If you have spent some time on financial education, you’ve probably come across the term financial minimalism, this is the mindset and action to cut out all expenses, and only live on rice and beans. The advantage is that you can always have more focus and money on...
I’m no Robert Kiyosaki, but I’m aware that he buys a lot of Gold or AU (For all you science nerds out there), but you and I have probably asked this question before, Is gold a good investment? At first, I thought gold was only meant for rappers who wanted to...
Is it me or does anyone else go into the supermarket and see the same products for different prices and just pick up the one they see first? Or are you the type of person who stays in the shop for ages looking at the difference between why one yogurt is two dollars...
Have you ever gone into a store and said to yourself “I’m only here for one thing”, then you get jumped at by an advert? You resist the urge and go back to what you were doing, suddenly your eyes get sucked with an even better advert. You can no longer resist the...
What would you do if a random person wanted to sell you this painting, would you pay and take it? How about if the painting looked like this? Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman_III If I saw someone put this in a garage sale for $5, I still wouldn’t buy...