Growth Mindset And Entrepreneur Motivation

3 Keyways To Overcome Negativity When Starting A Business | How To Deal With Haters In Entrepreneurship

Have you got a bit of a tricky situation with someone in your life who’s close to you right now? Maybe a partner, best friend, brother, sister, mom, dad, or whatever it may be.

This person is kind of against you and almost sabotaging you when it comes to building your business, they deflate you, they make you question yourself, and doubt yourself.

If you have any of that going on in your life, then this will definitely help you, or even if you haven’t, if you ever have a person, you know who has experienced this, you’ll be able to call upon this knowledge that I’m going to share with you right now.

Well then, without further delay, let’s get straight to it, there are 3 ways that you can counteract and solve this situation.

1. Take Responsibility For Your Own Actions.

A lot of people don’t respect what you do because you haven’t earned it, if you’re out there for the millionth time saying, “This is going to be the deal of a lifetime.”

And you’re not showing up in your business, you’re not changing anything, you’re not growing as a person, you’re not investing in coaching, education, and you’re doing the same old stuff that you’ve done, in the past.

Why would that person respect you? Just because someone says they’re on the biggest health drive possible, if you see them eating pizza every day, they haven’t done any exercise, and they say, “I demand you to respect my health and wellness goals, and my health and wellness regime.”

Are you really going to respect it? No, because they’re being disrespectful to themselves and their goals, they’re not showing up.

This is a bitter pill to swallow, but I’m here to help you move past whatever may be destructive to you.

Show up in your business, take responsibility for your actions, show that you’re serious, be consistent, get help, get knowledge, take action, and watch what happens to the people around you who truly care about you.

They’ll start to see a change, because a lot of people may be trying to save you.

Two different groups will be negative to you, there are the idiots who are trying to make themselves feel better, they may say things like, “Who can I tread on today to make myself feel better?” Because they lack the bravery to sort themselves out.

Or there’s the group that cares about you, and they mistake fear for danger, they may say things like. “Oh, I’ve seen you fail so many times in the past, I’m afraid that you’ll get hurt.” They see it as a dangerous situation.

If someone is trying to save you from something that they know nothing about, being serious, getting results, and showing that you demand that respect, is going to take big strides in that area.

The second thing is more for the people that are negative or a bit of an idiot.

2. How Have You Responded To That Person In The Past?

Have you let them get away with too much? Now, I’m not here to tell you to put yourself in a dangerous situation if this person is violent or overly aggressive, of course, there are different ways to handle that, but I’m not going to cover those, because I’m not qualified to deal with that kind of situation, obviously be safe first.

But if this is 95% of the situations where you’re having someone try and use you as a verbal punching bag in the sense that they want to make themselves feel better.

You must start to cut that stuff out, start to train people how to treat you, I used to be very shy and didn’t want to “Rock the boat”, I kind of allowed myself to be a bit of a doormat at a certain point in my life, people would say things and I wouldn’t challenge them.

A good way to handle this is to start to use questions, start to say things along the lines of…

“Well, that’s an interesting view, what made you think that?”


“What qualifies you to say that?”


“I notice you’re very negative about what I do, I’m guessing you have a lot of experience in that, right?”

Instead of allowing them to put you under the microscope, turn it around, so now their view is under the microscope.

What you often find when you do that is it exposes that what they’re saying is complete opinion plucked out of thin air without any solid foundation.

It’s as shaky as a straw house, all you have to do is blow some wind and that opinion falls, also they don’t want to look stupid, so they won’t raise it with you again.

And then finally the last way that you can help this kind of situation is…

3. Have A Conversation With Somebody.

I use this tactic very well with my family and friends, I used to lock myself in my room and go to work on my business, there was no money coming in, I wasn’t doing very well at the start, I hadn’t let my family or friends know why I was doing what I was doing, so why would they be supportive?

I’ve just disappeared for most of the day, the money’s not coming in, obviously, they would start to say “I want some answers about this, I want you to stop this and go and get a real job”

And to be honest, my family and friends had every right to feel that way, however when I sat with some of the people I care about and I was like…

“Listen I don’t have a chance to achieve the life that I want to build for us than what I see in this business, I want to be better than what I am now, I feel bad about the kind person I am right now, I want to provide more, can you give me 90 days to see a difference, will you do that for me?”

A large majority of my friends and family were either fully on board, or understood and gave me space.

But how could they be on board if I never explained and opened my heart to them? Don’t be afraid to do that with these types of people, because if you do these three things.

You let them know why you’re serious, you start to respond differently and turn it around on them, and you show them with your actions that you’re serious.

Then people are going to start changing their views of you, and even if they don’t, start to educate yourself by consuming content like this, and by being around positive people.

So that negativity starts to bounce off you like a shield, while you take the time to build up your confidence by gaining some results.

I hope this was somewhat helpful to you on your beginner entrepreneur journey, maybe one out of the three methods suits your personality more.

If this post was useful, I have something small to ask, could you do me a tiny favor and check out this brand new video my mentor and great friend Russell Brunson made for you?

No Adventago why should I!?

Good question, in this video you will discover?

 30 Millionaire Entrepreneurs Who Are Going To Reveal Their Day To Day “To Do’s” For Taking Their Business From Dead Broke To Success… In Just 30 Days!

Thank you for coming here I’ll catch you on the next one, bye for now

( ^_^)

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