I believe that the world would be a much better place if we had more people who were dedicated to innovation and making a positive difference in the world, like Elon Musk, and I also know a lot of you look up to Elon Musk. So, what do you need to do to become more...
Have you ever wondered why rich and successful people who retire sometimes kill themself? There’s no one size all reason, but for a lot of people it boils down to a sense of purpose that has now vanished. Here’s an example: Bill Gates, is one of my inspirations, I...
That’s right I said it, you’re not an entrepreneur, and you never will be! I know there’s going to be a tonne of babies telling me how stupid I am, and how their business is going to be the next Tesla, Uber, or Apple. But let’s cut the B.S and state the facts, if you...
One thing that has helped me in my business and life, is to have the decision mindset of hell yes or hell no. This could be investing in a certain asset, buying that online course, or ordering a dish on the menu. Everything should be you’re really into it, or you...
I know a lot of you don’t have to read this since you’re an entrepreneur, this means there’s a pretty high chance that you’ve gotten used to talking to others. However, this is for the people who are still a bit shy, or terrified, that their first day of being an...
There are a lot of things going on in this current time, I’ve never seen so many people work from home. I think it’s a great eye-opener that people will realize that they don’t have to commute to work every day. Or be in a tiny four by four cubicle, instead, we...