7 Inexperienced, Stupid, And Ugly, Things Poor People DO That The Rich DON’T!

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy, and hard day to read this blog post, it really means a lot.

I respect you so I won’t beat around the bush, here are the 7 things poor people do that the rich don’t.

1. Poor People Watch TV, And Rich People Read Books.

How many hours do you spend in front of the TV? And when was the last time you read a book?

How many books do you read per year? If the number is small, then you need to stop filling your Netflix watch list with movies, and start filling your bookshelf with knowledge!

2. Poor People Get Paid Based On Time, Rich People Get Paid Based On Results.

Let’s say you’re working at KFC, you may be the best table cleaner on the planet, but what value do you bring to KFC that someone else couldn’t easily replace you with? Rich people get paid based on results, not time invested.

Here’s an example, let’s say I’m working on a product I spend years creating and perfecting the product, I bring it to the marketplace, and it crashes, burns, and doesn’t make me a single penny.

Guess what? The world doesn’t care, I don’t make any money, nobody cares how much time, blood, sweat, and tears, went into creating that product, bringing it to the marketplace and the risks I took.

What the marketplace cares about is results, that’s why the highest sportspeople in the world don’t get paid based on how many hours they practice, or how much time they invested.

It’s about how well they perform; they get paid based on performance. 

3. Poor People Blame Others For Their Misfortunes, Rich People Take Responsibility For Their Failures.

For poor people it’s always somebody else’s fault, it’s the economy, the government, their boss, their job, their city, their neighbor, or their friends.

It’s always somebody else, it’s never their fault, on the other hand, rich people take responsibility, if your life sucks it’s your fault, they take responsibility for all their actions.

Do you know what’s even sweeter when you take responsibility? You gain power, the power to change, the power to do something different.

Remember, it’s a lot harder to change other people, but you can always change yourself.

By clicking this button below and getting instant access to my brand-new book you can, build the business that will fuel, the life you want, the marriage you want, and, the family you want!

I know you may have a million excuses as to why you can’t do this, but, let me stop you for just a moment and politely say, come on! You aren’t going to die, simply give this a chance.

4. Poor People Focus On Saving, And Rich People Focus On Investing.

You’ve probably heard frugal financial advisors preaching things like, don’t drink that Green Tea, and eat that bagel in the morning, try to save a few dollars here and there.

Don’t fly business class, never buy anything nice for yourself, or the people you care about and never buy dessert, or a starter at a restaurant, always try to save a few dollars.

Here’s the thing a penny saved is still a stupid little penny!

You’re not going to get rich by trying to save a few bucks, you don’t have a saving problem you have an income problem, you need to earn a lot more money so you can invest.

Here are some wise words…

“Pinching Pennies Will Give You Blisters”.

– Garrett B. Gunderson

5. Poor People Know Everything, Rich People Continuously Learn.

Poor people are very opinionated, they always want to tell the world about their opinions it could be about politics, sports, people they don’t even know, society, or the government.

Literally, everything that’s around them they have some kind of negative opinion about, instead of being humble and willing to learn.

Rich people are always learning, they’re asking questions, listening, reading books, having mentors, going to events, and using their own money to buy educational resources, they are continuously learning.

Compared to saying that I’ve got an opinion about everything, you know why poor people always have an opinion?

It’s because that’s the only way they can get a little bit of attention, it makes them feel important, and it’s a way of trying to show off that they are smarter than everyone else.

I’ll give you a perfect example, I see, and hear, people all the time complaining about politics, or who’s in charge of what.

And when I hear these grow adults wining like babies I just laugh, you’ve probably heard them say things like.

“Oh, that person is an idiot, they should be doing this, they should kick that person out, why did that person make this decision, that person’s a damn fool, if I was in power, I would do this or, they don’t know what they’re doing.”

I wish a politician would look some of these people in the eyes and say.

“When was the last time you ran a country? If you think you’re so good, why don’t you run in the next election? When’s the last time you had to lead 10, 1,000, 100,000, 1,000,000, people? Heck! You probably can’t even run your own household, let alone an entire country,

Your opinion doesn’t count, remember this, your income can only grow to the extent that you do, and your wealth can only grow as fast as you do.

6. Poor People Believe That Money Can’t Buy Happiness, Rich People Know That Money Can Buy Experiences That Make You Happy.

You’ve heard of the saying that money is the root of all evil, well my reply to that is a big fat NO! Lack of money is the root of all evil.

I want to look at the poorest countries and think about those areas that have to face big problems such as, crime increase, corruption, drugs, robberies, lack of food and water, anger, and frustration.

I love this quote I got from Pinterest; it goes like this…

You see in the history of mankind, no one was robbed in a dark alleyway by a billionaire, the reason poor people do these things is due to survival, and lack of money, which is causing the issue.

It’s just paper, plastic, or numbers on a screen, money is neutral it’s a tool, you can use it for good, or you can use it for evil, just like water, you can sink a boat, or float a boat, it’s all up to you. 

7. Poor People Have A Lottery Mentality, Rich People Have An Action Taking Mentality.

Poor people believe the only way to get rich is by buying that stupid little lottery ticket, even though they know the chances of winning are slim to none.

Yet, they still buy that fantasy, and they tell themselves.

“Oh, fingers crossed, if I win, I’m going to buy that house, quit my hated job, take my dream vacation, give my family the life they truly deserve, and finally live a life full of happiness!”

If you think like this then you’re never going to reach there, rich people have an action-taking mentality.

They believe if it’s going to be, it is up to me, I’m going to make it happen, I’m going to make myself successful!!!

I don’t need to rely on some third party, and I definitely don’t need to rely on some rubbish lottery ticket, I’m going to make it happen!!!

This is only the beginning for you to drastically change your mindset, body, finances, and overall happiness in life.

if you are serious about doing what you love to do, when you want to do it, for as long you please, with whoever you like.

Then click the button below, to grab this proven framework where I will draw out an easy, actionable, and proven, picture, on how you can turn your life the right way round, and finally succeed in your business and your life.

By clicking the button below and reading this tiny yet powerful book, you will discover how you can build a business that will fuel, the life you want, the marriage you want, and the family you want!

I know you may have a million excuses as to why you can’t do this, but, let me stop you for just a moment and politely say, come on! You aren’t going to die, simply give this a chance.

Those are the 7 things that poor people do that the rich don’t, it doesn’t matter if you enjoyed this blog post or not.

What matters is that you take action! And adopt this mindset, so you can finally live the dream life you’ve always wished for.

I wish you a lovely day, and many more, from Adventago.

(づ。 ◕‿‿◕。) づ

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