Growth Mindset And Entrepreneur Motivation

10 Secrets Of How To Be A Happy CEO! – 10 Things Happy Business Owners Don’t Do…

There are CEOs in life who just seem to have it all, they’re in a happy relationship, surrounded by great people, have a well-established and wildly profitable business, that is making a positive impact, and living their lives on their own terms.

Is it just luck or is there some secret to happiness?

It’s not luck, and there’s no secret, happiness is tied to our habits, so it is the deliberate choices we make about our thoughts and behaviors that determine whether or not we’ll be happy.

There are, of course, external factors that can affect our happiness, but this post is about the behaviors that might be holding you back and what happy CEOs do instead.

As you read this blog post, think about your own life and whether you’re making choices that bring you joy… 😊 Let’s get started.

1. They Don’t Blame Others.

How do you react when something doesn’t go as planned? Do you roll with the punches and take it as a lesson learned? Or do you look for someone to blame? Happy CEOs believe they have control over their own lives, so they take responsibility for the good and the bad.

If things aren’t going as planned, they do what needs to be done to fix it, they don’t give up and blame others because there’s no value in excuses or pointing the finger at someone else.

2.  They Don’t Try To Force Others To Change.

Happy CEOs believe they create their own destiny, and they allow others to do the same, whether they agree with the other person’s choices and actions or not.

Just because they don’t like something about someone, doesn’t mean they expect that person to change according to their expectations.

They accept others and meet them where they’re at, finding a way to get along or work together harmoniously.

If that’s just not possible, they’ll limit their contact with that person, or eliminate them from their social life entirely, because while they won’t try to change anyone, they won’t allow others to bring them down either.

3. They Don’t Avoid Their Emotions Or Stress.

Happy CEOs aren’t happy all the time, rather, they know how to acknowledge negative emotions/stress and then allow themselves to truly feel, so that they can release those feelings instead of letting them burn inside.

After all, you can’t have the good without some bad, whether it’s anger, sadness, stress, or disgust.

They don’t suppress or avoid it, by dealing with their feelings head-on, they’re less susceptible to things like anger or resentment.

4.  They Don’t Let Their Health Go.

A lot of people have been talking about self-love/self-care these days, and that’s because it is important.

The mind and body are extremely connected, knowing this, happy CEOs take care of their physical and mental health.

Rather than having some unrealistic standard of vanity, they focus on eating nutritious food and getting adequate exercise, they include time each day to nourish and energize their bodies by getting enough sleep to ensure that they’re able to tackle whatever the day throws at them.

5. They Don’t Let Work/Hustle Completely Consume Their Life.

I’ve been hearing a lot about “Work-life balance”, In a world of constant go, go, go, it’s easy to get caught up in the hamster wheel of work.

It seems like there’s so much to do with not enough time, Happy CEOs know when to turn work off because overworking can lead to burnout, stress, anger, mind fog, and poor decision making.

Once the day is done, they can put work aside until the next workday, after all, if they’re always working, when would they find time to do all the other stuff that happy CEOs do?

Everyone is busy, but these folks are sure to make time for relationships no matter how busy work gets, because believe it or not, there are other things in life than just work… (What?! I know it’s crazy right!!! 😂😂😂)

6.  They Don’t Neglect To Address Things That Bother Them.

While happy CEOs don’t try to change others, they also don’t have a problem voicing their opinions when something doesn’t sit right with them.

Getting annoyed with others is natural, whether it’s your employees, investors, friends, or bashing heads with your business partner.

But those who hold in their frustrations are less likely to come to a resolution, so they feel miserable inside and because they haven’t said anything, the other person (Or people) rarely knows something is wrong.

7.  They Don’t Weigh All Opinions Equally.

Happy CEOs know that some people’s opinions matter more than others, and they don’t waste their time on those that aren’t worthwhile.

If someone they barely know says something critical, they may consider it because they’re always open to feedback, but they won’t let it get them down because they know that the opinions and advice from those, they admire, and trust are more valuable.

8. They Don’t Keep Petty Score With People.

It’s not a great feeling when you do something for someone only for them to bring up something bigger that they did for you in the past.

Happy CEOs don’t keep score, forget 50-50, in the best businesses, every individual gives 100%, and because they choose to surround themselves with great people, there’s rarely the opportunity to keep score of who does more.

9. They Don’t Live Their Life To Please Others.

Making decisions based on what other people think or want is exhausting and unfulfilling, since happy CEOs have a strong sense of self-worth, they don’t seek the approval of the people around them.

While they are receptive to the opinions of others, they don’t let them drive their decisions or determine their value.

This can be tough sometimes, for example, someone might feel pressured by others to do something they’re not very comfortable with, a happy CEO wouldn’t give in to peer pressure, or hesitate to speak up and say no.

They have strong boundaries and values and stick by them, sometimes happy CEOs’ decisions might disappoint others, but they’re secure in their convictions, and trust their instincts.

10. They Don’t Put A Dollar Amount On Success.


Who wouldn’t like a big house, fancy car, lavish dinners, large company, and being able to travel around the world? Sure, money can buy all those things, but the happiness that those things bring is temporary.

No matter how much fancy stuff you have, it can’t provide genuine happiness because there will always be something bigger and better, and money isn’t nearly as enjoyable when you don’t have special people to share it with, or give it to make the world a better place.

True happiness can’t come from material possessions and happy people know this.

Instead, they value the important things, like the quality of their relationships, their self-worth, everyday pleasures, the little things in life, the positive impact they are making on the lives of their customers, employees, and others around them.

These are what will remain after the novelty of all the bright and shiny stuff wears off.

Happiness is usually about simplifying things, doing less of the insignificant, knowing what’s important, and then focusing on those things.

While it is a good thing to seek self-improvement by learning new things and adopting new habits, it’s just as important to recognize and release the behaviors that aren’t making you a better, and happier CEO.

Hey there, thank you for reading this blog post but don’t go just yet I have a tiny favor to ask of you, could you lend me your email address?

Now, I know what you’re thinking “Adventago, why do you need my email address?” Well, it’s quite simple.

I want to say a massive thank you for taking time out of your busy day to give this little blog post a read, so as a bonus for sticking until the end I have a little present for you ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

It’s a brand-new book I just finished on that walks you through the simple steps on how to…

✅ Stay Profitable And Sustainable Even In Times Of Economic Chaos.

✅ Rapidly Create An Even Bigger And Better Business During These Crazy Times.

✅ Boost The Chances Of Reaching Your Goals Faster Than You Imagined Possible.

​⛔ Without shrinking Or Closing Your Business.

​⛔ Without Taking Advantage Of Others.

⛔ Without Taking On Too Much Debt.

⛔ Without Getting Rid Of The Things You Love.


⛔ Without Stress Or Risk.

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