Growth Mindset And Entrepreneur Motivation

“Don’t Scroll Up” 9 MUST read books for Aspiring Millionaires

HEY! Thank you for coming here and reading, in today’s blog you’re going to discover the 9 best books any aspiring millionaire must-read.

I’m sure you can agree that you want to become rich and successful right? But maybe you were like me and didn’t know where to start.

I know what it’s like, there are so many people telling you to look at this or get this.

Then in a matter of time, it all becomes too overwhelming to handle.

So I thought I would save you the time and mental energy by cutting out all the noise, and presenting you with the top 9 books to read for any aspiring millionaire.

Before we dive in, I just want to say I’m always hesitant when someone asks what do you think I should read or buy?

The reason why is that it depends on your circumstances, but today I’m going to give you some of the books that I believe will extremely benefit you.

I read a lot of books and I don’t just read books I actually use books, because, knowledge is not power, but applied knowledge is power. I try to complete at least 2 books in a month (That’s kind of my average).

Unless I’m working on some important projects, then I may take some time where I don’t read, the reason I dedicate time to reading is that…

Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.

In order to be better, you have to learn more, so let’s get started with book number…

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad. By Robert Kiyosaki

Now chances are you’ve heard of the book, or you’ve read the book, it’s a very popular book on personal finance, within the book, Robert Kiyosaki talks about the difference between an asset and a liability.

An asset is something that puts money in your pocket, and a liability is something that takes money out of your pocket.

Simply put, an asset is something that feeds you, and, a liability something that eats you.

Poor people have a lot of expenses, the middle-class buy liabilities thinking that they are assets, and, the rich buy assets.

Robert Kiyosaki also talks about the concept of creating or acquiring assets that produce cash flow.

Then you use that cash flow to fund your ideal lifestyle, now you can buy whatever you want, and, live the life of your dreams, without having to worry about money.

2. Principles. By Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio is a self-made billionaire, within this book he doesn’t just talk about money, instead, he talks about principles, he gives the reader a framework on how to make better and more informed decisions.

He teaches you critical thinking, and to be more self-aware, because nowadays everybody’s looking for the quick fix, and gimmicks, and yet most people forget about the principles.

You see principles rarely change, unlike tactics that could rapidly change, but principles are the fundamentals of what guides our decision-making process, I definitely recommend you give this book a read, it’s an amazing book.

How much proof do you possibly need!?

3. The Success System That Never Fails. By William Clement Stone

You’ve probably heard of the book Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill, and that’s a great book everybody should read, but another book that is not so popular that I think is just as critical.

Is the success system that never fails, now you may not know this but in the later years of Napoleon hill, W. Clement stone at the time was running an insurance company that was generating millions and millions and millions of dollars in revenue.

And, he actually hired Napoleon Hill to be his sales trainer for his organization, and one of the key things that I learned from this particular book is the importance of your environment, and how you structure your environment.

That doesn’t work against you, but works for you, also, I’m not just talking about your physical environment but, also who you surround yourself with and the people around you.

This is very important because willpower can only get you so far, but if you have a positive environment, you stand a better chance of succeeding.

4. Unlock It. By Dan Lok

Another book that every aspiring millionaire should read is Dan Lok’s new book Unlock It.

He’s taken some of the most important lessons he’s learned in the last 20 years and put them in this book.

The subtitle says, “The master key to wealth, success, and significance.” now what does it mean to “Unlock It”?

For some, it may mean to, unlock that potential that you know you have within you, for some, it’s unlocking the profits within your business, or for some, it’s unlocking your dream income.

Everybody’s wishes, hopes, goals, and dreams are different, but Dan Lok says that this is his most important work.

Also, if you’re a fan of Dan Lok this is the book you should read, you can get it on Amazon or in any major bookstore, so get your copy today.

5. Poor Charlie’s Almanack. By Charlie Munge

You probably know who Warren Buffet is, but you may, or, may not know Charlie Munger.

Charlie Munger is the business partner of Warren Buffett, (Also a self-made billionaire), I have read this book many times.

And every single time I go back and revisit the book I learn something new, you’re going to get all kinds of ideas, just to name a few you’re going to discover how to:

  • Make good decisions.
  • How to get good ideas.
  • How to look at the economy.
  • How to invest.

KILLER BONUS! In fact, there’s also a section on how to build a $1,000,000,000,000 (TRILLION DOLLAR) company.

That’s right, $1,000,000,000,000 (1 TRILLION) dollar company, this book is truly fascinating and powerful.

Charlie Munger is such a wise man, that you can learn a lot from, so go ahead get a copy of that as well.

(Let me put something into perspective for you).

If this book granted you access to (LITERALLY SAVE COUNTRIES!) would the price of the book even matter? Think about it, you would be the richest person in the whole world!

Would you want that?

One thing you need to STOP DOING and get out of your head is being cheap with your financial education since I have seen a lot of you who love to pinch pennies.

You will NEVER be financially free if you don’t start investing in yourself…

P.S Think about it, if this book wasn’t worth the price, do you REALLY think people would still be buying it at such a price?

Surely, there must be some serious golden information inside, that could shift you and your entire family’s life for the better…

The choice is yours, are you willing to take the leap of faith in the right direction?


Do you not care enough to make a difference in yourself and the people you care about lives?

6. The Richest Man In Babylon. By George S. Clason

Now, this book is such a little book it would take you less than one evening to finish it.

But, when I first read this book, I learned some very important fundamentals when it came to money and investing, that I still use these same principles today.

They’re not sexy, they’re not gimmicks, they’re just proven principles that won’t change today or, for hundreds of years it’s one of those classic books.

And it’s as simple as paying yourself first, don’t spend more than what you earn, and, invest the difference, some basic fundamentals that I think every aspiring millionaire should absolutely learn and develop.

7. The Little Book Of Common Sense Investing. By John C. Bogle

You see nowadays common sense is not so common anymore, and common sense doesn’t equal common practice.

You see nowadays on social media, and, the internet everybody’s chasing the gimmicks or the latest investment fad.

You know what I mean right? The type of person who yesterday it was cryptocurrency, today it’s forex trading, and tomorrow it will be penny stocks or whatever new thing that hits them. (Be honest, maybe you’re one of those people too).

A lot of people, forget the fundamentals, of what makes most people millionaires, (Stocks, real estate, and a business). And when it comes to stocks it’s as simple as putting a little bit of money aside and investing for the long term.

This isn’t the only way to build wealth, and, I’m not saying you have to do it this way or else you will be poor forever, it’s just the way I like to do it.

However, this little book talks about how you can secure your financial future, by simply putting a little bit of money aside every month, and having the power and miracle of compound interest work for you.

8. Traffic Secrets. By Russell Brunson

If I was to recommend a single book for anyone who wants to be successful in ANYTHING I would hand them a copy of Traffic Secrets hands down!

For a while, this book was unheard of… Since the author used these teachings for his private mentorship group.

However, when the beans were spilled, and the book was released I knew it would be crazy… but I didn’t expect this.

I highly recommend you jump on this to ensure you get your copy, otherwise, you may be waiting around for a second batch of the book to come back from the printers…

Hands down, this is the definitive book on traffic and driving your ideal customers, and your Dream 100 into your funnels and to your web pages.

What you will love about this book is how Russell Brunson breaks down traffic so that ANYONE can understand how to build a list of raving fans and buyers using very simple and REPEATABLE strategies.

Also, another thing that you will love is that it’s all evergreen strategies and long-term tips, tricks, and techniques that you can swipe right NOW! to build a list of buyers and followers in record time…

No matter what platform you use to drive traffic, including… Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Ticktock Instagram, Podcasts, and many more.

Russell Brunson shares the same strategies he used to take Clickfunnels from zero to over $100,000,000 in revenue in just 3 years.

And you get the same traffic formulas, scripts, and blueprints he shares with his Inner Circle, ClickFunnels Collective students, and Two Comma Club members.

He shows you step by step, how to maximize, and capitalize, on the 3 types of traffic, (find out what they are on Page 83). When you know how to drive traffic, you can dominate your niche.

Oh, I almost forgot!

If you’re a busy person, or you don’t like to read (Which you should start to like), you can grab the audio version (which I’m all about), which is available as an add-on option if that’s your thing…

In addition, you can get a FREE, 6-part video training series, that walks you through the framework to become financially free and build something that you and others can look back and feel proud of.

Come on, when are things going to change if you’re always on the fence, I beg of you to take the leap of faith in the right direction and get your copy of this book NOW!

9. Skills. Scale. Sustainability. By Adventago

Hehehe! That’s right this is my personal book, that will help you discover the invisible key to recession proofing your business and how you can massively thrive even during a terrible economy.

My book goes over how You Stay Profitable And Sustainable Even In Times Of Economic Chaos? Without Having To Shrink, Or Close Your Business, (AKA How Can You Ride The Economic Wave).

This will help you Boost The Chance Of Reaching Your Goals Faster Than You Ever Imagined Possible,

  • Without Taking Advantage Of Others
  • Without Taking On Too Much Debt
  • Without Getting Rid Of The Things You Love


  • Without A lot Of Stress Or Risk

Let me know if this happened to you…As an entrepreneur or small business owner, there have been times in our lives where we’ve heard, and we believed the idea of, SUSTAINABILITY COSTS A TONNE OF MONEY.

OR SUSTAINABILITY IS “NICE TO HAVE” BUT NOT ESSENTIAL Right…? And so, we decide to start our businesses… We go to school and get our degrees… We create courses, write our books…

Deliver value ALL day long and still have a BUNCH of BROKE tire-kicking people who won’t buy from you, AND are only looking for freebies, Whatever YOUR THING is…

Hoping that if we create the best product or service, that we will become profitable and have open doors for years to come.

And then we get hit, we get hit with some sort of economic crash or financial trouble, which unfortunately leads us back to square one, or even worse your business completely dies and is never seen again.

Is that your story right now? Is that why you’re here?

Have you created something amazing, but you don’t know to stand tall and strong in a world of competition?

Or, does your story sound a little bit different?

Maybe you have a great or average business, and you’re making enough money to “Get by”.

But the FEAR of the next market crash or scenario that drains your pocket just like so many other business owners have suffered with, is keeping you up at night.

And you’re wondering If you’ve built your company on a solid foundation…?

Have you ever thought… “If I Can’t Get A Consistent Stream Of Income And Stay In Business Even When Things Get Tough. Do I Even Have A Real Business?”

My name is Adventago and I’m the author of this brand NEW book.

I don’t anyone on this planet who is more obsessed with profits and sustainability like I am!

Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You’ll Discover For FREE Inside This Book!

Secret #1: Identity exactly WHO your Dream Customer is.

Secret #2: The business pyramid. Discover how this simple drawing that even 2-year-old could make, has generated businesses like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and many other fortune 500 companies to stand the face of time.

Secret #3: The art of persuasive wording and sales, that can attract and inspire any customer to be hot like fire to buy from you without having to be manipulative, or a creepy salesperson.

Secret #4: How to handle people, and be an authority figure that others look up to and are inspired by, even if you’re a shy person.

Secret #5: You can learn exactly, how I was able to find the right tax structure for my business, to keep Uncle Sam’s greedy paws off my hard-earned money, so you can reinvest it back into your business, to grow and serve others.

Secret #6: THE BONUS video course that is $2500.00 in VALUE, BUT you can take FULL advantage of this for a jaw-dropping price through my SPECIAL OFFER, ONLY inside THIS book.

Secret #7: BEFORE you stress yourself out ANY MORE you will DISCOVER the easy to IMPLEMENT system to AUTOMATING and DELIGATING tasks so you can grow your business BIGGER, WITHOUT having to grow your stress and headache of managing EVERYTHING.


Claim Your book NOW and take a breath of fresh air by knowing you made the perfect DECISION for the SECURITY of your ENTIRE BUSINESS.

This Truly Is A Limited Time Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before They’re All Gone…Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the book!




I hope you enjoyed this list, and it gave you a clear mind on what information you should be taking.

Also, I want to warn you, please be careful about what kind of information you take in.

It can be worse to take action on the wrong information, than not taking any action at all.

So please be cautious where you get your tips, tricks, and techniques from, and make sure they’re qualified.

Even if they aren’t qualified, make sure you do your due diligence and, think to yourself what are their motives? I know it sounds crazy but, you will come across people who…


(This includes me by the way) What are my motives for making this blog post you ask? Errrr…None of your business!

LOL, 😊 I’m just joking, I get a tiny slice from any of these books you get today.

This means, if you get any of these books today, not only do you get a book that can massively change your business and life, but you would also be massively supporting me. 💖

📚🧾Thank you for always supporting me, and I hope you enjoy your books. 📚🧾

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