6 Millionaire Secrets On How To Live Wealthy In Your 20s+

1. Living Below Your Means

From my perspective, if you want to set yourself up for the rest of your life, financially your 20s are the absolute best time to live below your means, delay gratification, and save religiously.

Not to mention, practically, no one expects you to live lavishly in your 20s, anyway, you can easily get away living with roommates, driving an old car, wearing sweatpants every day, and not eating out because most people do that in their 20’s, anyway.

Embrace it, and lean into that stereotype, because you can only get away with that for so long before it starts being less socially acceptable.

2. Don’t Ignore Your Credit Score

If you don’t have any credit whatsoever right now, just go and sign up for a discover it secured credit card with a $300 limit.

Put a few minor expenses on the card every few months and pay it off in full, that’s right! Building your credit is that easy.

It’ll take you maybe 5 minutes per month to do this, and as long as you slowly add more no annual fee credit cards into the mix every 6 to 8 months and pay your bill in full and on time, you can easily get an amazing credit in 2 to 3 years for $0 out of pocket.

3. Don’t Wait For Things To Happen.


Here’s what you need to know: Nothing will happen if you don’t take the initiative to make it happen! And this is a shame because no one is taught us to go after our own goals on our own without being told what to do.

If there’s something you want – it’s up to you to make it happen, if you have a goal, you’ll need to actively work towards it.

There’s no deadline, there’s no homework, there’s no test, it’s just you, for better or for worse, you need to learn how to hold yourself accountable for everything you do, and only you will keep yourself on track.

4. Don’t Play It Too Safe

It could be in business, moving careers, relationships, or just about anything that is a big move in life, the reason why is every new experience will come with knowledge you can use in the future.

Not to mention, getting in the habit of putting yourself in uncomfortable situations now is going to make it a lot easier to continue doing that in the future, and those are where your best opportunities usually are.

5. No One Has Any Idea What They’re Doing

Just take comfort knowing that you’re not alone, if you’re still figuring things out, or if you’re disappointed because you don’t feel like you have it all figured out yet.

That feeling probably won’t go away, but once you know everyone feels the same way, and it’s normal, it gets way easier to cope with.

6. Don’t Worry About Things That Haven’t Happened Yet


Instead in your 20s spend your time thinking about the most likely scenario, and think about how you can work towards something, not how can you work away from something.

Mental energy is something that goes a long way, and if you’re wasting your time stressing about things that don’t matter, that’s less time that you can focus on what does matter and what will actually get you ahead.


I know what you’re thinking this was a little short, but today I thought I would give you a strong hit after hit of tips, tricks, and techniques, and take out the fluff.

I hope you still found it valuable, I mean we can probably both agree that it doesn’t matter how long the blog post is, what matters is the value that is inside it right? And let’s be honest (You probably don’t want to read millions of words do you?).

With that said and done, if you want the shortcut to success in your financial life, click the link below and you will get instant access to my new book called Skills. Scale. Sustainability.

Once you grab a copy of this brand-new book, I will guide you A to Z on the tips, tricks, and techniques used to keep growing and succeeding in your lifeeven if you’re a complete beginner or a business master.

>>> Of course Adventago! I want the A to Z road map to financial success so I can become a BOSS! In my 20s (And Over)  <<<

Take care, my entrepreneur friend… ( ♥ ͜ʖ ♥)

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