience to answer all your questions, that’s what training programs like this blog are used for.

Happily, A4D and AAO will work with both people from Nigeria and India, but again they only want to work with experienced people, if you have questions and you think you’re going to get free information from your affiliate manager.

Don’t even try it, they have too many problems with fraud, but I’m not going to go deeper into that right now.

The next one is ClickBank, this is the affiliate network I work with, and have made my first $1000 on.

Another advantage is that they will work with people from India.

Unfortunately, Clickbank doesn’t accept affiliates from Nigeria, again, don’t ask me why they just don’t accept Nigerians.

The last network that you can work with is, Jvzoo this platform mostly sells niche business opportunity products, that being said Jvzoo is very popular with Nigerians and they will work with Indians too.

I know a lot of Nigerians who work with Jvzoo, a cool fact is there are many internet millionaires or multimillionaires that are from Nigeria that use Jvzoo, so this is definitely a good network for Nigerians to come and use.


I hope you learned something from this blog, affiliate marketing is an international thing, you can sell products in any country around the world, but you need access to the offers, and you need to be accepted to affiliate networks.

If you want more information on affiliate marketing, entrepreneur mindset, financial literacy, and sales techniques/Internet marketing tips, share the heck out of this blog post!

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Because I’m going to be dropping some serious heat daily, about how you can start your entrepreneur empire and make others including yourself financially free.

And when you click the button, you get instant access to a course on affiliate marketing and working from home.

This will seriously help you discover this amazing industry, that’s created freedom for me and so many others just like you.

( ♥ ͜ʖ ♥)

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