
About Me

About Me

Interested in discovering some insider secrets about me? Well, then I’ll begin my story.

It all started when I was depressed from the ages of 14 to 16, I had no positive vision for where I was going to be in life, I felt hopeless, and angry at myself for letting this happen.

Even though I was told that “You’re still young”, “It’s not your fault”, or “I’m sure you’ll have a good life when you get older.” Nothing was able to stop the feeling of being a waste of oxygen.

We constantly witness how others have to bust their ass trading time for money, just to get a lousy salary in return.

But, the pain didn’t stop there, I was furious at the way the government uses so many tactics to exploit, suppress, lie, and rob people like you and I who are simply trying to make an honest living.

I came to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, and I wanted a way out of this.

I don’t want to go too deep into what happened, but I want to thank my family for their support, if it wasn’t for that, things would have been very different.


The thing that would change my life came in something as simple as a YouTube advert… I was on my iPad Mini with one earbud in my ear, lying on my bed on a Saturday at 8 a.m.

I was watching pointless YouTube videos when suddenly, I was greeted with this advert talking about selling me this pen.

At first, I was waiting to hit the skip button, but something about what was being said grabbed my attention.

I can 100% say that was the best decision I had made in my entire life.

The video asked me to sign up for this webinar and I did, however, I didn’t receive actual steps on what to do, instead, I got the motivation to get me back on my feet from being depressed for so long.

That webinar was 2 hours long, and I felt like that was the most useful amount of time I had spent in my entire miserable 16 years.

Also, I received a free book which I read through twice.

All these resources lead to me being overwhelmed with uplifting spirits to give life a shot again, and build a new interest which is…


Now, you’re probably dying to know who this mysterious person who uplifted me is, but before I reveal him, I want to let you know that I’m not affiliated with, or care what you think about him, this is simply my backstory.

His name is Dan Lok.

Some of you know Dan Lok well, and others don’t, but the point is that the webinar Dan Lok hosted, and the book he wrote called F.U Money.
Were the keys to unlocking myself, and inspired me to start building a lifestyle that I have dreamed of, and can be proud of, instead of being a loser for my entire life.

For 1 whole year, I started to immerse myself in getting to know what it takes to become successful online.

I would watch countless videos from great YouTubers like Graham Stephan, Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Dan Lok, Robert Kiyosaki, and Nomad Capitalist.

But, the tragic thing is that, I would keep all this information in my head and forget all of it in a few hours, and that felt like a huge waste of time.

So, what I started to do was write things down, and this helped me remember a great deal, I could always go back and recover what I wanted with no hassle.

However, another problem hit me, I was starting to have a lot of paper lying around, and the feeling of guilt started to crawl inside me, because I was not sharing these amazing tips, tricks, and techniques with other people who might be going through the same pain and suffering I once had.

That gave me an “AHA Moment!” I thought to myself “Why don’t I start a blog?! Where I could share my passion for entrepreneurship TO THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!”

There is a lot more that I could talk about that has changed my life, but this about page would be far too long.

Don’t worry, I made sure to cover the most important parts that got me on the right path.

I want to let YOU know… I am truly grateful for you coming across my website, it means the absolute world to me! I truly hope we can grow this blog, and become a massive and loving community together.

Love you all from Adventago. 😊

Special Thanks To

Dan Lok

Graham Stephan

Gary Vaynerchuk

Jim Kwik

Andrew Henderson

Robert Kiyosaki

Grant Cardone

Vishen Lakhiani

Russell Brunson

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