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In your soul understand there’s so much money out there, there’s not a lack of money out there, there’s so much abundance.

However, I want you to ask yourself this question “What are some of the things that I’m doing right now to bring in multiple sources of income?”

Maybe you’re doing drop shipping, maybe you’re trying to make money from the stock market, maybe you’re doing day trading, maybe you’re doing real estate, or maybe you’re doing affiliate marketing.

You do so many things, do you know what you become?

A jack of all trades and a master of none.

How much money, be honest, are you making from each thing?

Instead of trying to make a little bit of money here, a little bit of money there, a little bit of money here, a little bit there, you never get good at anything.

Imagine this, let’s say you want to learn martial arts, and you want to master the art of fighting.

This week you’re going to go take a Taekwondo class, next week you go take a karate class, the week after you go take a boxing class, and then next month you go and take a Wing Chun class and then you take a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class.

How good would you be after five years, on all these skill sets, and all these martial arts?

Not very good.


Because you never took the time to master just one thing, you learn a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of this, a little bit of that, you never get good at anything.

Tell me, why do you do so many things? Just pick one thing, focus before you’re rich, then diversify after you get rich.

  1. Income is king, no one talks about this, enjoy life, as long as your first goal every year is to increase your earning ability, your high-income skill by at least 10%.
  • Your second goal, every year is to save more than you saved last year.
  • And your third goal, every year is to increase the amount you save in terms of a percentage of your income.

That’s the most important piece, if you’re making 40K, and you save 10% it doesn’t mean anything in 20 years.

You must keep increasing your income, and every year you want to save more, so you can invest more, and have never-ending generational wealth.


Before you leave, as a thank you for reading all the way to the end, I would love to share these 3 quotes with you.

You’re more than welcome to take a screenshot of these quotes, and save them to your phone, or share them on your social media. 

(I’m not asking for much, however, I did put a lot of time and effort into these, so please do me a tiny favor and share them with others… Thank you.) 😊

👇 👇 👇

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