Best 7 Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools You Need To Know To Scale Your Online Business.

Best 7 Must-Have Digital Marketing Tools You Need To Know To Scale Your Online Business.

The other day I was auditing some of the tools that I use within my company to run everything, to do the digital marketing, automation, and everything I do on a day-to-day basis.

I added them up, I looked at them, and I noticed I have over 15 tools that I use on a daily basis to run everything that I do, I was shocked and amazed.

So, I thought you know what, why don’t I make a blog post for you for the best 7 must-have digital marketing tools you need to Know to scale your online business.

Anyway, with that out the way let’s get started, enjoy! 😊

1. is a new tool, the foundational technology underneath it is called GPT 3 it’s a subset of artificial intelligence created by the company open AI.

(I think Elon Musk funds that company), all these different artificial intelligence tools are directed more towards helping humans rather than replacing jobs in their entirety.

But this technology here can definitely help replace some aspects of what you currently need to do for copywriting.

It hasn’t really helped me with long-form Facebook ad copy, but it has helped with short-form Facebook ad copy like one or 2 sentences.

I’m constantly on the lookout for tools that give me more leverage meaning they save me time, they produce more outcomes, they help my efficiencies while retaining my effectiveness, by getting the result, and the outcome that I’m looking for.

One of these cool new tools is called…

2. TryPencil

Back in the day, there was a company called ReFuel4, there was an executive of a Facebook ad board, a Google AdWords, and a Snapchat ad guy, they all left, then they started a company called ReFuel4, eventually, that company got shut down.

But that company was really cool, it was an artificial intelligence that you link up to all these different channels Facebook, AdWords, YouTube, and Snapchat.

And what it would do is it would analyze all the creatives that you already have, you could also submit creatives into it, and it would actually create a bunch of different creatives for you automatically swap them out and it would just run A. B. tests all day long.

It would let the winner’s ride, it would cut the turds, and it would just keep swapping out the losers for more potential winning variations, it was like autonomous ad creative rotation.

I was very fond of that tool, it was also quite expensive it was about $5,000 a month at the time that tool was out.

They got shut down because of some weird compliance thing, then it got bought out and then the company that bought them out chose to shut it down for some reason.

But that’s why I was really excited about trypencil, when trypencil came out, trypencil. com is essentially the same thing as Refuel4.

It doesn’t have as much availability to distribute across all the different ad networks right now but.

It does have the availability to do it inside Facebook, Instagram, and Google AdWords, which is still quite effective for most people who aren’t branched out into all kinds of ad channels.

A third one that is extremely popular, helpful, reliable, and used by 50,000 active users is called…


The reason I love so much, is the amount of revenue that they make, flat out.

In business when you’re a for-profit organization and you make more money than your competitors and you actually care about your customers you typically invest a lot more into product development, you know what I mean right?

You invest more into new features, you invest more into the support of your community, you invest into helping the users, customer support, and things like that.

But more importantly, you have an advantage because you’ve got far more users that are making far more revenue than everybody else.

One of the big reasons that I’m a big fan of outside of the revenue that they make, and how much they can support their community is specifically because they have a speed to results that a lot of the classic ways to build websites just don’t have.

WordPress is very clunky, one plugin can update, the entire site can get shut down and not function anymore.

All because of some random plugin not supporting all the other things that you might have plugged into your WordPress site.

WordPress sites are slow, I don’t mean slow in terms of the page load speed but slow in the sense that it takes a long time to develop, I’ve got to pay developers to build it.

However, with I can simply go in as the entrepreneur and make a change to something.

I don’t need to hire a developer, spend payroll cost just to make a change to a headline, drag something, adjust a placement, increase the size, or run an AB test.

At one point I had to hire 5 developers to build my websites, and multiple sales funnels, it was absolutely crazy!

However, once I switched to Click I shrunk my team down to 1 person and was able to design things extremely quickly.

4. Upwork

Upwork is a freelance hub, I don’t use it for getting work, however, I use it as a business to outsource menial tasks.

Key payroll positions I have in my organization, for example, my graphics designer when he’s overworked.

I go to Upwork to find graphic designers that can be anywhere from $3 to $10 an hour that way I can offload some of his work.

And speed up his ability to do more high-leverage things for my company, in comparison to being bogged down with menial editing tasks.

Upwork also allows me to add him as a user so he can go in there and manage things, so I don’t have to give out logins to my profile.

In addition, I’ve saved a ton of money by outsourcing key projects to people on Upwork, I’ve outsourced legal documents, graphic designs projects, funnel projects, video projects, and copywriting projects.

There’s an unbelievable amount of things that can get done on Upwork and they’re extremely cost-effective.

Some of the cons are that they take 35 percent of whatever you’re paying your freelancers through that platform.

It’s quite a steep fee so although a lot of people like to argue that this means that top talent is going to leave Upwork and go elsewhere, it’s been untrue, I haven’t experienced that in any capacity, and I’ve still been very fond of Upwork.

5. a lot of people are aware, however, a lot of people aren’t, is a graphic design tool.

It’s kind of like how enables you to get rid of developers and pay somebody who’s faster to produce a website and you can go in and make changes yourself. is the same thing but for graphic design, an unbelievable amount of very simple graphic design projects I’ve been able to personally go to

Some of my staff members have been able to go onto and do something that we would otherwise have to pay a graphic designer to do.

It’s fast, it’s effective, it’s easy to use, it stores all my designs automatically on its website, and it’s super cheap.

There’s nothing better than this tool when it comes to graphics design, this is definitely something I’d recommend everybody to use no matter what you do.

According to business2community:

6. This Person Does Not Exist

There are a few different tools that are variations of this, a lot of different artificial intelligence platforms that have been out there nowadays have started to produce and sell people that aren’t real.

What I mean by that is a lot of the time when you’re in the advertising space or you’re just trying to find stock images, a lot of them are overused.

Therefore, it loses a lot of the exclusivity, it loses a lot of the branding, also potentially opens you up the higher costs when you have to pay real people to do things.

7. Culture Index

One of my mentors gave me this tip, it went like this…

“Hire Slow, Fire Quickly”.

And when he hires slow, he qualifies all the talent who comes into his organization with a tool called culture index.

I’ve seen this taught to many business owners, it simply and rapidly weeds out all the staff, it’s a personality survey.

Now before you say “Oh Adventago, it’s probably just like all the other personality surveys! ☹”

It’s not!

It’s the highest accuracy out of all of them, DISC assessment, Merle Briggs, the CNJF whatever the other ones are called, those all have 70 to 80 percent accuracy, culture index has 90 percent accuracy.

There’s not been one time where any of my friends have read somebody’s personality survey to them and had them disagree.

However, my friend did have this one time where somebody said, “I don’t think it’s 100 percent accurate, I want to take it again”, they took it again, and literally the results came out the exact same.

When you’re hiring staff whether it’s just a contractor that you do a one-time freelance project with, or whether it’s going to be a payroll position.

We even do this with clients, we have them take a culture index personality survey, and then we’re able to communicate to them.

We’re able to understand their motivating needs, we’re able to understand how they prefer you to communicate, we’re able to understand what their drives are.

We’re able to understand how they are as a person, we’re able to understand how much energy they have.

Whether they’re introverted or extroverted, all these different personality types, we’re able to understand their patience, attentiveness to detail, willingness to take full responsibility for whatever we give them, versus the desire to just follow somebody’s management.

All these traits matter a lot, and they’ve led to a much more effective staff in my organization that is a lot more culturally aligned in comparison to a fragmented and potentially having disagreements more frequently than what we otherwise would.

To be clear culture index is a fantastic tool, very effective, something that you use to kind of filter staff before hiring them in.

Or just to see if somebody’s going to be a good fit for a department that you might be bringing them into.

All 7 of these tools are very effective ways to help you scale your business both online and offline.

If you want some more insights and awareness Russell Brunson and I have put together this thing called Funnel Hacking Secrets.

It’s free to join, there will be something offered to you at the end however, we refuse to shove it down your throat.

If you’re not interested that’s completely ok, please still join the training so you can get some awesome tips, tricks, techniques.

This training will increase your awareness step by step, and will reveal to you some of the highest strategies that world-class digital marketing enterprises use.

This web class will hand you the keys to start, grow, and maintain your digital marketing skills, so you can grow your own business, or help others grow theirs.

Well, this is the end of the blog post, I hope you have a lovely day. 💖

I’m going to order a Pastrami and Kraut Burger with fries from Burger And Chop, this is my first time trying this restaurant, so I hope I hope it tastes good, I’ll let you know what I think about it.


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