Financial literacy And Wealth Management

7 Powerful & Daily Millionaire Habits That Will Change Your Life & Help With Building Wealth

Did you know that according to there are 56.1 million millionaires in the world, and I’ve spent the last few years cataloging, reading countless books, going to seminars, listening to podcasts, and watching videos, studying the millionaires of the world to look for patterns.

And today, I’m going to be breaking down the patterns and the top seven habits that the 56.1 million millionaires out there have that you don’t, but you can easily copy these exact habits and see massive success in your life, and who knows, maybe sooner or later you will join the list too, anyway, let’s dive in right now!

Disclaimer: Will these tips make you rich overnight? The answer is NO!

However, these habits can literally be copied by anyone in the world, if you have a little persistence and you’re willing to do what it takes to give yourself full financial freedom by mimicking and adopting these simple seven habits into your life.

Every single one of these has made a massive impact on my life, this isn’t some random thing that I made up myself.

These are things that I’ve seriously lived, forced myself to start to do, have changed my mentality, and have changed the way that I went about doing things, which has had a massive, everlasting impact on my life, and I would never stop doing.

So, without further ado let’s get started…

7. Adding Value, Not Taking Value

What I mean by that is that most people are always thinking about, “What’s in it for me?” “What am I going to get from this person or that person, or this situation?”.

People, who are millionaires or future millionaires think the complete opposite way, instead of saying, “What do I get out of it?” They say, “What can I add to it? What value can I provide?”.

The Law of Reciprocity, (One of the most powerful influencing forces out there) is a very important thing to understand because when you add value and you help someone, that person intrinsically feels a sense of reciprocity that they must return the favor.

The more people that you add value to, the more value will come back to you, and the more people you help, the more people will help you, it’s just the way the world works.

But most people are so short-sighted, they can’t get past the fact that they’re not immediately getting something out of a situation, and in the end, they get much less than people who consistently try to add value to everyone they can.

6. Focus.

Now, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, the first time they met, were both asked, “What is the key to success?” Both of them said the same word, and that word was focus.

If you think about it, Bill Gates was not trying to learn how to be the world’s best salesman, he was doing one thing and one thing alone, and that was focusing on creating Microsoft, focusing on creating the best software company that he possibly could.

He was extremely focused, which helped him arguably become the best in the world, at creating and selling software.

Similarly, Warren Buffett was not going out there creating NFT’s, or dabbling with, cryptocurrency, baseball cards, or trying to get rich in penny stocks.

He was focusing on investing in companies that he thought were worth more than their current share price, and he was using his unique advantages and massive amounts of investor cash to take advantage of deals that only he would have access to because he had focused on investing and only investing for about 80 years.

The people who ultimately have the most financial and otherwise success are people who focus.

LeBron James was not playing football and basketball, he was focusing entirely on the game that he loved, you must look at who you admire out there in the world, what are they focusing on?

Then you can start with the end in mind and work backward and decide to focus on those same things until you become one of the best in the world.

When you become the best in the world at something, especially things that generate a lot of buzz or money, that is when you get massive financial compensation for your focus and efforts.

5. Delegation.

Delegation means that you have people do all the things that you’re either not good at or don’t want to do.

This is harder at the beginning because you have to hire people and pay them but there are many ways to get around that, just by being good at one skill, you can completely change everything and 10X your leverage, and efficiency by delegating the things that you don’t want to do.

To illustrate this, there was a funny scene when Bill Gates was on the Ellen show and he was trying to guess how much certain groceries cost.

Because he hasn’t been to a grocery store in years, since he pays people to do that, he pays people to do his dishes, he pays people to do his laundry, and many other things.

Now you’re probably saying to yourself, “Oh, it’s because he’s Bill Gates, and he’s super-rich,” but you can do this for a lot cheaper than you might think.

The more time you spend on what you’re good at, what adds value to what you’re focusing on, what is producing the money, and the more that you delegate every other possible thing.

The more time and the more energy you can devote to what’s going to bring you the results you want, the more you can get done, and the more you can get financially compensated for spending your time and appropriately delegating the things that you don’t want to do, and are not a good use of your time, or are not getting you directly closer to your goals.

4. Journaling.

Now, what journaling means to me is I use what’s called a five-minute journal, I have a word document and a notebook where I write every single morning as part of my morning routine, which is me waking up at 8:30 AM and journaling for five minutes, my whole morning routine takes about 30 minutes or less, but it starts me off the right foot.

When I journal, I start my journal by writing, what is that one thing?

Life is too complicated, and I feel overwhelmed if I don’t align myself, and focus on that one thing, the most important thing, that if I got that thing done, then nothing else would matter that day, I similarly do this for the week and the month and that’s all I do.

I don’t set arbitrary goals, I don’t do any of that stuff for a year, five-year, 20-year plan, it’s just too long, but what I do is talk about the one thing that will move the needle the farthest that day.

Maybe it’s making a YouTube video, writing a blog post, meeting investors, writing that book, or whatever that thing might be is.

The better you get at articulating and organizing your thoughts via writing, and the better that you get at prioritizing what you should spend your time doing.

The more money you’ll make, the more you’ll get done, the more efficient you’ll be, and the happier you’ll be because you’ll be making way more progress in your life and business.

3. Make, Don’t Watch.

What you’ll notice is most millionaires, especially multi-millionaires and beyond, watch very little, if any, TV, they’re not on Instagram, they’re not browsing all sorts of social media wasting hours a day on that stuff.

What they’re doing is they’re creating content, I don’t have Instagram on my phone anymore, I don’t have Snapchat, I don’t have Facebook, I don’t have Facebook Messenger, I have none of that stuff.

These apps are just distractions that suck your time out, make you compare yourself to other people, and don’t get you any closer to your goals.

However, what I do is I use those platforms to get my message out to help people and to make sure that people are getting the best possible information to become successful, in the fastest way possible.

When you become a creator rather than a consumer, what that does is it gives you so much of your time back.

I promise you, you’ll have much less stress and anxiety, you’ll stop comparing yourself to other people, and you’ll have significantly more time to do what is most valuable for your business to move the needle the fastest, and get you to the results that you want.

2. Simplifying And Prioritizing.

This is one of the most important things that took me a while to realize, I started out and I made a bunch of different software’s, I tried to add all the different features that I could possibly imagine.

Then I noticed that no one had any idea how to use it! This is very important to understand the simpler you make things the better.

Whether it’s a funnel with one button, or a funnel with just a video and a button, or a software with one functionality.

Think about Instagram all you do is post a picture, Club House, one of the most viral apps recently, all you do is you talk in a room, or YouTube all you do is post videos.

These are very simple concepts that anyone anywhere can figure out how to use, and simplicity is one of the most beautiful things you can do, whether it’s a product, service, e-commerce, or software.

It doesn’t matter what it is, if you learn how to simplify a lot of chaotic things into the single most important element, I promise you, that alone will be a massive impact on your overall financial capability and prioritization.

This is one of the keys to simplifying because when you prioritize, you’re saying no to a lot of things.

Steve Jobs said that… “Innovation is saying no to a thousand things” when you simplify things, you have to say no to a bunch of other things that people are suggesting.

But if you get better at prioritizing and simplifying, that means ultimately saying no to a thousand things so you can say yes to the one thing that truly matters.

And the number one millionaire habit that completely changed my life is…

1. Being A Forever Student

This means learning how to learn, I remember some of my relatives asking me “What did you learn at college?”.

And I admitted, “Well, I didn’t learn much because all the information is out there on the internet and in books, but what we did learn was we learned how to do our own research (Since most of the time we simply used Google to solve all our questions LOL.”)

With Google and YouTube and so many other resources out there, where you can get any information in the world, literally with just a few clicks of your keyboard.

There really is no excuse, you either make an excuse or you figure it out, and the people who are resourceful and figure out how to learn the things that they don’t know, and then quickly apply those things are the people who are going to be the most successful in life.

Because one of the most valuable things I’ve learned is that one of the keys to success is being curious, because curiosity turns to learning, learning turns to knowledge, and knowledge turns into financial freedom.

I was curious about how online businesses worked, how affiliate marketing worked, and how internet marketing worked, what that did was it drove me to learn more about those things in my free time rather than browsing Netflix or Instagram.

I learned high-value skills that I can turn into a future income, being a forever student, learning how to learn, and staying curious your whole life will lead to success.

If it’s not happening right now, trust me when I tell you, success is not linear, it’s exponential.

If you keep putting in the consistent effort every single day, things will change for you, I promise you, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

Thank you for reading this blog post, I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to fill your brain with something that will inspire you to be more in life and give you the boost you need to keep pushing towards your hopes and dreams, see you soon, and bye for now!

#KevinDavid, #HowToMakeMoneyOnline, #PassiveIncome, project life mastery, how can I get rich with no money, 7 streams of income, money wealth, you have money, project life mastery mastermind cheat sheet, create wealth, how to make $200 000 in a month, Kevin David


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