Growth Mindset And Entrepreneur Motivation

CRITICAL Things You Should Know About Your Haters. & How To Stop Caring About What Others Think Of You.

I’m not even a big blogger and I already have a few haters; the minute I publish my blog and tell others about it I get someone who is trying to put me down.

I honestly don’t know how it works, it’s as if someone is sitting there with a swipe file full of hateful comments that are ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

The crazy thing is that my small number of supporters take a little longer to see my content.

Let’s put this into perspective…

You have someone who doesn’t like you, they watch your stuff every day, they interact with your content consistently… Just remember they HATE YOU!

However, if you think about it, doesn’t that make them a fan, since they’re spending a lot of time interacting with you?

Remember this…


You can post one article, do a YouTube video, or sell a product/service and one person says, “Wow you were so amazing, I highly recommend this person, they have changed my life”.

On the other hand, you do the same thing, and someone could turn around and say, “This was rubbish, you should just give up, hey everyone never to go this person!”

Do you ever think to yourself, are these two people looking at the same thing, how can this be?

The real reason is that it’s got to do with their beliefs, their mindset, and their perception of you.

Now, you’re probably wondering why do I have a coffee filter in my blog post? The reason is that this, represents how we as humans live our lives.

We all walk around with a filter, every single one of us has a different filter towards life.

Take for example right now.

I’m writing to you; however, you will interpret something completely different compared to someone else who comes across this blog post.

Because the truth is that you don’t hear what I say, you hear what you want to hear, for instance when you educate yourself on how to improve your business, you have these thoughts.

“Wow that makes sense for my business, I think I’ll use that”.


“No way, that definitely wouldn’t work for me.”

Another interesting thing about haters is that they don’t hate you, they hate themselves, usually, they have a fake name and profile picture, why is that? Because they’re hiding, they don’t want people to know who they are.

I know some of you are rather sensitive and aren’t prepared for the haters, maybe you’ve just started your business and you already have a bad taste in your mouth.

A good way to combat this is by putting your head down and reminding yourself of the big main goal, and don’t let others steer you off your dream.

“Haters gonna hate.” And sadly, there is no way around this, but what you can do is learn to have thicker skin so you can counter the bullies, trolls, and haters.

Some of you like to fight fire with fire, and attack the haters, however, this may damage you, since others may see you as the bully which can ruin your credibility.

Plus, it steals your time, think about it, you could be doing ANYTHING else with your precious time besides getting triggered by a random loser comment online.


You ignore them, this is a good strategy since silence is a strong weapon, however, don’t block out everyone, or else people will feel like you’re not interacting with them.

8 Important Tips On How To Stop Caring About What Others Think Of You.

Imagine waking up every day caring about the opinions of others, most people put themselves in a mental prison, constantly worried about what other people think of them.

It is worthless… everyone has an opinion.

But how many of them have been beneficial to you? Most people don’t even understand themselves, yet we tend to give too much weight to their perspectives.

Do not misunderstand, it’s natural to care about the opinions of people you respect and love, and you should always care about what the people in your close circle think of you.

But it’s a waste of time to care about the opinion of random strangers, because most random people don’t want to see you win, I know this sounds brutal, but unknown people that have an opinion of you don’t care about you at all.

People tend to give strangers tremendous power, by caring about their opinions, and they will take these meaningless opinions to the grave with them, along with the dreams they never chased.

While the top-tier performers know how to mute the noise, they know how to disregard the opinions of strangers and don’t give them any power.

In this blog post, we will go over 8 important techniques that will quickly help you break free from the opinions of others.

1. Don’t be afraid of confrontation.

No one else will tell you this, but it’s okay to disappoint people, and it’s okay to make enemies, you could never please everyone, and you shouldn’t bother trying.

Be brutally honest with yourself, and go after that thing you have dreamed of doing. (As long as it is not illegal obviously!)

If you try and please everyone you will never reach the ambitions you have for yourself, and even if you magically did get some kind of progress, you will never be as successful as you could have been, if you simply let the mental baggage go.

The number one way to stop caring about other people’s opinions is to have a strong backbone, you need to be okay with disagreements and even confrontation.

There are enough spineless people in the world, always stand up for yourself and for what you believe in.

2. You are limited in how much you can care about different things. Actively decide what you care about.

If you care about the negative comment of some stranger, just know that you are choosing to care about irrelevant things instead of your goals.

You will find many people on social media changing their profile bios to go along with trends and the latest news.

None of these people have a purpose or big goals going on in their life, because it’s impossible to care about your own goals, the news, and the opinions of others simultaneously.

I will say that most of the people that go along with “I support the current thing.” on social media don’t care about the specific subject they post about, or know any real in-depth information about the topic at hand.

They only care about getting online validation, but that is still caring for meaningless things.

We are all limited in how much we can care about different things, and if you care about irrelevant things, that means you stopped caring about the relevant things.

While if you only care about the meaningful things in your life, you are unable to care about meaningless things, you must actively decide what you care about, and choose what you invest your time, money, and energy into.

3. Learn to say NO! Without needing to massively explain yourself.

Saying no is an effective way to safeguard your personal space, mental well-being, and to show how much you value your time.

If you are not interested in doing something or if it goes against your values, it’s best to decline politely by saying no, otherwise, people will continue to impose their will on you, and use you for their own goals and objectives.

4. Love yourself.

Most people don’t love themselves, which is why they are always seeking companionship and a romantic relationship, they are trying to fill up a hole with a spouse, but don’t realize that only they can fill up that void.

Self-love is crucial, If you love yourself, you have no problem telling people no to their face, and you’ll have no problem being on your own, or traveling to places by yourself.

If you truly love yourself, you will not care about haters and their meaningless talk, there is great power in self-love.

5. Surround yourself with like-minded people.

It can be difficult to stop caring about outside opinions, if you feel like you’re all alone in the world, you will find more and more people trying to be “Lone wolves”. But the reality is that Homo sapiens have always lived in tribes, and it’s quite unnatural to be a complete lone wolf.

We all need to cultivate a strong, supportive inner circle, a group of people that have your best interest at heart, and share some of the same views on the world that you do.

It is much easier to stop caring about another random person’s garbage opinion when you have a strong inner circle that uplifts you, and also calls you out when you are doing something wrong.

Building an inner circle of support might seem impossible. But it can be done, however, it requires a lot of effort and time.

But the results are immeasurable, start by reflecting on the people in your life, analyze them, and identify both the ones who support you and those who drag you down.

Those that try to destroy you on your path to your goals are a bad influence, and you should get rid of them, while you want to deepen a relationship with those that truly support and uplift you.

Being a lone wolf may sound cool, but having friends, mentors, and family, on your side makes you much more powerful.

When we feel supported, we’re more likely to take risks and pursue our passions, leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

And by surrounding yourself with supportive people, you will be less likely to feel a need to conform to societal pressures and the random opinions of others, instead, you will be more likely to live according to your values and beliefs.

6. Establish your definition of success.

Every individual has a unique calling in life, and therefore success has different meanings for each person, success may refer to accomplishing a goal, mastering a skill, starting a family, or teaching someone else.

Determine your criteria for success, and identify what it takes to make it a reality, once you have a clear objective, your focus will shift to achieving your goals, which leads to caring less about other people’s unwanted opinions.

7. Stop seeking permission when you want to implement a decision concerning your life.

Don’t ask the average person whether it’s right or wrong, trust yourself to make the best decisions about your life.

Trust your instincts and your gut feeling, turning to family or friends for justification for every single choice you want to make can start to become a hindrance, by constantly seeking approval from others, you are publicizing that you don’t know what is right for yourself.

But what’s even worse is the shift in power dynamics, when you seek permission nonstop, you are handing people the power to stop you.

Do not seek permission for every little thing, especially for things that have not been done before, go forward with full confidence, you were entrusted with that vision or plan not anyone else.

8. We will ALL DIE one day.

This may sound harsh, but we will all die someday, so live your life while only caring about things that are worth caring about.

Knowing that we are on the path leading to death may sound sad, but it’s part of life, and it will make you realize you need to overcome the fear of failure or embarrassment.

Whenever you think about someone’s negative opinion, make sure you remember you are gifted with life, gifted with a body, mind, and spirit that can do anything, and understand you will die someday.

A silly opinion, no matter who it comes from, should never make you waste your life and potential.

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