Internet Marketing Tips And Sales Training Methods

6 Things To Do Upfront When Building A Global Brand (How To Build An International Brand)

I’m sure you and I could both agree if you were to ask any average person to name the top 3 best phones they would say Apple, Samsung, And Google.

Now, why is that? Is it because they’re actively searching every day on the internet to make sure these brand names stick in their head? Of course not!

These companies have massive brands, if you want to be a big company you have to build a big global brand.

But how do you do that without spending hundreds of millions of dollars like some of these companies?

We’ll have no fear Adventago is here! In this blog post, I’m going to help you discover how to build a global brand (6 easy shortcuts to building your brand internationally).

Now, before we get started if you want to tell your story, build a tribe, change the world, and actually get paid massively for what you do, then click the button below to grab your free guide now!

Well then, are you ready to build a global brand? Awesome! Here are 6 key things you must know to succeed in having a brand-building empire.

1. You Need A Blog.

One of the best ways to build a brand, is a blog, because the more you educate, the more people get to know you.

Let’s look at the data, as you can see AdWords brings in roughly 70% of the company’s advertising revenue, Google has four billion users, and according to webfx .com Google Ads was voted number 1 for the best platform to advertise on.  

This makes sense because you can pick your landing page, be very light on the content, and just focus on your opt-ins, your product, or the service that you’re selling.

Compare this to Facebook ads, people aren’t searching top 10 best sales funnel templates, so the conversion rate isn’t going to be as high, but the cost is typically less.

Then you have something like SEO, however, you have to put a ton of content on the page, so the conversion rate is going to be lower, and then when you look at the return on marketing spend, SEO tends to produce the highest return over time.

But when you look at what portion of customers first found you through your blog, the data showing that it is blogging, and blogging is very high.

The average number of social shares per post is going down, and that’s because social networks want you to spend money.


A percentage of your organic search traffic will come from your blog, and what’s great is this type of traffic is pretty steady, if you want that traffic, you need to create a blog.

Also, where are you publishing your content? People mainly publish it on their blog, because that’s your hub, and you control it more.

Also, what leads to your biggest traffic gains? Translating content into different languages and, updating content.

Those two have led to the biggest traffic gains, and if you want to do well in blogging and gain massive brand awareness, you need to follow them.

Because the majority of the people in this world don’t search in English, they speak other languages.

And because there are over a billion blogs, Google wants to rank updated content, and Facebook wants to share updated content.

They don’t want stale outdated content, now, what’s cool about blogging is it builds a brand, it drives traffic, and it drives sales.

“But Adventago how should I get started?” Well, I recommend that you blog at least once a week, and keep in mind, it’s all about the headline.

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Just Click Here

I made quite a few that you can use COMPLETELY FREE of charge!!!

Don’t solve first, just educate, write in a conversational tone using the words you or I in sentences, use sub-heading so people can skim, I also recommend that you keep your paragraphs short to around 2 solid lines, and a maybe a tiny bit more if needed.

Kind of like this:

Who would fard that is no troubles that under to say coil, must give spurn not this makes the law’s we know no more; and man’s thousand scorns, puzzlesh is no morthy take contumely, the himself mind scorns, whethe wish’d.

(Note: This is just gibberish to display how long your sentences should be)

And spend 80% of your time advertising and marketing, I know that sounds crazy, but I’m not talking about promoting your business, like selling your products or services.

I’m talking about spending 20% of your time writing content, and 80% of the time promoting that content.

For example, getting it shared on the social web, outreaching, and getting people to link to you.

Once you’ve been blogging for a long time, and you have an audience, I suggest you spend around 30% of your time promoting your content, but in the beginning of your brand development journey, you need to spend roughly 80%.

2. You Have To Take An Omni-Channel Approach

You have to take an omnichannel approach, if you want to build an international brand, marketing is moving to an omnichannel approach.

I remember I learned something from Grant Cardone that was very interesting, he said “When we run ads on every platform, and use every marketing method that is humanly possible, our CPAs throughout all channels went down and we had a much higher ROI.”

Even though a lot of people know Grant Cardone he is continually being top of mind, it reduced their cost, and produced a better return.

If you want to go out there and start building your global brand successfully, you need to have an omnichannel approach.

Can you guess where my customers find me? Well, I have a blog, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and a book on Amazon and when I break it down, it goes like this…

1st My Blog

2nd Linkedin

3rd Pinterest

4th YouTube

5th Twitter

6th Amazon

This simply shows you that you’ve got to take an Omnichannel approach.

3. You Need To Be Yourself When You’re Building A Brand, Whether It’s A Corporate Brand Or A Personal Brand.

You’re not someone else just be yourself! You’ve got to be yourself, plan to your strengths.

Here are four things about me.

  1. I love ANY kind of cheesecake.
  2. I’m an introvert that likes to be alone inside my house and do what I want.
  3. I love to bake, however, I suck at it, but I can do some really nice raisin cookies.
  4. And.
  5. I’m a Christian.

When you look at my blog, I have a lot of images with how-to’s and data, I try to make things conversational and fun.

Also, I post images that are just myself, like me wearing a pot on my head in my kitchen.

To this very day, I don’t know why I took that photo, or what it was for, but when I ran ads using this image, it had the highest click-through rates than any other. 😂😂😂

I’m not Grant Cardone, Grant Cardone is awesome, and love his content, but I don’t try to create content like him because I’m not him, I try to do what’s me.

I create more how-to’s, top 10’s, free resources, tools, and I write more blog content, because that’s me, and that’s what works for me, you’ve got to find what works for you.

You can’t just copy me, you got to figure out what works for you.

So, what are you good at?

And whatever you’re good at, that’s where I want you to spend more time.

4. Video Is The Quickest Way To Build A Brand.

Think of a popular personal brand, who are you thinking of? Now, whoever you’re thinking of, you didn’t Google to find them, you’ve probably seen them on TV or some sort of video, and that’s why I love Linkedin and YouTube those 2 drive a lot of traffic.

Then you can take that content, repurpose it, put it on Facebook, and then re-upload those on Instagram too, and this helps you drive a lot more awareness.

YouTube and LinkedIn are the gifts that just keep on giving, and that’s why I love them.

But funny enough, my name is my most popular query (Adventago), and that’s the power of branding and videos, and YouTube consistently provides steady growth.

Here are 10 quick ways to skyrocket your YouTube views.

  • Research keywords, you can use Jim Edwards Google scraper tool in Traffic Secrets for this, type in keywords, pick the popular ones, and get started!
  • Use those keywords within your videos, and within your texts.
  • Push people to subscribe to your video, so when they start or when you’re starting your video, always tell people to subscribe.
  • Make your videos 6 to 10 minutes long.
  • Leverage email, so whenever you publish a video, email it out to your audience.
  • Use social media to promote your content.
  • Use SRT files, you can get them from places like Fiverr. com
  • Hook people, start with an awesome, amazing hook, that’s like, “Oh really? I didn’t know that, let me keep listening to find out more.”
  • And always ask for comments at the end of your videos.

5. You Need To Get Personal, To Build A Personal Brand.

What’s the best way to build a personal brand? It’s to build a connection with someone else, and when you build that connection, you’re going to do extremely well.

Now you’re probably asking, “But Adventago, how do I build that personal connection? What’s the key?”

Well, you want to get intimate, you want to be transparent, you want to truly care about people, you want to help them, you want to love what you’re doing, and all of that really helps.

What’s the second-best way to build a connection with someone?

You can go to conferences and those in-person events, nothing’s better than that, other than the online aspects, because you can do it at scale, hence I say it the second-best way.

When you go to events, and if you go to at least four events a year and try to speak, and even if they’re small events, and try to go live a few times a week on Instagram and social media, you’ll do really well, and you’ll build that personal connection.

6. Repurposing Gets You More Mileage.

I take a lot of my content and I repurpose it, and that’s what you’ll see with all my images, and that’s what they have in common.

I’ll take them, push them everywhere, repurpose them with quotes, tell people to double-tap, that model is easy, because you can use the same videos or images all over your social channels and get those likes and shares.

And you can do something similar with videos as well, I found that to works, super well too.

You don’t have to create new content to build a brand, you can just repurpose, and that’s what I do.


Your competition is doing everything they possibly can online, go take the time to learn from what’s working with them when it comes to building their brand and go replicate it.

The reality is, building a brand never stops, if you stop, people will start forgetting about you.

It takes a long time, you need to keep pushing, and something’s better than nothing, so do whatever you have, it isn’t a zero-sum game.

I hope you enjoy this, and I hope you start building a brand, if you got any value, please share this with as many people as possible.


Because the more people who are motivated to get into entrepreneurship and make products that will better the lives of everyone, the happier this planet will become.

However, we must give the youth the courage to stand out and make a difference in this world.

If we give them the tools, encouragement, and courage they need, we can create more successful business owners that will positively add to our country and economy.

I had the same thing happen to me, if it wasn’t for the kindness of Dan Lok, I would have never gotten the motivation to make my own business and educate others around the world.

All of that started because 1 person bothered to share their message with me, and that can all be possible with just 1 simple share from YOU!

Please do me that tiny favor…

Thank you in advance… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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