How do I start to change my life for the better? YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS ONE HABIT FIRST

If you want to discover how to start changing your life for the better? YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS ONE HABIT FIRST.

I remember being inline at my favorite fast-food restaurant called the one and only WENDY’S!

I was trying to get a delicious Hawaiian Bacon & Pineapple fest, however, the lady in front of me started to get extremely angry that her food was taking too long.

However, what was even more shocking was how she was swearing and being extremely aggressive to the staff and demanding that she speak to the manager.

What I found silly was that this lady had just finished making her order and was already getting angry that her food wasn’t here, it’s like she thought the food was going to magically appear.

Let us not forget that according to QSR magazine’s annual Drive-Thru Performance Study conducted with Insula Research, the average wait time at a fast-food drive-thru clocked in just north of 173 seconds!!!

Seriously, that’s only around 3 minutes and 30 seconds! Backin the old days, you would have to collect wood, put your meat on a stick, and sit beside a fire and wait for ages for your raw meat to cook, and that’s without the risk of it getting stolen or going bad.

I was in front of 3 people and even I didn’t feel like the line was too long, in addition, we have technology that can occupy us for ages, we’re inside a nice cool building with friendly staff and yet we still companion and bitch, that it isn’t enough.

We live in a society of entitlement, that somehow, we believe someone, something, somewhere, is responsible for filling our lives with excitement, joy, happiness, and awesome relationships.

All these things make our life great, somehow, something, or someone, is responsible for that.

When I was deeply depressed, I was “That gloomy guy that always ruined the fun”, I was sick, tired, and deeply hated my life, and I was complaining about it, until I met Dan Lok.

When I first signed up for his webinar, I was coming in with all my negative feelings.

“The world is against me.”

“I’m broke”.

“I will forever work for money”.

“What’s the point of life you only do the same thing every day?”

“I will never have a fulfilling life”.

“The government uses us like slaves”.

“Life isn’t fair what’s the point in even trying anymore?”.

I was complaining and bitching before I even joined the webinar, and my mentor Dan Lok said to me on this webinar.

”If your business sucks it’s because as a businessperson you suck”.

“If your sales suck it’s because you suck as a salesperson.”

“If you’re not getting enough leads it’s because you suck as a marketer”.

“If your employees don’t respect you, don’t do what you say, and are lazy, it’s because you suck us a leader”.

“If your life sucks it’s because you as a human suck”.


“If your money sucks it’s because you suck as an income earner”.

And unless, and until, you take 100% responsibility for your own life, your life will suck, if you want to change your life the first thing you must learn is to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life.

That includes the level of your achievements, the results that you produce, and the quality of the relationship you have in your life right now.

Everything that’s happening in your life you’re 100% responsible for, yes, you could blame the government, you could blame the virus, you can blame your neighbors, you can blame your parents, you can blame your kids, and you could blame your location.

You could blame everybody else, but until you take charge, until you say, you know what, “If this is not working it’s my fault” nothing will change.

Here’s a great story that will summarize this for you…

Chapter 1 of my life, I walk down the street there’s a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in, I am lost, I’m helpless, it isn’t my fault it still takes me forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2, I walk down the same street there is a deep hole in the sidewalk, I pretend I don’t see it I fall in again; I can’t believe I am in the same place, but it isn’t my fault, and it still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3, I walk down the same street there is a deep hole in the sidewalk I see it there I still fall in, it is a habit, my eyes are open, I know where I am, it is my fault, I get out instantly.

Chapter 4 I walk down the same street there is a deep hole in the sidewalk I walk around it.

Chapter 5 I walk down a different street.

Stop whining and complaining!

If you don’t like your job who applied for that job in the first place?

If you don’t like your business who started that business in the first place?

If you don’t like your employees who hired those employees in the first place?

If you don’t like that you’re in debt who chose to spend all that money in the first place?


It was your words, your decisions, your actions, or inactions that created that result and you will be judged by it.

You create your results, you can watch a million inspirational speaking videos, you get all pumped up and psyched up, and all these things.

And guess what, unless and until you take 100% responsibility for your own life nothing is going to change.

You don’t like your circumstances change it, you don’t like your problem fix it, you don’t like that person get rid of them.

That’s what we have to do, if you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, and unsuccessful, please keep it to yourself.

The rest of us don’t want to know, and don’t want to hear about it, keep those sob stories to yourself.

If you’re serious about changing your life and taking responsibility for your results, I challenge you to participate in the Funnel Hacking Secrets.


Here’s how it works instead of:

❌Scrolling all day through social media

❌Watching mindless TV

❌Binge-watching your dumb Netflix show

❌Playing video games for hours

❌Lying in bed for the whole day


❌Drinking, smoking, and partying with your loser friends.

I want you to go through this life-changing training by a company called Click Funnels, the CEO’S name is Russell Brunson.

Think of this as a body and mind cleanse, upgrade, and transformation for your lifestyle, mindset, and business.

In this exclusive training you will discover how to:

✔️Upgrade your mindset.

✔️Upgrade your skillset.

✔️Upgrade your habits.

✔️Upgrade your income.

✔️Upgrade your business career.

✔️Upgrade your happiness.

✔️Upgrade your impact on this world.


✔️Upgrade your self-confidence.

❌Without having to decrease your income or time.

I know you have excuses of why you can’t do this, here’s my answer to that.

As the legendary brain expert, Jim Kwik said…

“If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them”.

– Jim Kiwk

What do I mean by this? I mean if you continue to give yourself these excuses you will forever have them, and nothing good will come out of your life.

Stop whining! Where there’s a will, there’s a way, I know you’re an intelligent person, and you will find a way to join us on this summit before we run out of space.

Ask yourself this question, what would your life look like if you took 100% responsibility for all your actions?

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )

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