3 Secret Mindset’s Of A Billionaire “Discover” How To Think Correctly

According to Forbes, there are 2153 billionaires in the world out of the 7.8 billion people on this planet earth, it is a tiny percentage of the population, there are a lot of people that have a lot of jealousy and resentment towards billionaires.

Some gain inspiration towards billionaires, when I hear people say, “I want to be a billionaire, or I’m going to be a billionaire!” I don’t think most people have the slightest clue, of what it takes to be a billionaire.

You got to understand that we’re not talking about being the 1 out of 100, or 1 in 1000, not even one in 10,000, not even 1 in 100,000. You’ve heard of the saying “1 in 1,000,000” right? Well, being a billionaire is one in a few 1,000,000.

You must be that good and that exceptional, now here’s a visual representation, here’s what $10,000 (Ten thousand) dollars looks like, that small little pile.

And this is what $100,000 (One hundred thousand) dollars looks like, It’s not even that big of a pile.

He’s what $1,000,000 (One million) in cash looks like, now you might think, WOW $1,000,000! That’s such a huge number, it would probably fill an entire room, that’s not true actually $1,000,000 could fit in a large duffel bag.

And here is what $100,000,000 (One hundred million) dollars looks like. 

And here is what $1000000000 (One billion) dollars looks like.

Now as you can see it is a huge amount of money, more money than most people could imagine, disclaimer I’m not a billionaire but, I’ve had the privilege of learning from quite a few billionaires.

And, what I’m about to share with you today are simply my observations and notes that I have taken down, the most amazing part about these billionaires, that you’re going to reveal, is the way they think, and their billionaire mindset.

Today I’m going to share with you 3 major concepts that I have discovered, also, you don’t have to buy any of these ideas it’s okay to disagree, I’m simply sharing with you what has worked for me, and in my own business, and in my own career.

Everyone has an opinion of billionaires, but most of those people have never made more than 40K a year in their life, and chances are they’ve never even talked to a billionaire.

1. Money Is Not Their Biggest Motivator

They don’t do it for the money, maybe in the beginning they did, but not later on, think about it, if your goal is to simply live a comfortable life, or luxurious life, after a while, it’s very easy to lose motivation.

They don’t do it for the money, after a while they do it for something else, they do it win, they do it to make a difference, or they do it to disrupt an industry, or they do it simply because they can.

In fact, I would say that this is the key difference between a millionaire versus a billionaire, as a millionaire, once you reach a certain stage of success, once you’re comfortable, it’s easy to get complacent.

Just like a quote said, “Default is a Bitch” when you’re more successful than the people around you, this is when you start to secretly tell yourself “You know what I don’t want to work so hard anymore”.

Think about it, if you’re already living in the house you want, you’re already driving the car you want, you’re already taking the vacations you want, you’re staying in the best hotels, you’ve got a comfortable life.

If all your motivation is based on just things, you lose motivation very quickly, from my observation of billionaire’s money is simply a way for them to keep score.

Not because they are greedy, but, because they enjoy what they’re doing, and, they are good at it, and that’s why they get paid a lot of money doing what they do.

You see poor people say “DAMM! if I had that kind of money then I would never work another day in my life ”Well, with that kind of mentality chances are that’s why you’ll never have that kind of money.

Because you’re motivated by just money itself, Steve Jobs said it best, …

“I was worth $1,000,000 (Million dollars) when I was 23, I was worth $10,000,000 (10 million dollars) when I was 24, and I was worth $100,000,000 (100 million dollars) when I was 25, but they’re not that important anyway, I never did it for the money.”

2. Billionaires Understand People

From my observation, billionaires have exceptional people skills, now some of them are great communicators, some are great public speakers, some of them are world-class negotiators or salespeople.

They could get a deal, and close it successfully, now having good people skills doesn’t mean that they want to be liked all the time.

In fact, most of them aren’t that nice, they are tough, because they have been screwed over, they have been taken advantage of, they have been sued, backstabbed, and divorced raped.

They have a lot of battle scars and bad memories, they have a lot of heat right now, since a lot of people are wanting something from them, so they have a thick skin, and almost without exception they all have world-class leadership skills.

They know how to lead people, they understand people, they know how to motivate people, they know how to put a team together, and they understand that it takes people to get stuff done.

You need to know how to get people to work together as a team and not working against each other and that is tough.

I’ve also noticed that they are willing to invest time into developing key relationships, and most of them are very generous and they are willing to help people, as long as you are sincere, that you don’t have a victim loser entitlement mentality, and that you aren’t some blood-sucking leech that only wants something from them.

3. They See Things That Other People Don’t

I want you to imagine that there is a piece of land right in front of you, poor people will just see a pile of dirt or a garden, the middle class could see a house that they could live in, a millionaire might see a 4 plex that they could build.

But a billionaire could see a skyscraper, maybe with commercial real estate at the bottom part, and then condos at the top, they could build a train station, maybe they could also acquire the property next door. 

They see things completely differently they have a mindset that is called…

Resourceful without resources. “

They are very creative when they cannot do something, or someone tells them that they cannot accomplish something.

They will always find a way, they have a very compelling vision, and have a lot of clarity of what they want to accomplish, also because of that, they have that compelling vision which makes it very easy for them to attract the right people.

And say “Hey, I want to help you accomplish this vision”. Billionaires know how to paint a picture, and how to craft that vivid vision, that if you could help him, to get what he or she wants, then you will get what you want as well, it’s a win-win.

They know how to mobilize a team, they know how to motivate people, they know how to solve problems, they know how to make connections, they know how to think long term, and they think very strategically.

That’s one of the things I’ve learned.

Ali Baba has a business plan for 102 years, they are planning to be around for 102 years, and I notice when I listen to my billionaire mentors, they’re talking about a 5-year plan, a 10-year plan, a 15-year plan, or a 20-year plan.

They have this long-term vision, and they are willing to wait, they are patient and, because they think long-term, they could put themselves in positions to capitalize on certain opportunities, versus other people with shiny object syndrome, or are short-sighted.

And one more thing that I’ve noticed as a bonus billionaire mindset tip is…

BONUS TIP: They Don’t Think About Niches

They don’t think about small markets, chances are almost all of them either think nationally, how they dominant an industry in the whole country.

Or they think globally, how they can dominate an industry globally, not just locally, they don’t believe in small niches, they don’t believe in small categories, they want to be the leader in a global industry.

They think big, that’s why they are very competitive, they want to win, they want to win big, and that’s why in order to win big, they need that 10, 20, or 30-year plan, and they’re willing to pay the price and work towards that.


And those are some of my observations of the billionaire mindset, if you want me to share more of those observations with you from my notes, comment below and let me know.

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